People where back in the streets for the 5th night ….
The protest ‘s reminiscent of back in the 60’s where country wide…
There were video’s of cops vs protestors, some protestors protecting cops, and a increasing amount of arrests….So places had more whites then blacks and there have been reports of white nationalists trying incite even more violence or destruction of property….
The nations’s White House has also had protestors at its gates….
White Donald Trump has talked tough about defending the White House…..Joe Biden is calling for calm to a nation angry about police brutality and other social, health and economic pain….He pointed out that burning down your neighbourhood does not help your cause or yourself…
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is condemning the violence associated with protests over the police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, saying that while the nation is in pain, “we must not allow this pain to destroy us.”
Biden said in a statement early Sunday that the past few days have “laid bare that we are a nation furious at injustice.”
“Every person of conscience can understand the rawness of the trauma people of color experience in this country, from the daily indignities to the extreme violence, like the horrific killing of George Floyd,” the former vice president said.
He added that protesting such brutality is “right and necessary” as well as an “utterly American response.”
“But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not,” he said.
“The act of protesting should never be allowed to overshadow the reason we protest,” he added. “It should not drive people away from the just cause that protest is meant to advance.”…
“We are a nation in pain, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us,” he said. “We are a nation enraged, but we cannot allow our rage to consume us. We are a nation exhausted, but we will not allow our exhaustion to defeat us.”
Biden said if he is elected, he would help lead the conversation, and listen.
“I will keep the commitment I made to George’s brother, Philonise, that George will not just be a hashtag,“ he said
“We must and will get to a place where everyone, regardless of race, believes that ‘to protect and serve’ means to protect and serve them. Only by standing together will we rise stronger than before,” he added. “More equal, more just, more hopeful — and that much closer to our more perfect union.”
President Trump, whom Biden is expected to face in the November election, also condemned the violence in remarks on Saturday….
Donald Trump on the protests……..
Despite sending out some inflammatory tweets Saturday morning, President Trump maintains he is “not at all” concerned his words might stoke racially-motivated violence in the wake of protests over George Floyd’s death while in police custody earlier this week, claiming that his supporters “love African Americans,” The Week reports.
Said Trump: “MAGA loves the black people.”
“This is like Charlottesville all over again. He speaks and he makes it worse. There are times when you should just be quiet. And I wish that he would just be quiet.”
— Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D), quoted by Axios, on President Trump….
image…Boston Herald/AP
An excellent message, very Presidential, filled with empathy. November can’t get here soon enough.
Completely agree. The choice is clear. It’s not left vs right or Democrat vs Republican. It’s having a decent President again who calls on our nation to always be better. Or four more years of Trump.
That’s our choice.
True That Scott….
The way to That is by voting….
Protests won’t change things by themselves…
Amen Keith….
We must vote for Biden and remove the Racist in Chief.
Trump has been told by close in people that his combative comments are not helpful for anything….
Knowing Trump?
He’ll double down….
Jonathan Swan: “People close to the president, including several senior White House officials, have privately expressed concerns that his incendiary response to the Minneapolis riots will hurt him with two groups that could remove him from office in November: independents and suburban women. These are groups who already tell pollsters they don’t like Trump’s tone, even if they like some of his policies.”
“One adviser said they saw it as the president’s worst moment since Charlottesville.”
“A senior White House official, who typically likes it when Trump takes tough law-and-order positions, described the tweet as ‘stupid.’”