Efforts to contain the virus have been going on for a month in some places..
Restrictions HAVE been successful in curbing the spread of the virus….
But as the weather gets better and people naturally want to go outside and socialize?
Things will get more difficult for Governor’s…
We DO have Republicans and Trump people involved in the effort in Michigan where Democratic Gov Gretchen Whitmer has been giving Trump a hard way to go…
(CNN)Thousands of cars descended on Michigan’s state capitol building in Lansing on Wednesday in an organized protest against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest guidance on how citizens needed to deal with the ongoing threat posed by the coronavirus.
Withmar is having bad press right now…
That I would assume…. Is the LAST thing Joe Biden needs…
I’m not saying she is the best candidate for VP. But to say the Biden campaign needs to steer clear of ANY controversy is a bit silly.
Tim Kaine, God love him, was as free of controversy as it gets. And he was the most forgettable VP candidate in recent memory.
Interesting you mention Kaine.Not only was he uncontroversial, he was eminently “qualified”(whatever that means).
Unfortunately ,there’s no evidence he added anything electorally wise to the ticket.
Indeed ,had Clinton had aBlack VP candidate?That could easily have increased the minority turnout in Pa., Wisconsin and Michigan a few percent and she would have been elected.
I have stated my support of Kamala Harris for the VP slot.Absent something unknown that would disqualify her?I actually think it’s the obvious choice.
Kaine was the ultimate “good on paper” candidate.
As you note Jack, extremely qualified–a mayor, governor and US Senator. He just drew zero excitement.
I don’t blame Hillary for choosing him. Hell he was the one I wanted her to choose. But as you note considering the turnout drop off in large cities in key rust belt states an African American VP could have helped with that.
What about Sherrod Brown, the supposed “runner up?”
Brown would have been a better choice than Kaine yes.
After everyone’s impression proved to be a credible factor in the 2016 — that Hillary Clinton was somehow unlikeable — my instinctive aversion to Kamala Harris’s style suggests to me that she would not in fact be the best choice for VP.
It’s more, as we just found out in the prehistoric phases of the 2020 Dem. nomination contest, than just filling in demographic slots (cf. Geraldine Ferraro, Sarah Palin), although I readily grant that Sen. Harris, who has never run a state or a city, is still far more qualified than late Rep. Ferraro, let alone Sarah Palin.
[Were I being parochial and sentimental, I would of course have <to cheer on a Berkeley-born Yellowjacket from Berkeley High School. I never attended BHS but I passed it by many times, admired its terrific theatre programme, and later learned that one of its baseball coaches was Pumpsie Green, the man who finally integrated the American League’s last holdout: the Red Sox.]
Ok DSD ….
I ll agree with u….
Harris DOES come across as aggressive and abrasive…
My wife see’s the same thing as u in her …
Harris has another issue…
There are reports that blacks in California are not happy with her time as a DA and the AG in California …
Keith could probably give us more on this…
Harris IS mixed like Obama …
With just a few years in the Senate she’s a little short on experience…But Obama had less in 2008…
Klobuchar is a MidWestner…
And that might not make black ‘s happy
She also i believe was a prosecutor …
But she certainly is smart and solid…
Progressives are NOT gonna be happy Amy as the pick…
If people saw today’s post on Biden’s pick?
The polling says people aren’t so worked up on the woman choice….
But Biden would get screwed i’d think
if picked a male like Cuomo…
A name I heard mentioned is the Mayor of Atlanta.
It might be considered a longshot, but she was a Biden supporter early on and maybe he appreciates that above other factors.
The ticket would be Biden-Bottoms.
No comment
Harris and then Klobuchar ARE 1 and 2 in my view ….
I have gamed both out here in the VP/Biden posts…
Both have pluses and minuses …
Ok Scott.,..
You DO have a good point
Click this link and look at this picture of Trumpublicans protesting in Ohio, It’s like something from Dawn of the Dead!
Trump Republican’s inspired…
But people ARE getting antsy….
Governor’s gonna have tough call.,
You’ve been antsy ever since this whole thing started.
We ALL have…
Anyone ever have a job where they are asked to literally do 10 times as much work with half the resources with the same deadlines?
I may become a Communist pretty soon.
They still want us to email every day whether or not we have any COVID-19 symptoms.
I don’t, but what if my blood pressure is like 190/130? I wonder if that would matter.
You need a union.
Why not contact the AFL-CIO?
Better yet?The Teamsters.
A few visits from a Teamster “organizer” might change their attitude!
I sort of already played that card by threatening to just stay home and use all my sick and vacation days if they did not get me out of the building and allow me to work from home and implied that others were ready to walk out too.
(I got access the next day)
Of course I knew that would also be a case of “careful what you wish for,”
since i am stuck at home anyway, I definitely did offer to work OT over the weekend to help in some small way, but that was denied, and as an hourly employee, I am not going to work for free.
And get him fired…
What’s the “tough call?”
DeWine will in Ohio .
Those faces that Scott posted above?
Those are “his” people.
Those are the people who thought DeWine was a horrible RINO fifteen years ago and maybe they will again now too.
So, from what I gather, Trump is now claiming that he can forcefully recess Congress on his own accord and then get everyone he wants approved via recess appointment.
Would be a bold attempt. I guess he and his people don’t give a damn that a Democrat might be President again one day and maybe pretty soon.
Well I doubt a fellow wearing a Trump hat voted for the Democrat.
Most ,if not all of them ,voted for DeWine.
I would bet a bunch of them voted for Sherrod Brown over DeWine in 2006 when DeWine was unseated in a landslide.
Yeah .
You better realize…
Those people are the face of the Republican Party.
They need better masks
I expect to see scenes like that repeated increasingly across the country as the Trumpists are figuratively declaring “war” on these damn “libruls” who are making them do all this unpleasant stuff.
What’s humorous about this whole episode is that DeWine ,for the most part ,has implemented measures that Trump at various times has endorsed!
I am sure !however !that if confronted with such, any of those folks would deny Trump ever did any such thing and denounce the one so informing them as a “Lyin’ Damn librul!”
I haven’t even stepped outside since Sunday night. Maybe I will be brave enough tomorrow after work.
How do u eat?
I mean get food smart ass….He, he, he
Mostly with a knife and fork,
(The plastic kinds work just fine and no dishes to do)
I “get” food from my fridge or freezer or pantry, etc.
Betsy DeVos now serves as secretary of education in Trump’s administration.
Whitmer tried to tie Betsy DeVos specifically to the proposed protest this week. There’s no evidence that the secretary is linked to the protest; the executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund denied that DeVos herself was at all involved in the effort.
Again, though, the politics are complicated. The DeVoses have focused on combating government interventions, particularly when the government is helmed by Democrats. In this case, they’ve targeted the Democratic governor — who’s enacting a policy that is broadly endorsed by a Republican president. The link between the DeVos family and this protest is indirect, though the political sentiment instilled in the Freedom Fund shines through. It’s similarly evident in the protesters themselves, a group broadly supportive of Trump but not of Whitmer. That despite the differences between the leaders being ones of scale and partisan identity.
This is precisely the line that Trump is trying to walk: encouraging skepticism of Democrats and boosting the idea that the shutdown should come to an end — but cognizant to at least some degree of what happens if the shutdown ends too early….
I wonder in Michigan if people are still allowed to drive to a different residence to do their laundry? (Yes, I have been driving back and forth for laundry reasons, but I am not staying there while the machines do their thing)
It seems safer than going to a public laundromat or using one in a shared building with strangers.
Summoning and proroguing Parliament and colonial assemblies was a deeply contentious, even bloody, issue long before the Constitution was ratified: few people wanted to surrender the power to decide when legislators could meet to another Charles I, Oliver Cromwell or George III.
But the Framers’ language, in Article II, section 3, seems to grant a little leeway, especially when the Senate’s leader is so deferential to the President, and the Speaker of the House so hostile.
“He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.”
Our resident attorney-at-law could probably furnish some enlightenment. There must be a substantial case history of precedents and expositions since 1789.
I just know that between this and the “total authority” over the states comment, that if Obama had been the one saying those things, those cheering on Trump now would literally be calling for a military coup and he would be all over the internet chanting “Sic Semper Tyrannis.”
I read that that bringing Congress back he wants to has NEVER been done?
They could screw him and NOT vote in some the people…
No, just the opposite. He is saying he can forbid Congress from meeting… they really aren’t meeting now because of the health crisis, but are considered in session technically, ie the Congressman in the mask and gloves gavelling the House into a Pro Forma session.
What he is suggesting has never even been considered.
More on protests…
Signs of unrest are emerging across the country as Americans grow tired of social distancing measures that have prevented innumerable deaths but disrupted their everyday lives and cost millions their jobs.
Demonstrators have held protests in a half-dozen states this week, with more to come. A suspect broke into a small business in Washington, D.C., where passersby looted more than $2,000 worth of wine. And several major cities have seen spikes in calls to suicide hotlines as public health officials warn of the toll the coronavirus pandemic can take on mental health.
Update on Michigan Governor’s power ….
Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens ruled that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) emergency declaration and accompanying stay-at-home orders were legal, a big initial win in a case that may end up at the state Supreme Court….
We discussed this…
To early?
Maybe a spike up…
To late?
Economy/Budget disaster
And if more protests?