The Trading has begun again….
UPDATE.…The drop is down to around -1,600 at 10:00 DST NY
More to come….
The New York Stock Exchange has a series of “circuit breakers” in place to calm investors’ nerves when they’re panicked.
A circuit breaker was tripped Monday morning shortly after trading began.
The S&P 500 fell by more than 7%, halting trading for 15 minutes.
The next circuit breaker would be if the market falls by 13%. That would pause trading for another 15 minutes.
If the market plunged 20%, everyone would go home: Trading would stop for the day.
New York Stock Exchange trips circuit breaker. Stock trading has been halted for 15 minutes
The New York Stock Exchange has halted stock trading for 15 minutes after the S&P 500 fell 7% on Monday morning.
Stocks plummet amid coronavirus fears and oil selloff
Stocks plummeted on Monday as worries about the growing global coronavirus pandemic and an oil price race to the bottom weighed on global financial markets.
The selloff had begun in overnight futures trading, which was halted after futures contracts dropped nearly 5%.
The Dow opened 1,800 points, or 7%, lower.
The S&P 500 dropped 6.9%.
The Nasdaq Composite dropped 7.1%
All this comes after stocks managed to end the last turbulent week in the green. Despite three steep selloffs, the Dow also recorded its best point-gain on record last week….
Down -1,200 or so 11:53 AM DST NY
JP Morgan is telling investors that there is now a 90% chance of a recession over the next six months.
Yep, This is gonna suck. But hard to see how Trump gets reelected in a recession so silver lining.
The economy has been his silver lining so far.
You hear many people ,who otherwise dislike Trump, say that at least the economy is good.
Without a good economy, it’s hard to see much reason to support him,unless one just likes his tweets.
I’ve been preaching the coming recession. here for MONTH’s….
It’s NOT all virus…..
James I have been with you on the recession call, but I will admit I was wrong, I was saying it for like a year now and so have you and it took this double crisis to get the head of a recession to start rearing its self in the American Discourse…The recession was happening in the rest of the world, but it didn’t hit the US, we were wrong, but now we are right.
We shall see what happens but certainly the wealth and money in the country is going to decrease, let’s see what happens to Deficits and tax revenues and the great trickle down economics…Once this fails to stimulate the economy and bounce it back… you will see an increasing request by companies for govt help…but once the times bounce will see the deficit hawk Republicans start squawking again…fucking assholes have been silent for the last four years under trump, in fact they haven’t been quite, they have been supine in the presence of King T.
I agree that Europe was ahead of the US and under the radar Trump KNEW China was in trouble…
But China IS a communist country doing capitalism in trade…
The bosses there where too scared to make any deals…
THEY want to surpass the US’s economy…
The virus is making THAT a dream gone away…
On the US recession?
I’m sticking to my story…
It’s been there growing silently…
No wage increases…
Busted budget overruns…
Increased middle class taxes…
Few if any major companies actually return9ing their tax gains to consumer gains , increased employment or capital expendures..
Local and national companies going OUT of business…
A lying President , living in a Alternate Universe, who just does for himself giving most of us, included his fellow GOPer’s NO confidence in his leadership abilities…The Mueller Report and a Impeachment?
Trade Wars destabilising imports and exports…
No bdog…
ALL the signs WHERE Right THERE in broad daylight…
I HAVe said here?
I wouldn’t trust ANY Labor Department ‘report’ coming from Trump’s admin…
His political cronies are busy working to change reality to humour the boss…
It’s the curtains pulled back time for Donald Trump…
The media will do what it always does…
Look for headlines…
Now THAT wdillmean reporting on the market going sideways and a Donald Trump standing on the sidelines just as he is with the virus…
Remember Hillary doubting Trump would good for the 2AM phone call about saving the world?
She was right…
Donald Trump won’t answer it…
He’ll give the phone to Pence or Pompeno…
He’d be two bust combing what hair he has left while twitting and counting the money he’s made from u and me taxpaewr WHILE IN OFFICE…
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI
▼ 1,932.75 (7.47%)
March 9, 2:01 PM EDT
Year’s High
on Feb 12, 2020 (about 4 1/2 weeks ago)
Loss since this year’s high
▼ -5,619.39 -23.48%
Dropped from -1,600 again….
Will he leave 1600?
He won’t be able to stay CG….
We’ll know be for the votes are counted probably…
And believe me….
Biden gets the win?
The GOPer’s will jump ship….
The phone calls stop for Trump GOPer’s…
Lot of government people will start leaking shit…
Lot of Trump people will be looking book deals and lawyer’s
And the people go to the streets….
Trump would have sneak out to his dacha in Moscow…
▼ 2,017.64 (7.80%)
March 9, 2:13 PM EDT
Yay, the economy is going to crash and the virus is going to kill everyone’s grandma, but small price to pay for getting rid of Trump!! Right?
Who said that?
No one.
Besides you.
That’s how it comes across, especially from james.
If you nail him down on it, he would admit it.
No ….
The virus is NOT something to take likely…
But IT DOES show that Donald J. Trump is useless in true tough situations and because of the ‘fear’factor in his admin and those around him ?….things ARE worst
If a Democrat was President and the stock market dropped like it’s been and a major health scare was rattling the nation?
You would be in full throated bashing mode.
I don’t know about that, but I am not saying you can’t bash Trump. It’s just kind of sad to have to root for bad things as some sort of saving grace or silver lining.
Who is rooting for “bad things?”
I’m just commenting on what is presently happening.
So was Chicken Little of course.
I said specifically that a recession was going to suck.
I don’t root for things that suck.
If I did I’d be a Cubs fan,
You want to tank for a better draft pick.
And its no different than me having “rooted” for Hillary over Trump or Biden in a similar situation. Suckage all around.
But the message clearly sounds like, “we can’t beat Trump without a recession so bring it on, regardless of the pain.”
What “message”? All I said is that a silver lining of a shit recession that will hit my pocketbook is that the country will almost certainly be rid of Trump.
I think we can beat him regardless but *if* a recession hits he’s likely toast.
This is my own opinion on a freaking blog a handful of people read. This isn’t an official press release sanctioned by the DNC or the Biden campaign.
Get real.
“Silver linings” don’t always work out.
We don’t know what might happen.
If a recession occurred because his policies failed (and I certainly dislike his trade policies, etc), then he would be susceptible to take the blame.
Something like this tanking the economy in regards to all sorts of international aka “globalist” economic problems? (Nobody can claim the virus was his fault) We really do not know. It may very well help him beat Democrats. In many ways it fits right into his message and right into his “appeal.”
My default position will be to pray for the health, economic and otherwise, of all Americans, and hope that karma works as intended.
Uh, no one cares if a President’s policies are to blame for a recession.
Nor do they care if a President’s policies are what caused economic growth.
I guess you think Democrats should cede the election if a recession causes Trump’s approval rate to drop.
Good luck with that!
No, I did not say anything remotely similar to that. Why not make the case against Trump on things that the party can either handle better or that Trump is legitimately to blame for (and that can be related to his response to the virus too)
It is far from certain what will happen if this is what you are pinning your hopes on.
And my default position is that it doesn’t matter if you say 10 prayers to save the economy or light a candle every day in hopes that it will crash.
What will happen will happen.
Those in power pay the price and the challengers generally win.
We’ve had this dumb argument before and I think it boils down to you thinking it “distasteful” for a political party to be rewarded if the economy fails under the opposing party.
Except for when it benefited Ronald Reagan of course!
The President IN OFFICE gets blamed for lousy economies these days….
U KNOW that CG….
Biden will probably have to do what his boss Obama did in 2009 and bail the country out after a GOPer President…
Obama survived in 2012 when people thought the economy was crappy and his policies were off-base.
It is VERY TOUGH to beat an incumbent President, even when the incumbent is not popular.
It seems like it would be far preferable for Democrats to try to win from a “normal playbook” than think they are going to be rewarded for something in a completely unprecedented situation that is likely to feed into Trump’s political theme.
There are plenty of things that Trump should be “blamed” for legitimately, beyond an illness that started overseas.
If that is the game the Democrats want to play, he will point out his efforts to keep out “foreigners” at all costs in contrast to what we have to all admit is a very different attitude (justifiably so) by Democrats.
I haven’t heard a single person blame Trump for the virus existing. His response to it, like Bush’s to Katrina, is of course fair game.
This is just silly,
Besides for his chronically dumb public statements, what else has he done wrong on this? As I said, pointing out the stupidity of his remarks is fair game. But that’s not the reason the virus started and it basically has nothing to do with fighting it.
What would Hillary Clinton have done differently?
My entire point is being missed here though. This “issue” is precisely the kind of thing he thinks he would be able to use to his advantage.
Fits completely into his “America First” narrative.
It’s wrong of course, but is that the field you really feel most comfortable playing on?
Are you kiddimg me? Hillary Clinton at least believes in science. She wouldn’t be fighting with the CDC.
Actually,I’m surprised that CG hasn’t been posting these “speculations “ over at HHR.
The Right Wingers over there would eat this stuff up and he might be able to get back in with his former fellow Republicans.
Instead, he wastes it on us bunch of wayward “libruls.”
How is Trump fighting with the CDC or stopping them from doing anything? Fauci is saying that is not the case.
Tribalists on both sides need to hear things that challenge their myopic worldview. I think I am being very even-handed on this.
There is plenty of fear and loathing over there now, ever since Sanders had a bad week. The one person they dislike more than me returned there after a long absence to say that Trump called the virus a “hoax”, which happens to not exactly be true, but I am not going to fight their battles for them.
Hillary would be fighting with everyone if she were President. Remember, “What difference does it make?” The real policy would be conducted on her private server.
It’s distasteful to root for it, just like it is for those who might want troops to die in a war or mass shootings to occur or hostages to remain in captive.
Elections should be won or lost in a battle of ideas. I know I am a Pollyanna.
Indee any of us could be a victim of this virus.
I did a post Saturday morning about this.
I hope everyone here avoids it.
However, it is a realty at the moment and that fact certainly makes it and the concomitant effects that may result worthy of comment.
Sanders, Biden, and Trump are probably all going to get it if they shake enough hands.
I personally have never cared for the “shaking hands” ritual.
Yeah they could.They ought to quit.That would set a good example for the country.
‘Rope lines’ are disappearing sadly…
Hope we don’t candidates walking around in exposure suits….
Trump is a longtime germophobe, except when it comes to porn stars named after natural disasters. He should maybe self-quarantine in Mara-a-Lago.
Sanders likes to sleep in rooms with the A/C turned way up to 60.
Biden just needs to resist sniffing people.
Bubble Boy 2020!
Press the Flesh!! Kiss the Babies!!
Democrats have seemed to confuse the two.
Earhardt: “Stephanie, when Bernie was on ‘Meet the Press’ over the weekend, Chuck Todd asked him if he was going to continue to be on the campaign trail because we keep hearing if you’re around 80 years old you are susceptible, and he is 78 years old. President Trump is 73. Will he continue to have rallies and be out there on the campaign trail?”
Grisham: “He actually just addressed this. Yes, he plans on still holding rallies. And I’ll tell you what, with our President — this man who doesn’t sleep and who I have seen work 15-16 hours a day every day — I have no problem thinking that he’s going to be just fine and just healthy.”
And on CNN yesterday, the 45 year old Surgeon General declared that Trump was healthier than he was.
And the same guy wouldn’t give a straight answer on anything that might counter Trump’s bull shit thereby nullifying himself from serious consideration as a expert , whic is what Trump demands
▼ 2,013.76 (7.79%)
March 9, 4:20 PM EDT (about 10 min. before closing at 4:30 p.m.
There is a Trump Tweet saying if the stock market ever crashed 2000 points in two days that the President should be immediately impeached.
How about over a single day?
The loss went down to 1,500 midday…
That IS A A LOT of LOST money !
This is NOT just virus….
Oil price and value drops also…
“Close the Borders”
“Drill Baby Drill”
If this is what you are counting on, be prepared to counter those arguments.
Close the Borders? How about close CPAC?
Was Limbaugh there this year?
This is the worst press for C-PAC since that completely fabricated story (back in my college days) about frat boys on a rape rampage there.
I wonder if C-PAC had some Trumpian monuments up that the attendees were licking Iranian-style.
Gabriel Sherman
Trump is total meltdown. He told aides he thinks journalists want to get coronavirus on purpose to spread it to him on Air Force One. My latest:
He’s in the Nixon talking to paintings stage.
Too bad there aren’t any responsible Republicans who can talk him into quitting.
New Quinnipiac poll:
By 56-40, Biden is seen as better than Trump in a crisis.
Among independents it’s 59-33
Among women–63-32
In Israel, Benny Gantz, the center-right chief opponent of Netanyahu says he has a deal with a nationalist party to form a government.
REALLY on Gantz?
If this is true?
Bibi is in deep shit….
He’s under indictment …
He would become a ex-PM…
But a private citizen?
Gantz is working on a colition that includes Arab Israeli’s….
Bibi is hard right…
The larger part of the coalition would be the nationalist (and secular) party of Avigdor Lieberman, which is made up primarily of refugees from the Soviet Union. Lieberman is also someone who has some ties to Putin, and is probably at least as hardline as Netanyahu.
What he has in common with Gantz (and to a smaller extent the moderate Arab parties) is that they just want to get rid of Netanyahu. So, it would be a very diverse coalition. It unlikely any policy of the government would dramatically change.
There IS a sizable amount of Osraeli’s that just want peace …
Most outsiders do not know that there ARE Israeli Arabs….