I’m following the NY Times live blog on the arguments before the high court of if Trump’s financial records can be turned over to the Manhattan NY DA’s office , If President ‘s are immune to ANY legal actions while in office, and can Congress do oversight of a sitting President’s actions….
Put more bluntly – i.e. in terms of potential attack ads from Biden that the Trump re-election campaign doesn’t want to see – the tax records will show whether Trump had taxpayers subsidize his hush payments to keep women accusing him of affairs from speaking out during the last presidential election.
Live U.S. Supreme Court Arguments: Trump’s Tax Returns
Join us for live analysis as the Supreme Court hears arguments about whether President Trump can block subpoenas to his accountants and bankers from Congress and New York prosecutors….
I didn’t hear the arguments but I would be greatly surprised if they made Trump release his returns.
I’ve read some speculation that they might issue some “guidelines” then bounce the case back to the lower courts to rehear.
The beauty of that course is it gets the S.C. off the hook for any precedent setting decision and almost guarantees that nothing will happen till after the election.
And if Trump is defeated?Then it all might be moot and if re-elected?He might not care too much.Frankly I have never quite understood his reluctance to release the returns.
What?He didn’t pay much tax?His “base” will applaud him for sticking it to the tax man(a favorite Right Wing bugaboo).He has a bunch of deals going with Russia?”Theyve shown little interest in Russian meddling in the last election .Why would they care about that?Anyway Trump can just blatantly lie and his acolytes over at Fox News will echo whatever lie he tells.
The Fox News viewer?”Damn lyin’libruls!”
I was following this on the NY Times live blog and looked a few other comments…
It appears that the court isn’t too inclined to back up the DOJ view that a setting President has blanket immunity from much of anything…
The Bill Clinton case has thrown out civil immunity …
RBG mentioned the ‘he shoot someone in Times Sq and walk’ as something that is unacceptable…
The request by the House for info NOT from Trump HIMSELF , but 3rd parties seems clear cut me as a layman…
That info was BEFORE trump became President and DOES NOT involve him doing a damn thing…
TWO appellate courts have ruined that info SHOULD go to Congress…
A failure to affirm these lower courts would mean that Joe Biden RIGHT now has an immunity from any legal requests?
The justices ARE worried about the flip side of the Manhattan DA’s case…
They are worried that in ruling to accept that a sitting President DOES have to produce for a state legal action?
Joe Biden as President could be the subject of Red state DA’s frivolous legal attacks….
It goes BOTH ways….
The court IS worried because knucklehead Trump with his unusual assets for a President coming into office has looked for blanket immunity for EVERY DAMN thing…
They dow NOT want to issue a ruling that would clip any future President, but they cannot just let a President do what Trump has done which is ignore any oversight by Congress…
Tough calls coming at them…
And politics IS is involved in this…
I believe Kagan and Solitmere worked in the Manhattan DA’s office and Kvanaugh for the Clinton impeachment…
More summary on the High Courts look at Trump’s taxes and financial info….
“After more than three hours of oral arguments Tuesday morning, the Supreme Court seems unlikely to grant President Trump the sweeping total immunity he has asked for while fighting subpoenas for his taxes and other financial records,” Axios reports.
New York Times: “The court’s ruling, expected by July, could require disclosure of information the president has gone to extraordinary lengths to protect. Or the justices could rule that Mr. Trump’s financial affairs are not legitimate subjects of inquiry.”
“But some of the justices’ questions raised a third possibility: that the court could return the cases to lower courts for reconsideration under stricter standards. That would have the incidental effect of deferring a final decision beyond the 2020 presidential election.”…