The Republicans that wanted smaller government and balanced budget’s in the past?… Are in the precess of continuing to steal from the poor and middle class to give to the rich..
Using the ‘ole’ ‘tricks down’ bull shit?
They are taking billions of taxpayer money and sending it to big corporations …
The same people who got the 2017 tax give away s , but didn’t pass that money along to their workers ..
This time they are buying off voters with $1,200 of THEIR money
Are they poisoning the well for J0e Biden and Democrats?
All the fiscal worries that these people had during President Obama’s efforts to pull the country out of a recession have gone like they never existed …
This recession is gonna be far worst…
The raid on the government piggybank is several time the amount for President Obama to hand out..
And the Congressional leaders are gonna back for more money , proabaly several times…
Donald Trump’s numbers don’t look that good…
His approval num bars are the same as when this recession/downturn kicked in…
Now he’s trying g to get the country back so the economy can pick up…
That isn’t gonna be such a fast thing even if the governor’s of some state’s actually cut back virus restrictions…
If Donald Trump DOES fail in his attempt to keep his day job?
And the Republicans actually get tied in the US Senate, and with Biden as President?
Senator Chuck Schumer gets Mitch MConnell’s job?
WTF does the Democrats get for their efforts?
One would think ?
Go Blaming Democrats for the virus , a deep recession and a budget with a hole in it so big you can drive a Mac Truck thru..?
The GOPer’s counting THEIR money and watching a Democratic President (Like Obama ) cleaning up the mess they inherited from the Republicans…And getting no respect for it?
Life repeats itself?
Will the midterm elections of 2022 mirror the midterms of 2010 with Democrats taking a political beatdown?
McConnell and the Republican leadership saw prolonging the Great Recession as a political opportunity to be exploited. The longer and more grueling the economic recovery, the easier it would be to evict Obama from the White House and Democrats from Congress, even if their own constituents suffered as a result. Democrats, by contrast, did not attempt to block help for Americans navigating the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus. On the contrary, they sought more generous provisions, despite the knowledge that the president they had recently impeached for trying to coerce a foreign country into framing his prospective Democratic challenger would take the credit and use the aid as an argument for his own reelection. At the signing ceremony for the CARES Act, Trump was flanked exclusively by Republican leaders; Democrats were not invited….
Should Joe Biden defeat Trump in November, he will likely face the challenge of helping the nation recover from another economic catastrophe against similarly implacable GOP opposition. The Republican Party will rediscover its concern for debt once there is no longer a Republican in the White House. The more ideologically diverse Democratic caucus will be vulnerable to splintering and half measures. The crucial obstacle to necessary intervention under such circumstances will not be traditional divides over the role of the state or the size of government. It will be, as it has been for more than a decade, the Republican belief that no one else should be allowed to wield power….
I should also mention that Democrats ARE looking for as much money as they can get also…But they are trying to steer some to the less fortunate…