The IS gonna be a economic recession after all this….
The labor market IS gonna take a beat down due to Fauci’s push for social distancing…
While the virus will run it’s course and subside?
I believe that the economy is NOT going to be so lucky….
Some jobs ARE NOT coming back….
On-line WILL be where they disappear to….
Travel will also take a long term hit…
Money lost in the bars, restaurants and entertainment are gone for a period of time…
Sports will try to put themselves back together…
The stock market loses will continue …
Hardcore Trump supporters will NOT blame him for all this…
But a majority of Americans WILL..
And Trump WILL try his hardest to take care of the rich thus making things worst for the middle class and the poor…
We are goon have a rocky next six month to a year in America
But Americans ARE tough and they’ll change and adjust….
The Senate returns to work Monday to take up the House-passed coronavirus relief package, but senators are already starting discussions about a second round of economic stimulus.
Lawmakers and aides expect an additional legislative package would include broader economic measures such as a tax rebate, a payroll tax cut, small business grants and loans, expanded unemployment insurance and relief for the airlines and other hard-hit industries.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday said he had spoken to several GOP committee chairmen “about the next steps,” such as helping Americans with financial challenges, efforts to shore up the economy and small business and bolstering the healthcare system.
“It is clear that confronting this virus will take boldness, bipartisanship, and a comprehensive approach,” McConnell said in a statement. “Discussions are already underway on these key pillars. The Senate is eager to work with the Administration and the House to deliver the solutions our nation deserves.”…..
Market down 2,500 points before trading stopped….
Reports Fauci may want another two weeks of this ?
Trading resume’s….
Market in a fee fall…
More things closing down …,
Trump STILL among the missing….
Fauci in charge and pushing governor’s for even MORE closings,..
12:45 PM ….
Market down 1,800 points….
Stock market closes DOWN -2,700 points‼️😳
Palmer Report
Donald Trump’s day so far:
– Tells governors they’re on their own
– Tweets illiterate attack on New York Governor Cuomo, deletes it
– Stock market drops by another 2,700 points
– Does this dickhead still think it’s a hoax?
– Trump is going to prison
– It’s still only 3:40pm
Maybe Scaramucci was right and Trump will quit in March?
I can’t believe Republicans are going to denominator him. But cult is as cult does.
The guy IS clueless….
Other lawmakers have to answer questions coming at them…