This dog is going with Sen. Amy Klobuchar as the pick…
She fits the bill as someone who would loyal and could step into the presidency if need be…
While Sen. Kamala Harris was my first choice for Biden’s pick?
Several things I see as negatives have come up…
The primary reason for Harris to be in the final round is her mixed race….
East Indian and American Black…
But that isn’t so important really…
Joe Biden WAS Barak Obama’s Vice President….
In South Carolina , where Biden essentially won the Democratic nomination?
He BEAT Harris hands down….
Biden also will Obama covering his back…
Harris also has some turbulence from blacks in California for her actions as a DA and Attorney General there …
She has slo just aligned herself with Bernie Sanders $2,000 a month payout to Americans that didn’t even make the final new Pelosi stimulus bill rollout…
Sen. Klobuchar on the other hand has more positives for Biden…
Longer time in the US Senate….
MidWesterner form Minnesota …
Good debater….
Not a media hound…
Biggest Plus?
Someone who could work BOTH sides of the aisles with Congress, something Joe Biden WILL be doing to the chagrin of progressive Democrats of the Sanders vein…
The Minnesota US Senator DID have some staff issues during the campaign though….
I would like to see Mary C Daily of the San Francisco Fed as his VP. I listened to her speak about the economy last week on Bloomberg and she was amazing…I know she is an economist, but she is one that is really grounded to reality and not simply and academic. Talk about having a VP that would be good for the economy…
I am sure she isn’t even on anyone’s list other than mine, but I could listen to her speak all day as she had a great way of communicating. Would be a bipartisan pick and a great story..high school drop out to Fed Chair…to VP…shit I would rather her as president than Biden…
She probably wouldn’t help in minority demographics (but honestly, Trump has helped ensure that most minorities won’t vote for him anyway, the ones that due, well they must be blind and deaf because that is lunacy (that could go for anyoen still supporting this guy as well)), but she is lesbian, woman, white and comes from mid-west working class family…