Where I live?
The airplanes ARE still flying…
I have to say this AGAIN…
The ‘herding ‘ effect is alive and on full blast here…
Fauci..The expert… is NOT saying ANY the crazy stuff in the media…
He has stuck to his 10 to 15 days call. social distance effort..
The Politicians seem to now be racing all over each other to go longer…
People DO need to be careful and practice good hygiene efforts…
Those at risk need to lower their risk of social contact…
Even so?
The virus WILL spread…
The idea is to have the health system be able to cope with it…
This talking about months out to a year social distance is simply unreasonable …
The American economy CANNOT sustain itself on this for THAT long a period of time….
That does NOT mean people should be stupid either…
Hopefully testing means are available to all who want or need it…
Gradually ?
People that have the ability to stay home now HAVE TO go back to work…Virus or not…
And if ya look around you?
There ARE people walking, driving and working right now….
There will be short and long term changes
But in the end?
Life goes on….
Everything doesn’t just stop in place…
It doesn’t work like that…
Wall Street Journal: “Data released last week by the National Health Institute in Italy, currently the world’s worst-hit country, shows mortality rates starting at 0% for patients aged 0 to 29 and edging up to peak at 19% for those over 90.”
“Yet scientists say tests have shown children and young adults are no less likely than older people to get infected and transmit the virus. Epidemiologists are growing concerned that the millennial pushback against social-distancing measures—and an emerging generational divide about how the disease is perceived—could undo all efforts to slow the spread of the virus and put vulnerable people at high risk.”…
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) warned Tuesday at a press conference that the number of coronavirus cases in the state might not peak for another 45 days…
“The concept is right: Flatten the curve, slow the spread so the health care system can handle it,” he added….
At highest risk for the disease are elderly Americans and those with underlying medical conditions, Cuomo said, repeating a common refrain from federal officials.
Despite growing pressure, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday there’s a legitimate public health rationale for keeping the rules in place, since street sweepers will not be able to get through if cars are not moved, and filthy streets would not do in the midst of a pandemic.
“It’s a pain in the butt. We all understand that, but it’s there for a reason. It’s because that is what allows the street sweepers to keep our neighborhoods clean,” he said on PIX 11 Morning News. “I am worried about a city in the middle of an epidemic that gets less and less clean. That’s not good public health practice.”
The city is also bracing for a massive hit to its budget due to the outbreak, and would lose additional revenue if ticketing was ended….
I just had a conversation with a young lady whose boyfriend is a construction worker….
She was annoyed …
Her guy HAS TO go work in shitty places everyday and he doesn’t get attention…
Virus or not?
He HAS TO work…
No work?
No job…
No Money….
Like I said…
This can’t last and actually isn’t lasting to all anyways…
The young have their immunity to protect them….
Some of us have to be more careful…
But STILL gotta work…
Prime example of my feeling is going on now in NYC….
NY Governor says no ‘shelter in place’
NYC mayor says it COULD come in 48 hours?
A pissing match for politicians has developed….
Well you really aren’t listening to Fauci.
Just today he said that Cuomos 45 day to peak infections prediction may be too short.
This could easily go on for months more your inaccurate claims notwithstanding .
I stand BY my feelings on this….
I just isn’t possible to have this social distancing last for months….
Fauci hasn’t called for it and he’s the expert…
This has turned into a politician’s out doing each other and experts doing the same…
The virus is gonna spread…
THAT is natural…
Younger to middle age people do NOT have the same risk factor as older ones do…
Please read the link to the Italy numbers…
I am NOT down playing the seriousness of the situation…
But simply printing the TRUE facts….
And yes…
I cannot foresee the future…
But I can say the reality of what I see happening now…
“I am not downplaying the seriousness of the situation.”
A blatant Lie and You have been ever since it started and Fauci has even said he “hopes” he overreacting “ because that’s what’s called for here.
I don’t knock that….
I said so several places the post….
The country HAS to keep going virus or NOT…
I just picked up my mail….
Guess what?
They are ARE STILL sending me bill’s to pay, eH?
“Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn’t leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, until he found it? When he has found it, he carries it on his shoulders, rejoicing. When he comes home, he calls together his friends, his family and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’ I tell you that even so there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance.”
So pay them!
What’s that got to do with anything?
You are insinuating that there is an overreaction and I’m with Fauci.
To save potential hundred of thousands of lives give me a lot More overreaction!
Hell even Trump is getting it now!
Trump is thinking about giving MORE money to corporation and buying people off for November’s voting…
The guy didn’t even want the CDC to exist !
Irrelevant to my post.
Typical of your method of discussion though.
I wouldn’t say Trump is “getting it” by his Tweet this morning where he called it the “Chinese virus” and mentioned that West Virginia has had zero cases yet. Which while technically true is as irresponsible as a weatherman talking about how calm the waves are when a hurricane is heading your way.
Well he is “getting it” better than he was a few days ago.
He now at least has quit the rosy predictions (indeed he says it might go on till August!).
The days of calling it all a”hoax” are over.
And ,for sure, he gets it more than James , who essentially is saying “no big deal,” then trying to cover himself by claiming that he isn’t downplaying the seriousness of the situation when that’s exactly what he’s doing.
I think Trump is ‘getting’ a garbage economy means a Biden win….
I do NOT. think Trump has the ability to think about ANYONE ELSE BUT HIMSELF….
He has this weird Freudian tendency to repeat in an irrelevant situation any contradicted saying of his.
For example, in discussing how he’s handled crises, he had to mention that famous Alabama tornado.
And if he says something is perfect, then he feels compelled to add “just as that was a perfect phone call”.
Seeing him flounder and repeat himself at the beginning of that press briefing today suggested to me that he might be beginning to suffer the senile tendencies he ascribes to Sleepy Joe.
But then the President is a very stable genius.
And inept and self centred in an Alternate Universe …..
That’s All🙄
Long after the thrill of living is gone?
Damn I know that song but it is escaping me.
Jack and Dianne by John Mellincamp
‘Oh …Life goes on…..”
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
A recent video released by CBS News on Wednesday that shows a number of spring breakers in Miami, Fla. downplaying concerns about the COVID-19 outbreak has sparked viral criticism online.
In the video, college spring breakers share their frustrations with the news network over the way the outbreak has impacted people’s way of life in recent weeks….
Though Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he will not order beaches in his state to close amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the Republican said beaches must adhere to guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has advised the public to practice social distancing and avoid gatherings with more than 10 people.
However, in efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus in Florida, which has reported more than 300 cases of the virus and 8 deaths so far, some local officials have been closing down beaches to combat the outbreak, according to NBC News.
Good pice on what I’m talking about…
The balance between what the expert’s ‘want’ and what is ‘feasible’…
Scientists warn we may need to live with social distancing for a year or more
…Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees that the social distancing measures might need to be in place for at least months. “I don’t think people are prepared for that and I am not certain we can bear it,” she writes in an email. “I have no idea what political leaders will decide to do. To me, even if this is needed, it seems unsustainable.” She adds that she might just be feeling pessimistic, but “it’s really hard for me to imagine this country staying home for months.”
President Trump so far has announced guidelines that call for social distancing and other measures for 15 days. When asked at the Monday press conference “how long all of this might last,” he responded, “people are talking about July, August, something like that.”
Can we find a new balance between the need to “flatten the curve” and the need to live our lives and revive the economy?
Given the likelihood of the need for social distancing measures for weeks or months, public health authorities may need to strike a balance: What can they put in place that will prevent a huge wave of deaths but also make life a bit more manageable? Here, greater knowledge about the virus will help. Time will teach us what the right mix of social distancing measures are, health experts tell me….
How long to you “google” to come up with that irrelevancy?
Think John Cougar Griffith Joyner Kersee Herbert Walker Mellencamp…
Breaking News:
Amanda Bynes is pregnant.
Tom Brady is going to Tampa.