He, he, he….
What took the guy so long?
William “Bill” Weld announced he was ending his bid to challenge President Trump in the Republican primary.
“I have decided to suspend my candidacy for President of the United States, effective immediately,” the former Massachusetts governor said in an email to supporters on Wednesday. “But while I am suspending my candidacy, I want to be clear that I am not suspending my commitment to the nation and to the democratic institutions that set us apart. America is truly the greatest country on earth. It’s up to each of us to ensure that it remains so.”
Weld’s announcement comes the day after Trump officially gathered enough nominating delegates in Tuesday’s primary contests to become the 2020 Republican presidential nominee.
Weld secured just one delegate from Iowa’s Republican caucuses last month.
Throughout his campaign, Weld, 74, criticized Trump for his rhetoric and demeanor, imposing tariffs, and increasing the national debt and budget deficit.
A Republican governor of Massachusetts from 1991 to 1997, Weld’s liberal stances on social issues such as abortion and same-sex unions helped him secure victory in the traditionally Democratic state. He was often mentioned during that period as a potential presidential candidate or at least a Cabinet secretary. In 1996, he challenged then-Democratic Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry for his seat but lost….
I fully expect Weld to endorse Biden. Serious people won’t stay on the sidelines this year.