Representative Jim Clyburn (right), the highest-ranking African-American in Congress, announced in Charleston that Joe Biden (left) was his choice for president, praising his integrity. Photograph: Travis Dove/New Yor
The man almost singlehandily helped Joe Biden to win the nomination by delivering the South Carolina primary to him, says that Joe Biden will be alright with him even he doesn’t pick a black female as his Vice President running mate….
Why do I think that somewhere Amy Klobuchar is smiling?
Joe Biden’s remarkable comeback from the depths of a fifth-place finish in the New Hampshire primary to all but locking up the Democratic nomination this month can be traced to his overwhelming support among black voters. And one critical endorsement — from South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn — helped reinforce that support at a tenuous moment in his candidacy.
As Biden now takes steps to begin formally vetting potential running mate, there are few voices more influential to the former vice president than Clyburn’s. And while there may be pressure from some in the party to not just choose a woman, but an African American woman, Clyburn is more circumspect.
“I think having a woman on the ticket is a must,” the No. 3 House Democrat said in an interview with NBC News. “I’m among those who feel that it would be great for him to select a woman of color. But that is not a must.”
“I think that he should be informed in this decision by the vetting and the polling. And I think he should be guided by his head and his heart,” Clyburn added….
One of the guys over @FiveTHrityEight doesn’t think Joe Biden will pick a VP until the early summer…
With the presidential primary essentially settled, talk has already turned to who will be former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate. But if history is any guide, we won’t know the answer for a few months.
In the modern era of presidential nominations, which began when a number of primary reforms were implemented in 1972, the presumptive presidential nominee has never announced his or her vice presidential pick before July 6. And we could be waiting much longer than that: A few running mates haven’t been announced until late August…..
According to Joe Biden?
That time table is wrong…
When asked he says sooner…
Stacey Adams and California Gov Gavin Newsom have endorsed Joe Biden….
Bill Clinton has not publicly so far…
We can understand why ex-President Clinton has not so far…