This is the same Bernie Sanders that had to talked out of trying to primary Barack Obama in 2012?…Most young Democratic voters could vote back in 2010 to 2012….Older Black and White Democratic voters lived thru this…Some remember…Oh, Sanders is actually NOT a registered Democrat to boot!
Bernie Sanders on Wednesday morning unleashed a trio of new TV ads after being overtaken by Joe Biden in the Super Tuesday primaries — including spots targeting Biden on Social Security and touting praise from former President Barack Obama….
“There are millions of Americans who are deeply disappointed in the president — who believe that, with regard to Social Security and a number of other issues, he said one thing as a candidate and is doing something very much else as a president; who cannot believe how weak he has been, for whatever reason, in negotiating with Republicans, and there’s deep disappointment,” Sanders told progressive radio host Thom Hartman in July of that year.
Sanders’s remarks attracted some attention during his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. But Clinton never felt threatened enough by Sanders to mount a sustained negative paid-messaging campaign against him, and the Hartman interview wasn’t widely disseminated.
But now Bernie Sanders is the Democratic frontrunner. And some Obama White House veterans have decided to call attention to the socialist senator’s 2011 dissidence; specifically, they’ve leaked word that, in truth, Sanders did not merely call for someone to primary Obama but seriously considered doing so himself. As The Atlantic’s Edward Isaac-Dovere reports:
Bernie Sanders got so close to running a primary challenge to President Barack Obama that Senator Harry Reid had to intervene to stop him.
It took Reid two conversations over the summer of 2011 to get Sanders to scrap the idea, according to multiple people who remember the incident, which has not been previously reported.
That summer, Sanders privately discussed a potential primary challenge to Obama with several people, including Patrick Leahy, his fellow Vermont senator. Leahy, alarmed, warned Jim Messina, Obama’s presidential reelection-campaign manager. Obama’s campaign team was “absolutely panicked” by Leahy’s report, Messina told me, since “every president who has gotten a real primary has lost a general [election].”
David Plouffe, another Obama strategist, confirmed Messina’s account, as did another person familiar with what happened….
Sanders was pissed about Obama/Biden efforts to keep Republicans from messing with Obamacare in 2011 by offering cuts that he never made….Obama people where annoyed at Sanders for trying to drag them more to left like Sanders is running on now…
“But Barack Obama is a friend of mine,” Sanders went on. “I think he’s been a very strong president and has taken this country extraordinarily difficult moment in history in a very positive way.”
In the wake of the 2010 midterm defeat, and Obama’s pursuing of a so-called “grand bargain” with newly powerful Republicans on a budget, more than one progressive in Washington began to regularly and publicly criticize Obama. Sanders was among them. He was among the most vocal in his criticisms of the White House.
In May 2012, The Hill listed Sanders as one of several “Dem thorns” still in Obama’s side as the reelection campaign spooled up. The paper cited Sanders’s support for the idea of a progressive primary against Obama, which was prevalent in national interviews with Sanders throughout 2011. In November 2011, Politico reported “liberals like Sen. Bernie Sanders are declining to give their unqualified support for the president.”
Sanders said this weekend he was just supporting contested elections, and backing a primary was never a serious idea. But Sanders did use talk of a progressive primary of Obama to send sharp criticisms his way in 2011. And at least once he said, “I am now giving thought to doing it.”…
image…NY Times
The “he almost primaried Obama” is ridiculous. For one thing, it never seemed like he came close to doing so and only political junkies care about that. Biden actually did run against Obama.
In some ways, he might have done Obama a favor had he primaried him. It would have made Obama look more “moderate.”
It should render much of this ad unless….
Bernie isn’t Obama friend….
Joe Biden is…
Like Bloomberg?
Sanders is trying to steal from Biden…
That’s fair…
Obama has said Bernie is a friend.
But maybe that is just a lie politicians tell publicly.