Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced late Monday that polls will be closed on Tuesday for the presidential primary election, citing a “health emergency” tied to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports.
The decision will be made despite a judge ruling earlier that he would not postpone the primary.
There are only 3 people left over in the running….
Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders…
Tulsi Gabbard
Here are the states that will be voting….
March 17 | ||
Arizona | Primary | |
Florida | Primary | Primary |
Illinois | Primary | Primary |
Ohio | Primary | Primary |
Tuesday, March 17 is the third largest date – in terms of available delegates – on the Democratic primary calendar in 2020. Voters in Florida, Illinois, Ohio and Arizona will cast their ballots. A total of 577 delegates is available. This trails only Super Tuesday and April 28. The latter date is the so-called ‘Acela Primary’ across six East Coast states.
Here are the latest ( 3/13/2020) Real Clear Politics polling or averages for those state primaries….
Arizona….Biden…45...Sanders. 17…Warren 13…Bloomberg…12…Biden by +28…67 Delegates
Florida…Biden…65.3….Sanders…22.0…Gabbard…2.0….Biden by +42.3…..219 Delegates
Illinois…Biden…57...Sanders…36….Gabbnard…2…Biden by +21…..155 Delegates
Ohio….B iden….57…Sanders 35….Gabbard 1….Biden…by +22…136 Delegates
Joe Biden is over 150 ahead in delegates and the above poll numbers seem to confirm he IS the presumptive nominee…
A new Arizona State University poll in Arizona finds Joe Biden leading President Trump in a presidential match up, 50% to 42%.
In the U.S. Senate race, Mark Kelly (D) leads Sen. Martha McSally (R), 48% to 36%.
A new OH Predictive Insights poll shows Biden leading Trump, 49% to 43%.
Nate Silver
If you’re wondering why my tone implies that the primary is basically resolved, here are our polling averages for the 4 states voting on Tuesday:
FL: Biden +42.8
IL: Biden +29.9
OH: Biden +24.6
AZ: Biden +24.5
Biden Leads In Ohio
A new Marist poll in Ohio finds Joe Biden edging President Trump in a general election match up, 49% to 45%.
Ohio is not currently considered a Toss Up on the consensus electoral vote map.
Another Poll Gives Biden the Edge In Arizona
A new Marist poll in Arizona finds Joe Biden edging President Trump in a general election match up, 47% to 46%.
In the U.S. Senate race, Mark Kelly (D) leads Sen. Martha McSally (R), 48% to 45%.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced that he is recommending the state’s primaries, which are scheduled to take place on Tuesday, be postponed until June to protect voters from the coronavirus pandemic….
Jeremy Pelzer
Motion denied. For now, at least, Ohio’s primary is still on for tomorrow.
I have to decide tomorrow whether becoming a Democrat for a Day might be worth risking my life…
EVERY DAMN day you risk ur like CG….
Anything COULD happen anywhere…
Go fucking vote…
You’re gonna have company ….
Bernie is hopping no one show’s up…
I’m not voting in the Presidential race if I vote. Biden will do just fine in IL without me, primary and general. States Attorney anti-incumbent vote only.
Since I ain’t working I will do updates later on the Biden wins….
One problem for Biden…
If Sanders voters go ut and vote and Biden voters don’t?
Sanders COULD do well…
Mail in ballots WILL go for Biden everywhere though….
One million California ballots are still needed to be counted it’s reported…
Some of Florida vote is already coming in….
Early voting….
There WAS people standing in lines also….
‘People gotta Live!’
Florida…57% in
Illinois will close in 10 minutes…
Could have 2 million votes in Florida…
65% in same Florida percentages….
AP will call this at 8PM I’d guess….
Sanders want’s the government to pay people $2,000 a month during the virus situation…
Cook County polls will be kept open an extra hour….
People have 5′ between each other on line…
Voter block in Florida 50% Black and Hispanic
Biden ahead by more than 500,000 votes in Florida…
2 minutes out in Florida…
8:00 PM….
CNN call’s Biden….
Nate Cohn
Joe Biden is the projected winner in the state of Florida, according to our projections
He’s on track net-100 delegates or more, essentially canceling every Sanders victory so far in the race
Virus ain’t stopping people from voting FOR Biden to get rid of Donald Trump….
AP Politics
BREAKING: Joe Biden wins the Democratic presidential primary in Florida. #APracecall at 8:00 p.m. EDT. #Election2020 #FLprimary
Nate Cohn
The “exit poll” in Illinois–which is just a pre-election telephone poll tonight–has Biden up 25 points or so
Delegate count.…3/17/2020. 8:00 PM DST NY
Biden could get 100 MORE delegates in Florida…
80% in Florida..
Delegate count….3/17/2020 8:15 PM DST NY
Benjy Sarlin Retweeted
Alex Seitz-Wald
NEW Delegate update: Joe Biden already had a big lead over Bernie Sanders, now Florida has given him a nearly indomitable one.
And Biden just crossed the halfway point to the 1,991 delegates he needs to win the Democratic nomination outright.
Sanders will NOT talk to the media tonight…
He spoke for a 1/2 hour earlier about the virus…
CNN and MSNBC have gone to being being pissed about people NOT sheltering in place around the country…
Biden wins Florida BIG and Illinois looks about the same…
Ghupta makes a key distinction though…
The aim IS to keep healthy younger Americans from spreading the virus to older Americans…
CNN’s Jake Tapper is besides himself on the video’s from San Francisco of people out and about…
10% in Illinois…
CNN’s John King…
Sanders doing better in Chicago right now…
But suburbs ARE Biden’s sweet spot…
Biden had 61 percent of the vote when The Associated Press called the state’s Democratic presidential primary with more than half of precincts reporting.
Bernie Sanders had 23 percent support. There are 219 pledged delegates at stake in Florida https://politi.co/2x0QsiC
Last I saw was only 23% of Chicago. Hillary beat Sanders in Chicago last time. I think Biden will do a lot better in Chicago than parts of the suburbs and exurbs. The fact that college towns have been emptied of students across the state is of course very bad for Sanders.
It depends which Wards in Chicago are reporting. Many are quite different. Sanders will do well in the white liberal lakefront wards and in the Latino wards. Biden will do well most everywhere else. Four years ago, Sanders got a lot of African-American votes as a backlash against Rahm Emanuel and his ties to Hillary and he is no longer a factor.
I agree….
CNN…Exit poll on leadership of the country
64% Biden
31% Sanders
45 minutes before Arizona closes voting…
CNN…Illinois 16%
AP calls Illinois for Biden…..
CNN…45% in
Illinois 45% in
CG projects defeat for the Illinois Nazi running again in the 3rd CD. He’s at 11 percent in a three way race among Republicans.
Incumbent Democrat Dan Lipinski is trailing by about 3 points with 54% reporting.
In the State’s Attorney race, Kim Foxx leading her nearest opponent 47-34 with about 62 percent in. He better hope that the outstanding vote is heavily suburban. Of course, all of the votes for the other two candidates are the reason she may survive with a plurality.
If that happens, a whole lot of today’s primary voters who voted against her might do so in November and as unlikely as it might sound, I would give the Republican about a 1 in 4 chance of winning against her.
On the Congressional side, two conservative females appear headed to victory. Jeanne Ives will have a tough time winning a suburban district that flipped two years ago but Downstate, Mary Miller would easily win an open seat.
In the most competitive suburban district, perennial candidate (and current State Senator) Jim Oberweis is leading a multi-candidate field but very tightly bunched with two female opponents.
Former Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran had a strong lead for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination last I saw, but if a lot of the remaining vote is from Downstate, that could change.
Thanks CG for the down ballot info…
Bernie Sanders has lost his 2016 base across the Democratic Party…
The question HAS been asked here and in other places…
Was it a anti-Hillary vote within the party?
Is it the anti-Trump push by Democrats?…
Arizona polls closes….
Dave Wasserman
I’ve seen enough: progressive Marie Newman (D) defeats pro-life, eight-term Rep. Dan Lipinski (D) in #IL03.
There was always a strong anti-Hillary vote, which is why Bernie did as well as he did against her and why Trump was able to win, period.
That helped Bernie become better known, and that is why there is now an anti-Bernie vote that is deciding the Presidential nomination to the benefit of Biden. (less personal or even ideological against him but mostly out of fear he cannot win.)
Of course, there is also an anti-Trump vote which puts Biden in a good position to start. There are likely relatively few people who were willing to vote Hillary who will not vote for Biden (although he has moved further left than she did), while there will be a bunch of voters who decided they could not vote for Hillary but who will vote for Biden.
The other differences though will be that Biden is far more gaffe prone than Hillary was (and she made some major ones herself) and that all that comes with incumbency makes it tougher to beat one for President.
There seems to be a widespread belief now that Dan Lipinski will lose his House seat. I called that on Primary Night two years ago that it would happen in 2020.
Still, he ran a far more active campaign this time and was believed to be far more organized. It was expected that a solid Election Day turnout would give him the win, but the virus likely kept many of his voters at home.
So, the number of Pro-Life Democrats left in Congress will be pretty much down to one now.
This is a win for AOC and the “Squad.”
This is the anti-Abortion guy right?
Big tent?
News channel’s are bored about primary results now that it’s evident that Biden gets a clean sweep…
The move to more virus coverage …..
VERY IMPORTANT LOOK AT Biden vs Bernie actual vote…
Joe Biden’s big bet was just about right on target, says reporter
: The electorate that shows up to primaries is the non-Twitter folks, they’re older and they’re more moderate.
Seems like no Arizona results 38 minutes after the vote closes
There’s not much left for the cable networks to cover with the primaries at this time. The virus is a bigger story.
Even Chicago coverage is having a lot about the virus amid the primary results. (First ever election with no parties to report from and no victory or concession speeches open to groups of people.)
Mark Curran, the former Sheriff of Lake County has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in IL and will face Dick Durbin.
Curran is a former Democrat who in an upset defeated the incumbent Republican for Sheriff in 2006 in the traditionally Republican county.
In 2008, he switched to the Republican Party. By 2018, the county had swung significantly towards Democrats and he was narrowly defeated for reelection.
After the election, he correctly blamed the burden of Donald Trump for the losses that he and other suburban Republicans took on across the country and expressed concern for the future of the GOP.
Nonetheless, his Senate primary run this cycle was as a staunch defender of Trump. Go figure.
Jack’s right to a good degree….
Republicans know he’s messed up…
But still vote for his supporters…
Kim Foxx wins renomination. My experiment as a Democrat for a Day was a failure.
Well, at least I know I can bring myself to vote for one Republican this November.
I did vote today for Congressman Raja Khrisnamoorthi in his primary and he won of course. (one of four races I voted in) because he seems to be a nice guy who has taken some steps in the name of bipartisanship.
If his sacrificial Republican opponent runs as being aligned with Trump, I will probably make Raja the first Democrat I vote for in a general election.
Hanging here has helped u hone in ur political skills!
This is local but there looks like a major upset in the Democrat primary for Cook County Board of Review. The party backed candidate (who has a Muslim name) was defeated by a little known female candidate, who had the support of police unions and who served as a defense attorney for convicted murderer Jason Van Dyke, who killed a black teenager in Chicago. On her website, she claims that Van Dyke might be the victim of “reverse racism.”
She will face a Republican incumbent in this suburban district (the top Republican in Cook County) who is from my area and I used to work with a lot. I will vote for him too unless I see a photo of him with a MAGA hat.
It hasn’t been called yet, but Lipinksi, who is trailing in the D primary, would have won with more conservative votes, if people did not vote in the R primary, just to make sure the Nazi lost there.
CNN projects Biden wins Arizona also….
No Latino boost for Sanders like in Nevada….
CNN…49% in
The grainy video of Biden declaring victory tonight looks way too much like an Al Qaeda hostage tape.
Ed Burke, the infamous indicted Chicago Alderman is narrowly leading his challenger for his Ward Committeeman position.
Delegate count.…3/18/2020 11:20 AM DST NY
AOC knows it’s over…
A new Arizona State University poll in Arizona finds Joe Biden leading President Trump in a presidential match up, 50% to 42%.
In the U.S. Senate race, Mark Kelly (D) leads Sen. Martha McSally (R), 48% to 36%.
A new OH Predictive Insights poll shows Biden leading Trump, 49% to 43%….
Notice the Ohio Governor IS a Republican…
Good for Mike Dewine.
In fact he’s been one of the more realistic Governors in this crisis.
I’m Glad he closed the polls in effect cancelling the primary.As for that Judge who ruled he couldn’t?Hes a damn idiot.
All of these primaries ought to be cancelled.
You still refuse to understand what’s happening.Literally hundreds of thousands of lives are at stake while you and others liked you are in some kind of weird denial.
All states voting after today should move to vote by mail.
California and other western states do it with no issues.
Today’s primaries may be the last for a LONG while…
Some Florida polling workers have refuse to show up…
Mail in balloting ONLY is probably what’s in the future…
The thing I worry about is that this Primary is continuing at this point, leaving the race unresolved…Biden is winning and will win, but Bernie hanging around is like a headache that just won’t go away…
I don’t think Bernie is going anywhere, I just read an article that his one political idle is Eugene V Debbs…and that guy ran for president as many times as Williams Jennings Bryan…And the results were all the same…
Real economic populism doesn’t work in America…Trump has shown a cultural populism will work (to some extent), but not an economic populism in the brand of Bernie and Debbs.
With that said, I don’t know how Bernie bows out of the this thing gracefully…if he bows out now, damn all those donors and volunteers are going to be upset and he has to balance that with making the right decision for his proclaimed primary agenda of beating Donald J Trump. Personal over party and personal over country…tough decision…
Sanders isn’t about donors….
Nor is he about supporters…
Bernie Sanders has ALWAYS been about ideology …
His speech tonight before he lost, and KNEW he would was about his ‘wants’…
Not a Democrat…
He has been unsuccessful in getting his dream of a America as a major socialist country…
he HAS been able to push Biden to left for NOW…
But for the election?
Biden like his former boss Barack Obama will come back to the middle come the general election…
Biden will be the Democratic nominee. Any discussion around “what is” that he won’t are as pointless as writing in a vote for a failed GOP nominee in a Democratic primary. Meaningless.