They could be your bank account by direct deposit tomorrow April 14….
The IRS will be sending taxpayer money back out Americans for several mo0nths…
Congress and Trump hope the money will give a boost to the economy and return some of that money to some states with sales taxes ….
Also ?
The businesses are operating now could benefit….
That would be mostly food companies and supermarkets…
The checks are the centerpiece of the U.S. government’s economic relief package, and many Americans have taken to social media to celebrate the arrival of the money by posting photos of the money hitting their bank account. Singles earning up to $75,000 a year receive a payment of $1,200. Married couples earning up to $150,000 a year receive a payment of $2,400. Parents receive an additional $500 for each child under 17.
Early evidence indicates Americans are using the money to buy the basics, including food and gas.
Netspend, which processed nearly $1 billion in relief payments by Monday, said its customers are using the government money “for groceries, fast food, pharmacies and gas, as well as withdrawing cash from ATMs.” More than half of the transactions were PIN-based at ATMs or grocery stores, and about a quarter were done online.
Daniel Ruffner received his payment Friday night on his Netspend prepaid debit card. It was a huge relief, as he’s out of work. He is a cook at a restaurant that’s currently closed at a popular Upstate New York campsite. He used some of the $1,200 to buy groceries and pay the heating and Internet bills. The rest is going toward rent….
Those with Social Security direct deposit will be in a another wave and paper checks should be after those…
The money will be sent out for months since it involves 126 to 150 million Americans…
The money IS a one shot deal…
“The Treasury Department has ordered President Trump’s name be printed on stimulus checks the Internal Revenue Service is rushing to send to tens of millions of Americans, a process that is expected to slow their delivery by several days,” the Washington Post reports.
“The unprecedented decision, finalized late Monday, means that when recipients open the $1,200 paper checks the IRS is scheduled to begin sending to 70 million Americans in coming days, ‘President Donald J. Trump’ will appear on the left side of the payment.”
“Trump had privately suggested to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who oversees the IRS, to allow the president to formally sign the checks… But the president is not an authorized signer for legal disbursements by the U.S. Treasury.”
Cross the name off.
The guy gets over!
laughing all the way to the bank, eh?
Mine was posted straight to my account so I missed the Idiots signature.
Thankful for small favors
I didn’t get much ,probably shouldn’t have gotten anything.
I’m going to donate it to buying equipment for medical personnel.
Bless Ya Jack!
People forget it was Romney’s idea.
I still have my paper check federal tax refund that I never got to take care of in the bank before all this happens (I suppose I have a year) so, I assume this will come in the mail for me. I may literally write in Romney’s name over Trump. Is the bank not going to deposit it?
You’re In the MONEY CG !
Yep got my $1200 direct deposit today. No way for Trump to put his name on that.
I’ve seen Republicans online already saying those of us with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (aka anyone who doesn’t completely worship his Orangeness) should refuse the money because in their mind it is a gift from Herr Trump.
Of course all of these free marketers who proclaim to hate all things that reek of “socialism” should be the ones to refuse their payments. Of course to them it’s only “socialism” when other people get money.
Yeah. One would think Republicans would refrain from the Socialism talk after this.
They won’t.Their hypocrisy knows no limits
Conservatism?Pure bunk.
Well Jack as our once and future Republican has told us–it’s not socialism when it’s needed. And when is it needed? When they say it is. Then we have to go back to “free market” solutions. When? When they tell us to of course.
Left unsaid is that all this pure “free market” reliance on the times not deemed as emergencies leads to each emergency being that much more precarious for the majority of the population that is not wealthy.
There’s a meme floating around about all it took for this Republican ballyhooed “Best Economy Ever” to be laid bare was people going without paychecks for a couple weeks. Then the food lines started resembling the 1930s and a third of rents weren’t being paid.
Republicans are basically saying let’s patch a hole in a faulty roof when it’s raining instead of replacing the roof on a sunny day,
Imagine if we focused on income inequality instead of more tax cuts for the rich when we weren’t in the middle of a monsoon.
But that’s our “fiscally responsible” Republican Party.
social distancing now, socialist distancing later.
The free market is the best thing going in the world. When the free market has to be shut down though under unprecedented circumstances, it is only common sense and conservative to make up for it.
Well gee if it is “conservative”now to bail out millions of Americans when the free market economy collapses I guess the New Deal waa “conservative” then.
Funny how many self proclaimed conservatives still call FDR a damn socialist for putting it in place!
Guess you need to school your fellow “conservatives”
depends on the industry and the details.
We definitely had to do some of it in 2008.
Roosevelt had a lot of horrible ideas and did some genuinely bad things as President. I don’t think anyone is really still complaining about the FDIC or the TVA though.
… so long, comrade C., as the socialism isn’t distant….