New York Governor Cuomo has let on that he will be announcing by week’s end that parts of New York State will begin phased loosening of virus restriction’s…
While the largest relaxing will be for upstate New York…
Mayor’s and County executives sending their plans to the governor’s office for approval are close to joining the upstate area’s in meeting the governor’s standards for partial reopening ….
The new fatality numbers for the entire state is 161. and hospital stays due the virus at 488 , down from the thousands during the peak in mid-March…Social distancing and mask usage is still gonna be in effect….
New York’s virus numbers have steadily declined...
New York is no longer the leader in new virus infection numbers , as other state that did NOT institute strict ant-virus action’s see their numbers climb…
In traveling around local area’s one does see more and more businesses that had been closed re-opening…
The governor is sure to hope that his state’s economy may just be warming up from a virus freeze….
New York regions need to start preparing for the reopening after the “Pause” order shutting down nonessential businesses expires on Friday, Cuomo said, while touting improved indicators in the fight to control the virus.
“Some regions are ready to go today,” mainly upstate, he said, and he counted Long Island among areas that “are very close” to meeting reopening requirements, though he did provide details.
He outlined again a plan indicating that local regions have to monitor a set of seven key state criteria to track trend lines on issues like infection and hospitalization rates and availability of hospital beds and supplies if a resurgence of the COVID-19 virus were to occur.
“”Now the decline has gotten to a point where we are just about where we started the journey” in terms of infections and the death toll of the virus and “…we have abated the worst by what we’ve done” in practicing social distancing and observing other precautionary measures “…and local regions all across the state should start to prepare” for a reopening.
“This reopening phase is locally driven, regionally driven and regionally designed,” Cuomo told reporters.
He said indicators including new hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients, daily deaths, and intubations are all down — some of them to levels that the state saw at the very start of the crisis….
The Boston Globe
Governor Charlie Baker said Monday that the state plans to reopen its economy in four phases beginning around May 18, though data on coronavirus infections and hospitalizations will determine “whether we actually hit that goal.”
Italy registered the lowest number of new coronavirus cases in over two months on Monday