Gonna be a LOT of drugs coming out in the next year that will be able to work against the virus…
The immunity from the llama’s seems to not be long term…
More testing is in store and?
The issue’s will be availability, cost and politics…
Winter is a 4-year-old chocolate-colored llama with spindly legs, ever-so-slightly askew ears and envy-inducing eyelashes. Some scientists hope she might be an important figure in the fight against the novel coronavirus.
She is not a superpowered camelid. Winter was simply the lucky llama chosen by researchers in Belgium, where she lives, to participate in a series of virus studies involving both SARS and MERS. Finding that her antibodies staved off those infections, the scientists posited that those same antibodies could also neutralize the new virus that causes Covid-19. They were right, and published their results Tuesday in the journal Cell.
Scientists have long turned to llamas for antibody research. In the last decade, for example, scientists have used llamas’ antibodies in H.I.V. and influenza research, finding promising therapies for both viruses…
The researchers are hopeful the antibody can eventually be used as a prophylactic treatment, by injecting someone who is not yet infected to protect them from the virus, such as a health care worker. While the treatment’s protection would be immediate, its effects wouldn’t be permanent, lasting only a month or two without additional injections.
This proactive approach is at least several months away, but the researchers are moving toward clinical trials. Additional studies may also be needed to verify the safety of injecting a llama’s antibodies into human patients….
I would think that the chances are much better,as we have already seen with Remdesivir , that the chances are much better that there will be more medicinal type treatments to lessen the severity or length of the virus in the near future than a vaccine.
Even if and when a vaccine is approved ,it is likely that ,rather than offer blanket protection ,it will be more like a seasonal flu vaccine that will require yearly inoculations and offering a certain degree of protection ala the flu vaccine or lessening the severity of symptoms.
Yup on limited immunity likelihood right now…
Herd immunity will also work against the virus…
The Llama
Ogden Nash
The one-l lama,
He’s a priest.
The two-l llama,
He’s a beast.
And I will bet
A silk pajama
There isn’t any
Three-l lllama.
Priests and ministers (and politicians) issue tracts.
I think you want to stop the disease dead in its tracks.
Thanks for the right track!
He, he, he…