Democrats are increasingly worried that Joe Biden simply does NOT have enough free media presence..
Some feel that a Vice President pick story could bite into Donald Trump’s constant name and face rolling across the media due to his virus appearances everyday…
Biden has said he’ll be narrowing the filed down to make choice ‘soon’…
Democrats are pushing Joe Biden to select his running mate sooner rather than later, saying this would give him more time to raise funds and unite the Democratic Party ahead of the general election fight against President Trump.
Presumptive Democratic nominees typically announce their pick before the party’s convention. But with the coronavirus pandemic sidelining the campaign and pushing back the Democratic convention from July to August, Democrats say an early pick could boost Biden.
Democratic strategist Michael Trujillo said he’s all for an early announcement because it would “give the Biden campaign an infusion of campaign donations” and double the campaign team’s power.
“She can help raise more money, get activists engaged, do one-on-one interviews in key media markets and build more enthusiasm for the ticket immediately,” Trujillo said of Biden’s potential running mate, who the former vice president has said will be a woman…
The possible downside is that the V-P candidate would be exposed to journalistic investigation and to opposition propaganda for 5 or 6 months before the election, instead of a couple of months.
Were Mike Pence more conspicuous, with a clearer image in voters’ minds (cf. Dan Quayle or Dick Cheney), any negative coverage or campaigning could be balanced against the present incumbent V-P. (“I know Jack Kennedy; Jack Kennedy was my friend; and you, sir, are no Jack Kennedy”). But Pence is so vague and colourless that such a contrast can’t easily be drawn.
Very Good point DSD on a Biden VP focus…
But a someone who COULD handle the scrutiny could be a game changer for Biden?
In my view, too many are treating this as a campaign just like any other.
It’s not.
Indeed, you can take the playbook out and throw it away.
While, as has been pointed out second term elections are usually referendums on the incumbent,this one will be much more so due to the pandemic.
If the polls are to be believed,Biden seems to be doing fine without all this “exposure “ that some seem to crave.
Biden should take his time and be deliberate.
I agree that Biden seems to be holding his own off the Trump fuckup’s…
My Worry?
He lays back and cruises while Trump keeps sucking up all the attention (Bad or Good) and then we have 2016 ALL over again…
Biden MUST sharpen his game and engage Trump and Republicans, even if it’s around the margins right now…
He cannot let Trump operate in vacuum …
Well I guess Biden will lose.
He, he, he….
I KNOW you don’t want to believe Biden will lose…
How can he do that James?
This is a lot like your constant blathering about “Democrats getting the vote out” on Election Day.
How does Biden “work harder” to get more notice during the media cycle?
Please tell us?
He makes sure he gets in media channels in those swing and rust belt states…
He spends money (Bloomberg) money doing organising calls to those in the states…
He reaches out to state pols securing support..Then makes sure THAT is broadcasted within the state and nationally…
These ARE ALL things u would know…
I’m gonna keep play my hand on this…
It’s NEVER too early and Trump IS sucking up most of the political oxygen…
And even if I get the message just out here and on twitter an other places?
I will feel I’m doing MY part…
Yeah I’m sure Bidens campaign people read your comments for political advice daily.
Keep “doing your part!”
He, he, he….
Can U image THAT!!!🤪
Biden IS out with stuff like this…
But it seems buried?
On Wednesday, Biden laid out nine “key elements” of his clean energy plan, which keys in on how air pollution, which disproportionately affects communities of color and low-income communities, is linked to a higher risk of death from Covid-19, according to early research. The vice president also pledged to “hold polluters accountable” — something Sanders has long called for throughout his presidential bid. Biden said he will direct his EPA and Justice Department to pursue cases against polluters to the fullest extent permitted by law and signaled he could seek legislation to hold corporate executives personally accountable….
The less Biden is on tv right now, the better.
This is one modern campaign where the “front porch” or in this case “basement” strategy may be the smartest one.
He’s done quite well in interviews I’ve seen.
Still holding out for your third party candidate CG?
Meghan McCain all but admitted she will be voting for Biden.
You are one of the few people to say he has come across well in those basement or webcast interviews.
His biggest strength is connecting with people up close at the ropeline, etc (provided they don’t dare question him in any way) and he can’t do that now and can’t shake hands, so it’s best to just let people get sicker and sicker of Trump on their own and work on turnout infrastructure.
His “acceptance speech” will likely be in an empty room and he will read it off a teleprompter, so that will be fine, considering the circumstances.
I would probably bet money at this point that general election debates will not happen. Maybe one VP debate in an empty studio or from remote locations.
Well I’m grading on a curve. He’s never been a wordsmith. But he comes across as likable and competent. Something sorely needed. I’ll crawl over broken glass with a smile on my face to vote for Joe Biden because he is the one person standing in the way of four more years of Trump.
Scott, did you watch all six episodes of “The Plot Against America?”
I agree that Biden is no great wordsmith.
This campaign isn’t going to be about that and frankly I doubt that anybody will give a damn .
CG is right…
Biden does better in person…
He needs to stay visible
Anyone who wants to vote for Biden will not be criticized at all by me. That is their choice and my choice is mine and that is what America is all about.
No, America is all about removing this incompetent orange piece of shit from the White House, because it is in our Nation’s interest to do so.
The only way that can be achieved is by voting for Joe Biden. Any other vote is a vote against our Nation’s interests and survival at this point.
Biden hitting or near 50% in battleground states
Pennsylvania: Biden 51%, Trump 44%
Michigan: Biden 51%, Trump 44%
Wisconsin: Biden 50%, Trump 45%
North Carolina: Biden 49%, Trump 46%
I Like the polls u have here Scott…
Not bad 6 months out…
Link on the Scott PPP polls…
Here are some new Public Policy Polling surveys in four key battleground states:
Pennsylvania: Biden 51%, Trump 44%
Michigan: Biden 51%, Trump 44%
Wisconsin: Biden 50%, Trump 45%
North Carolina: Biden 49%, Trump 46%
Here’s a new Susquehanna Polling and Research poll:
Pennsylvania: Biden 48%, Trump 42%
Ezra Klein
To add to this: On this day in 2012, in the RCP average, Obama, the incumbent, was ahead of Romney, the challenger, by 3.5 points.
Today, Biden, the challenger, is ahead of Trump, the incumbent, by 5.9 points.
Perhaps Dems should panic a bit less, and Republicans a bit more?
Quote Tweet
(((Harry Enten)))
I’ve seen four polls from PA in last 24 hours: Biden +6 (Ipsos), +6 (Susquehanna), +7 (PPP), +8 (Fox News). Three from MI: Biden +7 (PPP), +8 (Ipsos), +8 (Fox News)… Take em or leave em, but they are there.
And YES…
The more people vote for Biden?
The better his chances…
“The more people vote for Biden?
The better his chances”
You don’t say?
He, he, he….
Wasn’t THAT profound???
After the above post?
It’s time to take a break.
I agree Jack. I hear some hand wringing over Biden not being “visible”–even though with almost daily interviews, video chats, etc he is as “visible” as any candidate could be during this pandemic.
And the latest polls show Biden widening a lead in the battleground states of PA, MI, FL, and WI.
Those polls are against others that show a much tighter race in the swing states…
Remember how Hillary Clinton sat on her ass and lost?
FOX News poll Michigan–Biden 49%-Trump 41%
Pennsylvania-Biden 50%–Trump 42%
Quinnipiac poll Florida–Biden 46%, Trump 42%
Reuters/Ipsos polls
Michigan: Biden 46%, Trump 38%
Pennsylvania: Biden 46%, Trump 40%
Wisconsin: Biden 43%, Trump 40%
Thanks Scott…
But THIS is also in the mix…
Trump and Biden are deadlocked in six key 2020 election states, CNBC/Change Research poll finds
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are locked in a tight race in six states that will shape who wins the White House in November, a new poll released Wednesday found.
The Republican incumbent and apparent Democratic nominee are virtually tied in the battlegrounds of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to States of Play, a joint CNBC/Change Research survey of swing states. Trump edges Biden by a 48% to 47% margin across those states, the poll found….
Biden IS gonna HAVE work harder to start having a presence in the media in THESE states…
Dueling poll results are NOT something I’m comfortable with…Neither should you or Biden be either
Don’t you ever get tired of endlessly repeating the same canned talking points over and over.
Biden will never work “hard “ enough for you.
And where do you get this one?
Your old whipping boy..the “media!”
I AM pushing the remembrance here that Hillary Clinton sat on her ass and lost…
You betcha Jack…
I’m NOT gonna get tired on this until Biden wins…
I get it that after Hillary’s loss you are gun shy. But 2016 and 2020 are two different animals. There’s an old adage about fighting yesterday’s war today.
As Jack mentioned any reelection campaign is more about the incumbent than the challenger. Do people feel confident or comfortable with having the current President at the helm for another four years.
For Obama, GW Bush, and Bill Clinton that answer was yes. How the public viewed Romney, Kerry or Dole was less important.
This election is likely to be more so. It helps that Biden is a figure that through his own experience with heartache exudes sympathy at a time when Americans will be looking for that. But in the end this election will be about Trump. Do people want him in office another four years. Right now that answer is looking like “no”.
Biden must work to get out the vote as Keith HAS done and to grab back some of those Obama to Trump people…
I hate to say it…
He WILL be better because he isn’t Hillary….
So now you’re saying Biden is sitting on his ass James?
You said he needs to be more visible and I asked you for some suggestions on how he might do that. Do you have any?
Anyone can say a candidate should do this or that, but you got any suggestions on how he might become more visible. Just because you don’t see what he’s doing with local media, especially in the Midwest, doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it.
NO YOU”RE saying that….
And yes he’s sitting in his basement on his ass….
While sitting on his ass?
He needs to keep talking to the camera so that they can do what said about sending his face and other things out to the states…..
I gave suggestions…
Although I have to agree about discarding any playbook, Wikipedia gives as examples of front-porch Presidential campaigns those of James Garfield (1880), Benjamin Harrison (1888, narrowly lost popular vote but carried Electoral College), William McKinley (1896) and Warren Harding (1920).
In the 1920 campaign (and perhaps offering a distant parallel to Joe Biden’s basement-trapped campaign this year), Eugene Victor Debs was still in Federal prison in 1920 (for advocating resistance to the First World War draft) but came in third on the Socialist ticket, winning over 900,000 votes (3.4% but no Electors). After his inauguration in 1921, Harding pardoned and freed Debs.