THAT support ‘bounce’ didn’t last long, eh?….
Maybe he should stop doing the daily pressers?
A majority of Americans now disapprove of President Trump‘s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, according to a new poll.
An ABC News/Ipsos poll released Friday found that 47 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the response while 52 percent disapprove.
That is a reverse from two weeks ago, when a majority approved of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, 55 percent to 43 percent.
In the past two weeks, the number of coronavirus cases across the country has skyrocketed, with many cities beginning to report cases doubling every 4-5 days.
Places such as New York City, Detroit, Boston, New Orleans and several others all fall under the doubling case trends, according to data from The New York Times.
Combined with growing rates of cases, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Thursday the state would exhaust ventilator stockpiles within a week.
The vast majority of Americans, 89 percent, said they are somewhat or very concerned about contracting COVID-19, up from 79 percent two weeks ago, the poll found.
People are also in nearly unanimous agreement that their regular routines have been impacted since the outbreak began, with 91 percent reporting their schedules have been altered in some way.
The poll also showed that more than half of Americans, 56 percent, said they don’t expect their regular routines to resume until after July 1….
This Mona Charen column is very good
Even Rasmussen,usually the most favorable poll for Trump, has his overall approval down to 44% with 52% now disapproving
Rasmussen was less favorable than Gallup and others two weeks ago and one week ago as well.
Historically they have been the most favorable poll to Trump.
That’s a well known fact.
Indeed, Trump has singled them out on many occasions when he wanted to brag.
A GOP poll in Georgia shows Biden only trailing Trump by 2 points.
Terrible for Republicans if that holds. If Georgia is that close on Election Day North Carolina and Florida are likely already in the Dem column.
Joe Biden isn’t gonna win North Carolina , Georgia or Texas no matter how many people go to the hospital or don’t have jobs i feel…
As we have heard for the last few years …
And Jack can remind us…
Those Trump voters are against the concept of DEMOCRATS.,
Alfred E. Neuman could be in the White House
They’d vote for him…
It’s the swing states Biden HAD to get…
I think NC is very much in play and there is the potential for many states to all swing away from Trump at once.
Every 4 years some doppy pundit says NJ is gonna go red and every time Jersy doesn’t…
Dem’s had the convention there in NC And still lost the state…
For those state’s?
I’ll believe it when i see it….
Obama won NC in 2008. Romney improved on the Republican vote across the country and won NC but it was still fairly close.
NC has a Dem Governor. It’s not the same comparison to NJ. There are of course more and more “Yankees” moving into NC every year which would make it more Democrat if present trends hold.
Of course, if Trump loses there, the election is already over. It’s quite possible it will happen.
Granted u are correct
I know of more New Yorkers moving to NC then Florida these days..
But they do tend to be Trump supporters getting away from a more diverse NY metro area
North Carolina has been one of the closest states (decided between 2-3 percent or so) in the last three elections.
Hard to compare it to New Jersey–which regularly goes to the Democratic nominee by 10-15 points.
The “Dumbass of the Year Award” which was presented to Brian Kemp will have to be shared with Bill deBlasio
I said there have been thousands that have had the virus from early this year that will never be counted…
A year or two from n ow when the ‘scientists and analysts ‘ finally get some sort of REAL numbers on this?
I suspect things will look a whole lot different then we assume today….
It was Dumbass of the Day.
And I gladly accept DeBlasio as the winner of today’s award.