Sessions was one of Trump’s first supporters did NOT show loyalty to Trump like William Barr is doing as Attorney General…
Donald Trump will NEVER forgive Sessions and seeks to destroy him politically forever….
“Tommy was a terrific head football coach at Auburn University,” Trump tweeted Tuesday evening, nearly a week after the Republican primary in Alabama determined Sessions and Tuberville would be headed to a runoff. “He is a REAL LEADER who will never let MAGA/KAG, or our Country, down!”
Heavily implied in Trump’s tweet was another important constituency he believes Tuberville would not disappoint: the president himself.
“Coach Tommy Tuberville, a winner, has my Complete and Total Endorsement,” he added in another tweet.
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrumpTommy Tuberville (@TTuberville) is running for the U.S. Senate from the Great State of Alabama. Tommy was a terrific head football coach at Auburn University. He is a REAL LEADER who will never let MAGA/KAG, or our Country, down! Tommy will protect your Second Amendment….
Trump’s been attacking Sessions since the he recused himself from the Justice Department’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Sessions was a major adviser to the Trump campaign in 2016 and thus, he said, barred from investigating it by a Justice Department rule.
The decision roiled Trump, who felt betrayed by one of his earliest and staunchest backers. He publicly berated Sessions and ultimately forced him out of his Cabinet….
And like an obedient animal,Sessions keeps taking it.
Sessions ,in one of the most lavish examples of slobbering idol worship seems lately ,continues to praise Trump ?
Of course,if one is running in a Republican primary?Thats about all one can do.
Not only does the cult demand slavish devotion, it demands absolute fealty ,even after Dear Leader has explicitly cast aside the devotee.
Still it’s sort of embarrassing to watch such abject humiliation.
Hopefully Sessions will be taken out of his political misery in the runoff.
Trump gave his full endorsement to Tuberville last night. It’s over for Sessions (and for Doug Jones)
I see now that’s what this story covered. I tend not to read them anymore, because it’s all repetitive. “Biden has it all sewn up. It’s time for everyone to quit, etc. etc”
Sorta along those lines, last night Jim Clyburn and James Carville both made statements along the lines of the DNC should now cancel the rest of the primaries.
That’s preposterous. It’s one thing for them to call on Sanders to drop out. That’s part of politics. There are elections scheduled though still in roughly half of the states I believe that have yet to vote. They want to call them off just because Biden is currently ahead? Talk about anti-democratic. How is that any different than the RNC refusing to allow primary challenges to Trump. Even if Biden were the sole candidate (as is often the case at the end of Presidential primary season), how do they suggest the rest of the delegates be chosen?
Most of these primaries are mandated by law so I don’t see how that would be possible.
Anyway,it’s not going to happen.
I heard Clyburn say Sanders should rethink his candidacy. Not that the remaining primaries should be cancelled. I didn’t hear what Carville had to say.
Either way the primaries will be held.
Much ado about nothing here.
NEW: House Majority Whip “James Clyburn tells NPR if Bernie Sanders doesn’t win any states tonight, the Democratic National Committee should “shut this primary down” and “cancel the rest of these debates.””
Nonetheless, Sanders did win 1 and maybe 2 states last night, but its a disturbing concept to say “shut the primary down.”
“Disturbing?Only to someone trying to look for something to bitch about.
All sorts of hyperbole occurs in campaigns.Clyburn,liie a lot of Democratic Party establi types, have had their full of Bernie and his taunts.
So I get his lashing out.
Since, it not going to happen?Scott is right.Its no big deal.
He ought to know better though.
He and the others have nothing to gain from saying things like that. They will just piss off Sanders supporters.
You notice how Zreebs has disappeared from this site, I assume because of james again.
Be it as it may?
Bernie Sanders is NOT A Democrat
His candidacy has taken a beat down from Democratic voters…
As i felt when Obama beat Hillary?
Others will feel about Sanders and Biden
I was asked numerous times what would i do if Biden lost the nomination… Now the question is turned back on others…
in the end
Sanders supporters will have to decide on what they want to do…
Support ideology or get rid of Trump….
Well, regardless the primaries will go on.
And there’s a debate scheduled for Sunday, though that will probably be the last one (in the primary)
It is pointless though.
Both Clyburn and Sanders point to Trump as the political target in the end…
Sanders should NOT be doing harm to that end…
As i said with Hillary
Maybe Sanders debating Biden will help him on his game…
Sanders IS probably hurting himself with this…
Democrats want this over and realists know Bernie has little chance of success
Biden continuing to beat Sanders in contest after contest would actually be the best thing possible for Biden at this time.
But Biden supporters do not want any more debates or too much focus on the race now because they are afraid of what Biden may say.
There probably some of that.
Of course Republicans couldn’t care less what madness passes the lips of Trump.
They’ve made their deal with that devil and it will haunt that party for years to come long after Trump exits the scene.
I’m waiting for Trump to take a sharpie a release from the CDC to cover his own blunder.
And Republicans to insist it was truth.
Biden can misspeak. But he gave a great speech last night. No stumbles. I encouraged all of my Trump loving friends to check it out in it’s entirety instead of relying on You Tube supercuts spread by right wing hacks.
So I will encourage you to do the same
I saw his remarks last night. They were fine.
(although there were protestors in the background that nobody showed besides Fox News. It was like a completely different scene with a slightly different camera angle.)
Nonetheless, Biden’s unifying words about wanting to be a healer were not matched by his disgraceful actions and rhetoric earlier in the day.
A President will need to be President of all the people, including those who disagree with him. Every politician will run into a voter that they are not going to win over. It’s best to smile and move on to the next one. Biden seems to think that his supporters want him to be more like Trump. And clearly many do.
Yeah I’d rather Biden not respond that way again. Even if he does he’s 100% better than the anti-science, petulant child in the White House now tweeting away about Democrats wanting to take away all cars.
Your mileage may vary. It’s your right.
Good luck with that write in.
I have NO problem with Biden telling someone trying to nail him with falsehoods in front of camera’ that they ARE ‘full of shit’…
Trump does the same and his people stand up and applaud..
Your second paragraph view is baseless CG…
Donald Trump is President but NOT. the American leader…
He doesn’t give a fuck about anything outside
his alternate reality centered on HIMSELF
So you want someone to “be like Trump.” That might be the problem there.
Trump has literally not done this directly to a voter. He actually has more self-restraint than that believe it or not, and while he made references at a rally to “I wish I could punch someone in the face” for which he was roundly denounced, he never specifically told a person he wanted to “take them outside” or “slap you in the face.”
If this is the field that Biden wants to play on, the differences between him and Trump will be quite blurred.
Furthermore, there were not necessarily “falsehoods” the hard-working union brother was spouting,even if he might have been misinformed.
Biden is the one who messed up on what an AR 14 and an AR 15 is in the exchange.Biden can clarify he is not taking anyone’s guns away, but the fact is that Beto said he *would* do that and Biden publicly said that Beto would run gun control policy in his Administration.
It was a fair question. The voter tried to defuse Biden by saying “you work for me” and Biden wouldn’t have it and started calling him names and challenging him to a fight.
The worker at no point raised his voice or used any profanity towards Biden, even when threatened with being slapped at his workplace by a white multi- millionaire.
This union voter also asked Biden why he wasn’t more concerned about handguns, since they are responsible for more crime and Biden didn’t even try to answer that. He just kept on with the name calling.
Imagine if it were a power multi-millionaire white Republican who went into Scott’s (non-union) workplace and started talking about slapping the workforce around.
Biden DID make the point that her was NOT talking about taking away the guys guns…
Obama ALSO made a explicit point of NOT pushing for the Beto ‘we’ll take away ur guns ‘ point/policy …..
Biden apparently HAS had to clarify this before….
A poll taken before President Trump’s endorsement of former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville (R) shows just how much he is favored in the runoff against former Sen. Jeff Sessions (R). Tuberville leads Sessions 52-40 in the poll taken by Montgomery-based polling form Cygnal. With Trump’s endorsement, Tuberville likely becomes an even more solid favorite….
Biden HAS gotten better because he HAD to..
Bernie has helped that…
But Sanders ideas do NOT have the support of large numbers of Dem’s that vote
i agree Biden’s countinued wins help him with voters…
Sure it is.
Turbeville is a good cultist, even talks about how Trump was sent by God(that seems to mark one as the ultimate cultist,invoking the blessings of divinity is praise of Dear Leader)
Turbeville is essentially Roy Moore without the weird kiddie obsession.
Trump may have been sent by G-d and so might the Coronavirus.
If Democrats want to blame Trump for it, they might as well go all in on the punishment aspect. A lot of people would buy it.
“Without the kiddie obsession” is sort of a big deal though.
I am sure Tuberville will act in the Senate very much the same as Sessions did and would have and very similar to other conservative Senators. Yes. they are all jumping all over each other to suck up to Trump.
Even in suburban Chicagoland, every single Republican ad for Congress (or every appeal in the basically invisible U.S. Senate primary) is about supporting Trump and how so and so running in the field once said this semi- bad thing about Trump in 2015 and how that makes them a “NeverTrumper”, etc. etc.
Cult may not even be strong enough a word at this point. I doubt any of them truly believe it though, they just think that the voters who love Trump will decide everything.
If you’re a running in a Republican Primary?
Then you sure better believe that voters who love Trump will decide who the nominee is.
They will.
In 2016 and 2018, candidates running in Republican primaries in IL (especially near Chicago) would either ignore Trump or try to stress their independence. This year, it’s a fealty contest and if someone supported Ted Cruz for instance in the primaries early on, that is a sign they are a “NeverTrumper.”
The Trump cabal is completely obsessed with “NeverTrumpers” So much for them thinking we are so irrelevant.
Trumps obsessed with all sorts of things.
In the Republican Party today?NeverTrumpers are irrelevant.
Just sort of a an irritant .
I think NeverTrumpers haunt them actually, much like dissidents have haunted many ideologies throughout history, In their hearts, all sorts of people know they are wrong and feel the guilt and are perplexed with how to deal with the people who didn’t fall in line and go along with the show.
How true, CG. One old saying in the Old Left is that the closer two groups are to each other in ideology, the more furious their mutual opposition.
Well-known case in point: Stalinsts (CPUSA) vs Trotskyists (SWP). Also the SWP vs every other Trotskyist splinter or breakoff and every such splinter against another splinter.
Even in (really) democratic socialism/social democracy, I was appalled (as a Californian) by the bitterness and venom in New York between Michael Harrington’s side (which later merged with the New American Movement to found today’s DSA) and the George Meany loyalists (many of whom later became neo-conservatives).
Ditto among (real) fascists: best-known example being the Night of the Long Knives in 1934 where the SS purged in blood the original Nazi Brownshirts (SA) and assassinated the SA leader, Ernst Roehm. Hitler’s suspicion, paranoia and disloyalty matched or surpassed that of a current leader of a large Western democracy.
If the economy goes more sideways and the country is fucked up from the virus and Trump still has head up his ass?
GOPer’s WILL be finding ways to avoid Trump…
I’m waiting for Trump to take a sharpie a release from the CDC to cover his own blunder.
And Republicans to insist it was truth.
james, I do not know which comment of mine or second paragraph you are referring to, but it might be a reading comprehension issue.
You should be grateful for all contributions from the small amount of people here and not consider anything “baseless” as an opinion.