Around my way?
People wear masks inside stores and if you are gonna be within six feet of people outside…
Donald Trump doesn’t has worn a mask except for a short time in a Ford plant that makes virus equipment…His Secret Service protectors and the Ford people ALL wore masks…
Biden went out yesterday to pay respects to our men and women who gave their lives in war and he and his wife, who is a doctor, wore masks…
They where not aa shame of the masks wearing…
They where protecting themselves and accepting the action as part of the effort to defeat the virus that has taken so many lives…
Around the country some look down on the masks….
While we don’t LIKE having to wear the things?
We do so to go out to the world and be safe…
THAT is a strength ...
Not a weakness...
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden amped up their ongoing spat over wearing face masks in public on Tuesday with Biden calling the president an “absolute fool” for stoking controversy around the use of masks.
The beef began Monday evening, when the president retweeted an image that appeared to mock Biden wearing a mask in his first public appearance in months because of the coronavirus pandemic.
“This might help explain why Trump doesn’t like to wear a mask in public. Biden today,” Fox News political analyst Brit Hume wrote in the tweet. Alongside the tweet was a close up of Biden, with most of his face obscured by a black mask, wearing his signature aviator sunglasses, during a visit to a Delaware memorial for U.S. military personnel.
While Trump didn’t add his own comment to the retweet, the president has been accused of stoking a culture war over the kind of face coverings now recommended — but not required — by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to slow the spread of coronavirus.
Several weeks ago, when two White House aides tested positive for the virus, masks became mandatory in the West Wing for nearly everyone — except the president. Trump has repeatedly eschewed masks on his growing number of public outings, instead taking a drug not proven to treat or prevent coronavirus.
Trump finally donned a face mask for the first time last week when he visited a Ford plant in Michigan where masks are required, though he only wore his mask in private, telling the press traveling with him that he didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing him wear it.
Biden had sharp words for the president over what he called a lack of leading by example, accusing Trump of “stoking deaths.”
“He’s a fool, an absolute fool to talk that way,” Biden told CNN’s Dana Bash in his first in-person interview since having to hit pause on traditional campaigning due to the virus. “I mean every leading doc in the world is saying you should wear a mask when you’re in a crowd, and especially when you know you’re going to be in a position where you’re going to inadvertently get closer than 12 feet to somebody.”
He accused Trump of caving to “macho stuff,” the argument advanced by some opposed to wearing masks that doing so is a sign of weakness. “That’s not going to increase the likelihood that people are going to be better off,” he added later….
Cornyn disagrees with Trump on this. Was on instagram wearing a mask and encouraging others to do the same.
If you notice ?
Most lawmakers, Trump staff and even the Secret Service people ARE wearing masks…
Trump is being himself and trying to rekindle the anti-government stuff he used back in 2016 to get over…
On the whole?
It isn’t work9ing this time…
Most Americans (82%) say wearing a face mask is at least somewhat effective in limiting the spread of COVID-19, but just 28 percent believe they are very or extremely effective. Those who don’t think face masks are effective are the ones who aren’t wearing them. Two in three of those who see some effectiveness say they have worn a face mask; only about a third of those who don’t think they are effective have worn one….