The experts are telling people to stay home…
That means no pay for a increasing amount of people…
Doctors and hospitals are looking for more testing capacity…
The President is useless ….
Congress needs to get their shit together….
The bill was scheduled to come to the House floor Thursday. House Democrats were hopeful on Wednesday that Republicans would support the bill, and the Trump administration sent signals the president could sign the legislation. But after the text was released Wednesday night, Republicans grew skeptical and frustrated.
Democrats will likely be able to pass the bill through the House, but it faces insurmountable odds in the Senate if President Donald Trump opposes it. There were last-ditch efforts to change the bill, as Pelosi spoke with Mnuchin Thursday morning, in an attempt to negotiate tweaks the legislation before it hits the floor. Republicans could drop their opposition if the bill changes, or Trump signals his support.
The legislation, as it stands now, includes provisions for free testing for coronavirus, bolstering of unemployment insurance, paid medical leave for those out of work due to the disease and additional money to ensure children continue to get subsidized lunches if schools close.
At the same time, senior White House sources said that President Donald Trump was preparing Thursday to declare a disaster under the Stafford Act, which would free up federal funds to help cities, states and municipalities deal with the fallout from the deadly virus. White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow told Republicans on a conference call that declaration could come Thursday….
The Republicans are “concerned” about spending.
You know they’ve really bern “concerned” about that in the past three years.
If only free testing and paid medical leave included another tax cut for the wealthy the Republicans could be for it.
Biden gave a much more Presidential speech on Coronavirus than El Cheeto did last night.
Yes Scott….
Biden’s be there
Trump is incapable of dealing with this…
He is NOT a leader for the country…
The Fed guy who Trump has been fucking with is gonna have to lead for now…
And Trump may still try to make things worst…
Dr Fauci admitted today that despite the blatant lies emanating from the Trump administration and its backers,that the present system of coronavirus testing is not set up so that anyone who wants a test can get one.He labeled it a “failing .”
Testing ,based on what’s been happening other countries ,appears to be a key to containing the spread of the virus.
Trump and the Republicans cannot be trusted in a time of crisis.
Time to wash our hands of them.
March Madness- canceled
NHL- suspended
MLB- probably won’t be an Opening Day until May
2020 sorta sucks. Thanks Obama.. I mean Trump.. I mean…
Frees up ESPN to have the next two months of 24/7 coverage of:
1. Where will Tom Brady sign?
2. Does Tom Brady have or not have Coronavirus today?
Brady stays?
What will bookies do now?
Maybe they can take bets on the Democratic primaries–if Biden wins the rest by 30 or 40 points.
Legal sports gambling literally came to Illinois this week.
Which celebrities will get Coronavirus will be the big market.
I can’t believe I lost out on Pete Davidson.
The bookies thought Sanders
WTF do they know?????
Why Dissing Obama?
Trump don’t listen to ‘experts’ and don’t think the virus is all that….
The guy is allergic to leading anything that’d doesn’t have anything to do with him!
The Mango Mussolini’s speech was incredibly disappointing, uninspired, and wrong.
Any bets that Trump and his folks are gaming ways they can either change the subject with another crisis or even attempt to cancel the election? These Republican scum bags will do anything to stay in power.
Biggest one day drop in the Market since Bush I. Another mess for a Democratic President to clean up.
Post coming on the speech which may have been adlibbed….
Kasie Hunt
& Steve Mnuchin negotiate,
has left the building to head home for the weekend. Senate to address any House coronavirus legislation next week
China administered 2,820 coronavirus tests for every million people. South Korea administered 3,692.
The US? Just 23 tests.
If Obama was still President,Frank Graham ,Jer Falwell and the merry band of hucksters who compose much of the religious right would be calling this coronavirus outbreak as a sign from God for the country to wake up from its “Librul” ways and repent.
SinceTrump,the man sent by divinity in their muddled minds,is in charge?Its all the fault of the Chinese!
I think it may be a sign.
Good you should send a donation to one of those “reverends.”
After all it takes money ,lots of it ,to combat “godless libruls.”
Credit cards accepted!
I have to give my Republican AG Eric Schmitt props for going after Rev. Jim Bakker for trying to sell a coronavirus cure.
But all of those charlatans need to be taken down a peg.
It’s a sign against Trump.. or maybe a sign against Trump and libruls.
Of course the question all Trump defenders are asking is “why weren’t we this freaked out over Swine Flu in 2009?”
After all, many more people worldwide and in America got it. I do not even remember giving it a second thought at the time.
But I guess the situation is that this virus is more lethal if you get it, not that anywhere near most people who get it will die (and nowhere compared to SARS or MERS), but that we are afraid of getting it somehow and giving it to someone else somehow who might not make it.
Is there something else I might be missing? This was part of a whole conversation I got into last night on HHR. (They wanted to go back to brag that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was worse, which nobody is disputing.)
Well a lot of it is fear of the unknown of course.
Unlike the flu ,for which one can get a shot, there’s no “protection” against this.Of course the flu shot offers ,in many cases ,only minimal protection but the point is it’s “something “ one can do.
Here?Besides washing your hands a lot ,there is nothing medically one can do and that scares people.
Indeed,if there was a shot,even one of limited protection ,that could be administered to people, then likely there would be far lesss distress over it.
Hopefully, it passes quickly with little mortality .As Dr Fauci pointed out,we really don’t know the risk of death as due to insufficient testing we have little idea how many people have been infected.
A lot of my clients are rural hospitals in counties with 10 15 or 20,000 people. Many of them have one or two small hospitals with a total of 75 or 100 beds.
If the hospitalization rate is 10-15% of those infected and a good chunk of those (especially elderly) require ICU those facilities will quickly be overrun.
I hope that doesn’t happen but if it does be prepared to see small town hospitals where people are being treated in hallways, waiting rooms, etc. And some places may be forced to do triage as they have in Italy.
And THAT is something that Fauci has warned about….
Feel free to share this over at HHR
That is unless they write it off as being librul propaganda since it’s Bloomberg.