Joe Biden is about to do something most people thought was doubtful…
Wrap up the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination early on….
The second tier Democrats have all dropped out except Tusi Gabbard who isn’t really running….
Bernie Sanders gave the media the horse race they wanted…
Sanders had ‘them’ excited….
But the them?
They aren’t enough of ‘them’….
Bernie Sanders isn’t the Democratic party…
He’s actually campaigning against the party AND Donald Trump…
That worked up to Tuesday….
On Tuesday Joe Biden picked up 10 of the 14 contest’s, pulling million’s more votes and moving into the lead in delegates….The thing that gets ya the nomination…
This Tuesday and next Tuesday will be more contest’s…
Bernie Sanders isn’t gonna win many of them…
It’s about to be the same result as the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination contest…An Sanders STILL ain’t a Democrat…
Joe Biden looks poised to move into a dominant position in the Democratic race for president with the next two waves of primaries — only a short while after he was being counted out after dismal finishes in the early contests.
The former vice president is surfing a wave of momentum after his strong performance on Super Tuesday and the South Carolina victory that preceded it.
Biden’s chances and those of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have flipped with astonishing speed.
Only a few days before Super Tuesday, the conventional wisdom held that Biden would be doing well just to survive in competitive shape. Now, it is Sanders who faces a host of challenging contests in quick succession…
… looking across the sweep of states about to vote, survival is for now the name of the game for Sanders. And Biden suddenly has the whiff of victory around him…
The FiveThirtyEight forecast was updated with Super Tuesday results and now shows Joe Biden with an 88% chance to win the Democratic nomination, while Bernie Sanders has just a 2% chance.
image…Power Line
New Open Thread IS HERE…
This is getting like P1 with the big Open Threads in one day!….
I’m hearing some people talk up Rep. Val Demings of Florida–African-American woman, former police chief and mayor of Orlando–for VP.
I think it would be an excellent choice and I believe CG first floated the idea of her joining a Biden (or was it Bloomberg) ticket a couple months ago.
Valdez Venita Demings (née Butler; born March 12, 1957) is an American politician and retired law enforcement officer who serves as the United States Representative from Florida’s 10th congressional district….
More @ Wiki…
I mentioned it in regards to Biden before the impeachment trial where she was one of the managers, but did not really do anything to make a name for herself there.
She was the Police Chief of Orlando, but not the Mayor. Her husband is currently the Mayor of Orange County, FL.
Nominating Rep. Demings — a black female Manager of the Impeachment Hoax — would drive the President into a complete frenzied, screaming, paranoid, racist, sexist and violent* nuclear explosion and/or meltdown.
I can (although quite unwillingly) just see the endless abusive Tweets and hear the hours+ rally rants that he would emit.
Especially when the Biden-Demings or the Sanders-Demings ticket posts pictures of her on duty in her police chief’s uniform (rather than just in front of a carefully-constructed tableau of other people’s uniforms); “An Absolute Disgrace ! and “Take Away her Pension !” would be the mildest of his self-pitying cries — amid more general rants about Treason and Witch Hunts.
I’m sure that Rep. Demings is vastly more qualified than the late Rep. William E. Miller of New York (one time chairman of the RNC), but her choice would be analogous to his being chosen to run with Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona in 1964. It was said that the most salient reason Goldwater picked Miller was that “he drives Johnson nuts !” Choosing Demings would drive Trump straight into Bellevue or St. Elizabeth’s.
*of course, threatening violence by his fanatical devotees, rather than by himself
The Left isn’t fond of cops.
That’s funny. My neighborhood votes 85% Democrat, pretty liberal overall, and always supports our local law enforcement.
A large number of them do think there are issues with how the poor and minorities have been treated by many police departments, but very very few are overall anti-police.
I would suggest getting out into neighborhoods and communities instead of relying on what you see on or about Twitter.
It’s hardly representative of the Democratic party or even the supposedly monolithic “left”
I disagree. I said the “Left” specifically. There is a fundamental distrust of law enforcement. Look at what Harris and Klobcuhar were criticized on just for having been prosecutors.
It’s a small portion of “The Left”. I’d call it “Twitter Left”
It’s the equivalent of me saying, “The Right isn’t fond of community organizers.”
Ah yes, Sarah Palin’s punching bag–those villians in city neighborhoods making $26,000 a year to help the poor and working class.
That Grifter Queen paved the way for the Trump takeover of the GOP like no other save Rush Limbaugh.
Sort of like extreme Right wingers, so called “sovereign citizens” who rail against the government.
Most of those types are very Trump like, raging against the deep state ,the news media, etc.
I don’t know if they are “right-wingers” but they don’t like the cops either. They seem to be closer to the extreme left actually.
Yeah they are real left wingers all right.
Among their many enemies are Communists, Socialists ,homosexuals, Gun Control proponents.
You know?All the traditional enemies of the “Left.”
In SC one of the most prominent “sovereign citizens” was John Peeples , a former John Birch Society member, who was always running for office on the old American Independent Party line.He refused to get a Drivers License and was arrested several times.
Said it was “Communistic.”
Late committed suicide after IRS agents attempted to seize his property for back taxes.Peeples said taxes were “socialistic.”
Yep definitely a leftist!
There are all sorts of different groups on the fringes.
Specifically, the “Sovereign Citizens” movement seems to be a heavily black separatist group.
Groups change names, etc, or morph into different things. There are really a lot of similarities though between fringe left and fringe right. Fringe is fringe.
Oh I agree.
That’s why simply saying the “Left” doesn’t like police doesn’t tell the whole story .
Many on the “Right” don’t either.
Look at the public opinion data, Pew, etc.
The more liberal someone is the less pro-law enforcement they tend to be. The less favorable they tend to feel towards cops.
This is science.
But yes, of course, there are fringe groups on the “right”, Cliven Bundy, etc who fit a different narrative.
And yes, we also of course saw a lot of newly found anti-FBI animus by Trump acolytes.
I agree with Scott, making a blanket statement that the “left isn’t fond of cops” is akin to saying “the right loves their guns because they compensate for their little dicks.”
Where is the empirical evidence for this kind of statement?
As Scott points out, lots of people on the left respect and appreciate law enforcement agencies.
Maybe Aaron Schock, the disgraced right wing anti-gay Congressman who finally got around to admitting what everyone knew, that he was gay, can chime in on the hypothesis that Republican gun lovers are compensating for their lack of manhood by embracing their assault rifles. And, I am sure he might like the challenge.
But, blanket statements are so silly and lazy.
Hey CG?
Your shit gets sideways EVERYBODY IS STILL
gonna dial 911….
I don’t even know what you mean, as usual. Sounds more like something to ask Dr. Oz about.
She won’t be the choice….
Right Now?
I’m thinking the list is…
Kamala Harris
Elizabeth Warren
Stacey Abrams is NOT ready or qualified for the job…
and should get a job in a Biden admin/em>
Interestingly,LBJ later claimed that he had no idea where Goldwater got the idea that Miller drove him “nuts.”
He said that he had only met Miller a few times and that he had never thought much about him one way or the other.
Miller’s daughter (who must have been pretty young in 1964) is a liberal radio host.
Miller himself later made American Express commercials saying,”Remember me?I ran for Vice President of the United States ,”then held up an American Express card as his name was typed on saying,”the American Express card,don’t leave Home without it.”
On the last day of 8th grade my team won our Trivial Pursuit game because I knew that William Miller was Barry Goldwater’s VP pick in 1964
Wow. That would have been a tough question for 8th graders. Most Jeopardy contestants would not know it. (They seem very weak on politics in general)
(I think I probably knew it though at that age of course)
To be honest while I knew his name was Miller (I read political entries in our Encyclopedia Brittanica the way 90s kids read Harry Potter) I think I guessed on his first name being William.
Is Miller Time acceptable in the land of Annhauser-Busch?
I don’t think about how little I see Miller beer here until I travel. It’s available you just don’t see it much.
No Busch’s have run for office here. Though one did in Jack’s district–Elizabeth Colbert-Busch.
As a very young child, I thought George Bush was associated with the Busch Stadium in St, Louis.
And as it turns out, his mother’s family was from there.
One of GHW Bush’s cousins on his mother’s side–Bert Walker– ran for Congress in suburban St. Louis in the early 90’s. Lost a Republican primary to future Senator Jim Talent.
He died recently–Walker that is.
Miller was also a pretty good poker player according to the late journalist Jack Germond who covered him during the campaign.Germond said Miller had no illusions that Goldwater could win and would fly from city to city,greet small crowds at the airport ,read a ten minute speech, then duck back in the chartered plane ,lite a cigar and engage the reporters in a poker game.
Germond said Miller took a lot of his money
Video of that American Express commercial here (apparently shown on Oxygen — is Oxygen still around ? a question that might be more readily answered if this blog drew even one female contributor/contributress/contributrix):
There wasn’t much to think about Jack. Nice guy, good card player, unimpressive candidate.
It was sort of like nominating Mike Pence who was on his way to defeat in his re-election campaign as Governor when Trump plucked him out of impending obscurity to satisfy a bunch of religious nuts. Lucky for Pence he had Vlad’s help.
Will Pence, after he completely fucks up the Virus response be so lucky? Especially when Trump needs a woman of color on his ticket too?
Yeah, I mentioned last week that Trump might be setting Pence up to be a scapegoat if the coronavirus scare gets worse and starts to affect Trumps polls.
Anybody notice Donald Trump , the President , don’t want get his hands’dirty’ by actually having much to do with the virus response except run his mouth
Here are two images that might do well in Sanders-Deming/Biden-Demings campaign literature and commercials:
There is new TV show with a women LAPD boss….Tommy…
Demming isn’t gonna get picked…
Good Morning Everyone…
Trump now says Biden is more of a socialist than Bernie.
The smell of desperation.
Just think Scott, most of those Republican Senators must be very happy that you cannot contract the virus by kissing Trump’s ass.
They would all be sick by now.
I’d say they are sick already, but good point.
They are indeed. Rand Paul voted against the supplemental appropriation for the Virus response.
Rand Paul is ALWAYS gonna be a ‘outlier’…
A fact check reveals that Trump Lied fourteen times in his FoxNews Townhall last night.
Back to Joe Biden’s gaffes.
If Biden only lies 8 times in a Town Hall we should all pat ourselves on the back and declare the Republic saved!
Your desperate attempt to compare Biden to the serial liar Trump is noted.
Blowhards are blowhards… , and Biden can make up crap with the best of them,(i.e. I was arrested in South Africa) but yes, Trump is a worse person, if it makes people feel better to hear.
oh I couldn’t care less what a former and future Republican thinks of Biden.
Republicans don’t care about Trumps lies because they want them to be true(even if they know they’re not).They even enjoy the “librul media” reporting his lies.Makes em feel good that their hero is “gettin them libruls.”
but clearly I am a person who is consistent in demanding high ethics and accountability.
Oh but that’s right you are voting for Biden.
BTW why are you voting for him?
only in a primary… maybe… if he can “finish Bernie off” before the 17th, I will be off the hook.
Oh geez, I just realized I have to actually go stand or sit at a booth that will have the word “DEMOCRATIC” on a sign. People will actually be able to see me. I better be quicker than usual.
but there’s going to be like 50 judicial races that I either have to decide between corrupt Cook County hacks, or skip altogether. That could take a minute or two.
Ah Just write in someone.
It won’t count but so what?
Some clerk might see it and God will too!
too many judges to write in. If I cannot make an educated decision, I just undervote.
I’m kind of glad Missouri waits until August to have the party primaries for state and local offices.
As far as I know all I vote for on Tuesday is the Presidential primary
Whom am I going to write in against Durbin?
The Illinois Republican Party, which has very little money these days, is putting forth a lot of resources on a campaign to remind voters in the 3rd CD, not to vote for the Nazi.
If name recognition is all that matters, that could be a problem.
Next debate will be Biden and Bernie ….
Chicago Mayor Lightfoot and Deval Patrick join the growing list Joe Biden supporters…
Lightfoot was rumored to be leaning to Bloomberg several weeks ago.
Yeah, I was too, but he dropped out. She also previously had good things to say about Buttigieg and Klobuchar. She said that Biden had never reached out to her, but that was a couple months ago.
She definitely remembers that Warren and Sanders both came to Chicago to join the teachers strike against her. The leaders of the Chicago Teachers Union endorsed Sanders this week.
As of right now, I think it might be very close in IL between Biden and Sanders. The “Machine” is not what it used to be in Chicago and there is actually a Socialist Caucus on the City Council.
What’s the point?
Lightfoot was thinki g of endorsing Bloomberg awhile back. Not now.
It only takes five hours for 65 posts to this Open Thread (opened up because the previous one had 108).
TLDR (Tory Liberal Democratic Republican) threatens…
Rep. Ken Bucks of Colorado posted a video on Twitter with his AR-15 rifle in his congressional office daring Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke to take it from him.
Sounds like a threat to me.
james would defend it.
as long as he was in the right party
Like you defend Ken Bucks (Redneck-CO)?
Where did I defend him? Read my posts and the obvious criticism of him in there.
Biden and Sanders should be getting Secret Service details by the end of next week as long Trump isn’t involved in the decision ,..
President Trump told reporters that Joe Biden might be more of a socialist than Bernie Sanders.
Said Trump: “Well, he is left wing. He has all people that are left wing. In many ways he is worse than Bernie. Look what he did with guns. He put Beto in charge of guns. Beto wants to get rid of guns, right? That’s a bad stance. He has a lot of people that are left-wing and they will be running the government. He’s not going to be running anything.”
He continued: “If he ever got in, they will be running the government. They have people further left-wing than what Bernie has. It wouldn’t be good for Wall Street, I can tell you that. Plus, if you look at his taxes, he will raise taxes incredibly. He will raise taxes more than Bernie. I looked — and he is open about it. Bernie just likes to talk about it. Joe Biden, his tax increases are just staggering. It is ridiculous. It’ll destroy everything that has been built.”….
Apparently, the gun is completely non-functioning, it’s just for display. That seems to be the dumb point he was making.
So, what Schumer did, in threatening that violence could come to judges if they did not rule the way he liked, was far worse.
Still, Buck ought to be part of the solution, not the problem.
When someone says “take it from me” it’s evident they plan to harm you if you try.
That the gun is “non functioning” doesn’t mean a damn thing.
This was theater to get redneck MAGAts all hot and bothered. They live for the idea that someone is going to try and take a gun out of their hands.
Of course you think what Schumer did was “far worse”. You have a “far worse” opinion of Schumer. And as you are a former and future Republican you need to at least give Buck somewhat of a pass. Typical.
He wouldn’t be able to harm them with the gun, and I don’t think he said “take it from me” specifically. In any event, it would perhaps be 2 on 1 if he tried to fight them off.
What Schumer alluded to was more sinister.
I don’t defend it….
Gun Control is a complex issue and regional
While strong gun control policy positions will help Dem’s in urban area’s?
It would be ill advised in rurual area’s
Hence Hence Sanders position on the subject…
Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) announced her endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden for president on Wednesday.
The endorsement from Giffords, a gun violence survivor, comes with support from the gun violence prevention organization Giffords, which she co-founded with her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly. Kelly is currently running to unseat Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.)….
Harry Enten
Biden’s gaining in California… Sanders lead is down to 7.4 pts… There was a time when folks wondered whether Biden would even hit the 15% threshold.
Biden’s delegate lead over Sanders IS GROWING…
Nate Silver
I suppose I don’t think it’s likely that Bernie *lost* California (though it shouldn’t have been called). But as late returns come in strongly for Biden it wouldn’t surprise me if his margin there winds up about the same or even a bit lower than Biden’s 4.5-point margin in Texas.