While the media focus IS on the virus numbers?
The longer lasting problems will be the economic ones…
There are a LOT of businesses that are closed and not coming back…
There are LOT of companies that are NOT gonna be the same size they where before the virus layoffs…
There are gonna be a LOT of people N OT going back to work for a long while…
That is gonna also see those people NOT paying their bills…
There are gonna be a LOT of governors with YUGE holes in their budgets and less payroll and less business taxes coming in….
A National Bureau of Economic Research survey of small businesses finds that when firms are told to expect a one-month crisis, the expectation of remaining open by the end of the year hovers around 70% across all industries with the exception of Arts and Entertainment, and Personal Services. In those industries, the expectation of remaining open drops to 65% and 57% respectively.
When firms are told to expect a six-month crisis, the average expectation of remaining open falls to 38%, and there is significant heterogeneity between sectors. The expected survival probability for firms in Arts and Entertainment drops precipitously to 35% if the crisis lasts 6 months. The expected probability of being open for Personal Services firms fall to 22% if the crisis lasts six months.
The restaurant industry seems particularly vulnerable to a long crisis. Restaurateurs believe that they have a 72% chance of survival if the crisis lasts one month, but if the crisis lasts six months, then they expect to survive with only a 15% probability. Likewise, the chance of survival for firms in tourism and lodging drops to 27% by the 6-month mark….
The push from conservative groups aims to put pressure on President Trump and the nation’s governors to relax stay-at-home orders and other measures aimed at slowing the spread of the virus that threatens hundreds of thousands of American lives. Trump this week plans to launch an advisory committee that is supposed to help him plan how to try and jump start the economy that largely shut down after the pandemic spread in the United States, but his group so far appears to be largely made up of his cabinet and senior advisers….
This is Trump’s get back to work group….
It appears to be a joke…
This guy at the podium should be in a straightjacket.
Trump claims “total authority” over all the states.
So much for federalism, “states’ rights”, the 10th Amendment, etc.
He’s doing his best to kill the Republican Party alright.
Well if that’s the case the Republican Party has a death wish.
The Trump Republican backed Supreme Court candidate in Wisconsin is losing.
This is despite the Republicans and conservative courts doing all they could to reduce turnout by forcing in person voting during a pandemic
Good news for anyone who opposes Trump.
Milwaukee Democratic turnout is way up over 4 years ago despite the number of polling spaces dropping from 180 to less than 10.
the worst part is the video airing at the press conference that totally re-wrote history about the President’s response…it is scary to see that at a federal government press briefing…
4 more years of this guy is beyond scary
The concept of the video is disgusting but it’s about the fourth most outrageous thing to come from his appearance today.
This is a horrible time for the country and the world. Luckily, I am nowhere near as adversely affected by this as compared to many but I am under a lot of stress with work right now and am in full Trump derangement mode like never before.
Vote Biden to end this madness.
Mr. Trump, have you even read the Constitution ? If not, I know of someone who would be glad to lend you his copy.
He doesn’t read….
Just watches cable news….
James, know you thought the Bloomberg Opinion piece I sent you was bullshit about California calling itself a nation-state, but the reality is popping up all over the place with these regional pacts of governors developing opening back up their regions…this shit is real…it ain’t sessionable territory, but to have that type of regional coordination during a national crisis shows just how far this guy has alienated certain sections of the country…will it last, well November will change that story, but if their guy goes out, then sectioning off of the country may then shift to the other regions…
we aint the United States any more…
Hey Bdog?
Exactly where those regions start and end has been a long-running debate, but according to author Colin Woodard, the United States can be divided into 11 distinct sub-nations.
Woodard mapped out the regions in his 2012 book “American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America.” Some of his regions might sound familiar, like the “Deep South”; others might surprise American readers, like his “Midlands” region that stretches from New Jersey to northeastern New Mexico.
Recognizing the distinct values of each region is critical to understanding the United States, Woodard said.
“The country has been arguing about a lot of fundamental things lately, including state roles and individual liberty,” Woodard, a Maine native, told Business Insider in 2015….
California has been fighting with Trump for a while…
No state can get by without $$$ from the Feds…
Remember Californians pay taxes to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT…
Newson is just talking shit…..
As a governor he can only go but so far…
The California income tax and sales tax (not paid to the Feds) are quite substantial — although obviously California doesn’t want to finance a navy or an air force.
California pays more into the Federal system in taxes than it gets back from Washington. I’ll take the trade. Before the pandemic our growth rate was larger than the national numbers. An argument could be made that they need us more than we need them. Not sure what shit Newsom has been talking. But he and the other Democrats on the West Coast have taken decisive action to flatten the curve.
In other news, despite the Republican voter suppression efforts the Democrats kicked their asses in Wisconsin.
The Republican defeat in Wisconsin is huge. It shows that voter suppression can backfire when the people are pissed off. And they are pissed off now!
I expected Kelly the conservative justice endorsed by Trump to win . To see Karofsky beat him by 100k votes is huge.
Oh and Biden up 10 over Trump in Arizona.
I’ll post the Arizona poll….
No report of a spike in virus in the state so far which should be used to stop the post phone the November election bull shit…
Keith ?
Newsom HAS been strong in trying lead the state in the opposite direction from some of Trump’s assine policies….
But in the end?
California like every state IS subject to some edicts from Washington….
It’s part of the union…
People need to change the head…
The body will follow…
Why the question mark James? Are you defecting again. We were correcting your misstatement. One of many about the relationship of the Governor’s responsibilities in this pandemic.
And I agree with Scott, only one way to get rid of Trump.,
My bad Keith…
IF it is a good one….
(Fuck Him..But we DO want a Good One for the American Peoples’s sake!)
That “council” that Trump has really gives one confidence doesnt it?
I mean Jared Kushner,Ivanka, Larry “blow” Kudlow,”sleepy Wilbur Ross?
What could possibly go wrong with this bunch helping “dear leader” Trump,in his words,”call the shots?”
Andrew Cuomo pushed back at the authoritarian Trump saying in effect that if Trump told him to reopen New York in a way that would endanger people he just wouldn’t do it.
What exactly would “dear leader” do?
Besides rant and rave on the daily propaganda hour?Nothing.
At root,Trump like most of these Right Wing blowhards is a coward and that’s why he practices all that crazy bs.Impresses his servile followers ,but really has no practical effect at all.
Face it,Right Wingerx?They like themselves some crazy!
It has been pointed out that Trump want’s the comeback both ways….
Good one ?
He tell everyone HE DID IT!
Spike in the virus numbers?
It was the governors!
The guy NEVER takes responsibility for his screwups!
Sure he will.
What’s new?
Family members are out….
Trump said Monday night that neither of his family members serving in top White House roles, son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump, would be part of the new economic council.
The roster of potential names has changed repeatedly over the past week, and Trump allies and advisers have floated their own recommendations publicly. Fox News personality Sean Hannity nudged the White House on air to appoint Art Laffer, the supply-side economist close to Trump, while other advisers have urged officials to include Stephen Schwarzman, the chairman and CEO of Blackstone who has his own relationship with the president…
Art Laffer?
The fool that proclaimed cutting tax rates increases tax collections ?
That’s worked how many times?Hint….zilch
Hell,Ivanka would probably be better than him!
My acct has informed me that MY and my wife taxes owed will go up some more for last year due the damn 2017 Republican tax ‘give away’ law…
Update from Fauci…NOT Trump & Co….
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said Tuesday the U.S. does not yet have the critical testing and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation’s economy, adding a dose of caution to increasingly optimistic projections from the White House.
“We have to have something in place that is efficient and that we can rely on, and we’re not there yet,” Fauci said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Fauci’s comments come as President Donald Trump and others in the administration weigh how quickly businesses can reopen and Americans can get back to work weeks after the fast-spreading coronavirus essentially halted the U.S. economy. Trump has floated the possibility of reopening some areas by May 1 and said he could announce recommendations as soon as this week.
Fauci said a May 1 target is “a bit overly optimistic” for many areas of the country. Any easing off the strict social-distancing rules in place in much of the country would have to occur on a “rolling” basis, not all at once, he said, reflecting the ways COVID-19 struck different parts of the country at different times….
Governor’s HAVE said they must have testing capabilities in place to cut back restrictions..