Somewhere Donald Trump is smiling…
Dr. Fauci is just noticing that the country IS reopening and that people, having being at home for 2 months HAVE to start trying to get back out in the world, cautiously…
The good doctor is also aware that the economy is gonna be problems for America…
Treatment drugs are already going out to hospitals and doctors and several vaccine will be following as early as September ….
Reopening is entering a risky new phase as some states open up even as coronavirus cases continue to rise.
At the same time, public health experts are acknowledging that stay-at-home orders cannot last forever amid rising fears of economic devastation and are instead urging a slow and measured approach to reopening as the country moves forward.
“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said on CNBC on Friday. “We had to do that when we had the explosion of cases, but now is the time, depending upon where you are and what your situation is, to begin seriously looking at reopening the economy, reopening the country, to try and get back to some degree of normal.”
As most of the country moves to reopen in some way, there is a wide variation in how states are faring. Some sparsely populated states, such as Montana and Vermont, have been doing relatively well throughout the crisis, and some larger states, such as Washington, have gotten high marks for tamping down the virus.
Other states that had large outbreaks, such as New York and Massachusetts, are now seeing declines in new cases but are proceeding slowly and cautiously in reopening. Some reopening states, such as Georgia and Missouri, have so far avoided spikes in cases.
On the other hand, there are warning signs in states such as Alabama, Arkansas and North Carolina, which are reopening even amid a rise in new cases….
image..US News & World Report
Yeah what does Fauci know?
We ve got a real “expert” like you to make such statements as:
“Treatment drugs are already going out to hospitals”
Reality:There is only one “treatment “ that presently exists,Remdesevir, that must be taken intravenously and has been shown to possibly shorten a hospitalized patients stay by three to four days.Besides that one, there are no other “drugs.”
“…several vaccines will be following as early as September.”
Reality:There are numerous vaccines in the experimental phase.No vaccine has bern proven ,as yet, to be effective against the virus.Several pharmaceutical companies have claimed that IF their vaccine proves to be effective ,then they would move into hyper production mode.There certainly is no guarantee that any of them will be effective .Accordingly, this is a total misstatement of fact.
Conclusion?Our resident “expert ,”who condescendingly mocks the “good doctor” Fauci is as we all already knew….A clown.
The treatment drug IS. going out to hospitals thank you….
Knucklehead Trump had the malaria drug going out and THAT wrong ….
I have quoted links that announce that one vaccine should be available in Sept. and one in Oct….
I have also noted that all are pending trials…
I have also noted that several of the first versions have provisions to pump out millions of doses pending expedited trials…
My statement’s have be based on linked pieces…
I understand ur nitpicking….
But my basics ARE from sources….
I am “nitpicking?”
I’m quoting you.
Your comments were totally misleading .There are no “drugs.” There is one an it’s only available to hospitalized patients.For those non hospitalized?Take Tylenol.
As to your claim that you”noted all are pending trials ,”concerning vaccines?Such is nowhere in your declarative sentence,”…several vaccines will be following..”which ,once again, is a total misstatement .No one knows that any of these vaccines work.
Just uh “,keeping it real” one of your favorite lines.
You should be thanking me!
Thank you for backing my comments on several vaccine’s coming….
The malaria drug , the Gilead drug and yea Tylenol IS there….
I didn’t “back” your lie about the vaccine.There presently is no vaccine ,nor is there,as yet, any evidence that one is “coming.”So quit lying about what I said.
However , I see you believe in Trumps malaria drug.Thats good to know.
You’re always babbling about Trump being in an “alternate universe?”You’re right there with him
It’s ALWAYS enjoy our conversations….
Me believe in Trump idiocy ?
He, he, he