Why do that?
Why help people that do NOT have insurance or will lose their insurance due to lay-off’s ???
Several state’s WILL go ahead and do so anyways….
Could it be that Trump vs ANYTHING with Obama’s name on it thing?
This is NOT gonna get him more votes come November either…
Insurance companies where ready to do this…
The Trump administration has decided against reopening Obamacare enrollment to uninsured Americans during the coronavirus pandemic, defying calls from health insurers and Democrats to create a special sign-up window amid the health crisis.
President Donald Trump and administration officials recently said they were considering relaunching HealthCare.gov, the federal enrollment site, and insurers said they privately received assurances from health officials overseeing the law’s marketplace. However, a White House official on Tuesday evening told POLITICO the administration will not reopen the site for a special enrollment period, and that the administration is “exploring other options.”
The annual enrollment period for HealthCare.gov closed months ago, and a special enrollment period for the coronavirus could have extended the opportunity for millions of uninsured Americans to newly seek out coverage. Still, the law already allows a special enrollment for people who have lost their workplace health plans, so the health care law may still serve as a safety net after a record surge in unemployment stemming from the pandemic.
Numerous Democratic-leaning states that run their own insurance markets have already reopened enrollment in recent weeks as the coronavirus threat grew. The Trump administration oversees enrollment for about two-thirds of states.
Insurers said they had expected Trump to announce a special enrollment period last Friday based on conversations they had with officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which runs HealthCare.gov enrollment. It wasn’t immediately clear why the Trump administration decided against the special enrollment period. CMS deferred comment to the White House.
Trump confirmed last week he was seriously considering a special enrollment period, but he also doubled down on his support of a lawsuit by Republican states that could destroy the entire Affordable Care Act, along with coverage for the 20 million people insured through the law…..
I jest of course, but there needs to be a grassy knoll in front of the White House one of these days during these sickening press briefings…
Trump seems to have the presser’s as pure reactive politics…
No sincerity …
For now?
The ‘expects’ have him dialled in…
THAT will NOT last I would think…
His political people ARE well aware that each one of his appearances are being stored to be thrown back at him come the end of the summer into the fall and election day….
the sound bites are going to be brutal in the fall when the political campaign ramps up…going to be hard to deny and lie about all that shit especially with 25% unemployment…yikes…we could look at a landslide actually. that’s my hope anyway
Unfortunately I don’t think any of this will matter too much.
In my view, Trump would still get the support of around90% of Republicans and 80% or so of “Independents who lean Republican.”
They have become so used to Trumps lies(and support him in his lies) that the truth no longer matters.
They are “at war” with not only those they describe as “libruls”( anyone who disagrees with Trump ) but even more so the “librul media.”
To desert Trump would in effect be repudiating themselves.
I simply see no way that Trump gets less than 45% or so of the vote ,no matter what happens.
I hope your prediction is wrong Jack…
While the virus misery will peek in the next 15-45 days most ‘experts’ ‘think’?
The economy is gonna take a lot more than the 8 months or so to the November election date..
Trump is his style ?
Has a tendency to fuck things up HIMSELF…
He’ll have GOPer support but a poll out today has Trump trailing Biden in Wisconsin…
Off the top of my head?
I think Trump Trails Biden in just about ALL the Clinton loss states (4) that got him the Electoral College win…
Trump may not fall below 45%. But even if that is his floor that will probably mean Biden gets 52 or 53% of the vote with far fewer going third party than in 2016.
That would be akin to the popular vote margin Obama had in 2008 or GHW Bush had in 1988. The Electoral Vote will likely be closer than those blowouts (365 EVS for Obama, 426 for Bush respectively), but that kind of popular vote margin would mean the Democrats are rolling through the suburbs. If that is the case a lot–if not all–of the swing states (PA, MI, WI, NC, FL, AZ) will be falling into the D column.
I’m not implying that Trump will win.
In fact I think he will likely lose.
I was just pointing out why I don’t think there is much chance of a landslide or anything approaching that.
Either major party nominee is pretty much guaranteed of 45%.
The thing is many Trump supporters think he can win the election with just 45%. I happen to doubt it.
A new AP-NORC poll finds 44% of Americans support President Trump’s oversight of the coronavirus pandemic, in line with his overall 43% approval rating.
The poll shows that 78% of Americans back requiring citizens to stay in their homes except for essential errands.
Any other President, it would be much higher, just as it is for the Governors, etc.
The amazing thing is that some level, Trump is going to revel publicly at the “hugeness” of all this and he is actually going to try to take credit for whatever amount of people DON’T die and act like they all owe their lives to his leadership.
If that character trait does not bother American sufficiently, then we get what we deserve.
So do I
Trump NOW HAS a History…
And continues to be own worst enemy…
Trump barely won with 46% in 2016 with 6% going third party.
If Trump falls to 45% or below it gets that means the Democrats are winning in suburbs in greater numbers than they did in 2016. And in such a situation it gets almost impossible for the GOP to overcome that with rural voters.
The thought is it makes no difference what kind of margins are run up in California, New York, Illinois, etc, nor does it matter if Texas is close, etc.
They just think he can win the same rust belt states he won before and the popular vote just does not matter at any margin.
They are also claiming they expect millions of Sanders supporters to not vote for Biden.
I posted it could be 15% being assholes if they actually did that!😳
Well there were far fewer Sanders voters this year than in 2016.
Bernie has only won more than 40% in three states so far–Vermont, North Dakota, and Idaho (where he still lost to Biden).
I understand why Sanders wants to leverage his delegates…
But he CAN still hold to them and move to embrace Biden …
No one says he can’t keep saying his views…
He’s a US Senator…
Yeah the ironic thing is due to Trump’s constant exaggeration of his extremely narrow win 2016 his cultists don’t realize how precarious his wins were in those rust belt states.
I’m sure this is lost on them but the reason Trump was able to squeeze through in WI, MI, and PA was due to his overwhelming wins in rural areas, lower turnout in urban areas, and the GOP falling only slightly in suburban counties from 2012. Layer on top of that 6% of voters going third party (highest since 1996).
If Republicans continue to lose ground in suburbs and the urban vote is strong for Democrats he simply cannot win those states again just with rural voters.
Also if suburban votes are strong for Biden–as they have been in the primaries so far this year–that definitely puts North Carolina, Florida and Arizona in play–even if Democrats were unable to win Wisconsin back they could make up for it with just one of those states.
Well, the “third party” vote from 2016 in theory should have hurt Trump more than it helped him. Most of that increase from past cycles could be attributed to normal Republicans like me.
I would think WI (maybe just behind MI) would be the most likely to switch.
There is so much up in the air right now about “turnout” in November. It was looking to be a large turnout before all this happened. Now, who knows?
Ok guys?
We’re talking about apples and oranges on this here…
The percentage don’t mean shit!
It’s REALLY. about just. half dozen states.
Pa, Oh, Wis, Mich, Fla …and maybe one or two more sliders into the last spot …
Biden wins the Obama to Trump states he gets the job….
It’s coincidence that a Trump support group is spending $10mil now in those states RIGHT NOW as Trump screws up on the medical help for those voters
I hope we’re right Jack
Anything less will be a bigger mess then things are now
fair point jack, but I would say at the end of the day, when unemployment is plaguing the country at 15 or 20 percent around November a lot of those will be Republican and Indp leaning republicans and some may sing a different toon…I know we saw a lot of people not vote with their pockets last election, but times were good, economy growing, no real worries, so we can let our social leaning brains make the decision, but when times are bad and the guy in the office is the one in charge during this time (and I know the virus itself isn’t his fault, the reaction or lack there of is) he will have to take the hit for it..even in trump world, 20 percent unemployment is not connable.