Whenever your states restrictions ARE lifted…
It will be up to each individual to do what THEY think they are comfortable with…
Things are NOT gonna just jump back to the old normal right away…
There are very few of us that haven’t be affected by this ….
The numbers do cut by political party also…
Almost 60 percent of American voters are worried that lifting restrictions too soon will lead to a spike in coronavirus cases and deaths.
According to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Sunday, 58 percent of registered voters expressed concern about a loosening of restrictions, as compared with 32 percent who worried that the restrictions would stay in place for too long. Three percent said they were concerned about both scenarios.
There were partisan divides on the topic, some of which have been reflected in recent protests around the nation in places like Ohio and Michigan. While a clear majority of Democrats (77 percent) and independents (57 percent) are more worried about the coronavirus, Republicans are very much divided on the issue— with 48 percent expressing more concern about the economy and 39 percent more worried about the pandemic. Different states, of course, have different restrictions, some much stricter than others.
The poll also indicated increased concern that the coronavirus would have a direct personal impact: 33 percent said they were “very worried” that the coronavirus would strike someone within their own family, while an additional 40 percent said they were “somewhat worried.” Those numbers are up from 15 percent and 38 percent, respectively, in a poll released March 20…..
LA Timed
Disney stops paying 100,000 workers, looking to save $500 million a month
I occasionally peruse nutty right-wing Facebook pages just to see what these idiots are saying.
On one called Gateway Pundit someone remarked that these protests need to be much larger than the current 100-200 jokers. He called for thousands to march at each event. . Someone else commented that would be great but said he worried that if someone got sick after one rally the “liberal media” would blame it on the protest and fewer would show up for other events.
Well gee if fear of getting sick prevents thousands of “patriots” from protesting the temporary orders meant to keep people from getting sick what chance does “liberty” have?
Damn “librul “media!
This is all their fault!
Trump era “conservatism.”