Nice headline….
Has NOTHING to do reality….
American lawmakers and Joe Biden do NOT under just about ANY circumstances want Donald Trump brought up on ANY criminal charges…
What Trump does AFTER leaving office is something entirely different
Some progressive might enjoy the spectical…
But THAT simply is NOT what a President Biden needs. for the Office of the President..
In this country?
We do NOT go after ex-President’s. for their actions IN office…
(If Democrats win majorities in the House and Senate?…There could be probes into Trump & Co. actions while in office…But lawmakers like Biden have to be careful of how far to go….Things turn around quick in politics and collateral damage is always possible)
Granted ….None have been the likes of Trump…
But we just do NOT want top start something that could chill the entire country and it’s political system…
There is NO law against it…
And no one has flaunted the idea like Trump….
But when the camera’s go off?
Even Joe Biden is NOT gonna put HIMSELF in place where he could have the same come back to haunt him…
Mark this one as bull shit for effect, not for action…
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Thursday said that if he is elected president he would not use his power to pardon President Trump or stop any investigations into the current president or his administration.
“It is not something the president is entitled to do, to direct a prosecution or decide to drop a case. It’s a dereliction of duty,” the former vice president told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell in an appearance on his show “The Last Word.”
“It’s hands off completely,” Biden added on how he would handle Trump investigations. “The attorney general is not the president’s lawyer. It’s the people’s lawyer. We never saw anything like the prostitution of that office like we see it today.”
President Nixon, the only president to ever resign from office, was pardoned by his vice president and successor, President Ford, after Nixon stepped down following the Watergate scandal in 1974.
Ford would go on to lose the 1976 general election to President Carter…..
A Biden admin is gonna be REAL busy dealing with a unpaid down economy/virus recovery, and undoing the damage Trump has done…They won’t have much time to do a lot else….
But one would think with all the media leaks and tell all books?
Some Trump people are gonna need lawyers….
The rumor is that if Trump loses to Biden he will resign in early January, thus allowing for President Pence to pardon him during his three week administration.
THAT seems likely Scott….
A President CAN Pardon a person for ANY Federal crimes listed….
They cannot be overrulled or overturned…
They are supposed to imply guilt….
The Arizona Sheiff Arpaio was unsucccesfull in trying to have Trump’s pardon erase his conviction…
I don’t know. If Trump as a lame duck became only the 2nd President to resign that would be a clear sign he knows he is guilty.
Does he have that much self awareness?