This should be no surprise to people…
Donald Trump see’s the world ONLY as him and nothing else…
He does NOT like or listen to ‘experts’….
He does NOT tend to follow the ‘rules’ which are for everyone else….Not HIM…
In this case…
Trump HAS had to change directions or retreat from off the cuff statements that the media and health officials (particularly ‘expert Dr Anothey Fauci , Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), have had to correct to the public…
Dealing with THIS situation is not about freelancing, something Donald Trump proudly like’s to boast he does….
“Sometimes it seems like they have literally thrown out the book,” said Joshua Sharfstein, a former top FDA official and Johns Hopkins University professor who is using the CDC manual to teach a crisis communication class. “We’re studying what to do — and at times seeing what not to do — on the same day.”
Two weeks ago, Trump said the country would soon have zero cases. This week, there were more than 2,200 and 49 deaths. When asked at a news conference Friday why he disbanded the White House’s pandemic office, Trump denied doing so, saying, “I didn’t do it … I don’t know anything about it.” When asked if he bore any responsibility for disastrous delays in testing, Trump said no, blaming instead “circumstances” and “regulations” created by others. When asked if Americans should believe Trump or his top health official, Anthony S. Fauci — whom Trump has contradicted repeatedly — Trump sidestepped the question.
“For those of us in this field, this is profoundly and deeply distressing,” said Matthew Seeger, a risk communication expert at Wayne State University who developed the CDC guidebook alongside many top doctors, public health researchers, scientists, consultants and behavioral psychologists.
“It’s creating higher levels of anxiety, higher levels of uncertainty and higher levels of social disruption. … We spent decades training people and investing in developing this competency. We know how to do this.”
For three years, the Trump administration has often taken a hostile stance to science and its practitioners, but health crisis experts say it’s not too late and the fruits of their research — like the CDC’s 450-page manual — are waiting, untapped, to serve as a road map to help leaders navigate the growing pandemic.
Breaking every rule
The fundamental principles behind good public health communication are almost stunningly simple: Be consistent. Be accurate. Don’t withhold vital information, the CDC manual says. And above all, don’t let anyone onto the podium without the preparation, knowledge and discipline to deliver vital health messages.
Experts say that means not having multiple messengers jockeying for attention with completely different information. It means not overly reassuring people in the face of a threat that is likely to sicken many and kill some. It also means expressing empathy while also delivering information that may be scary. Tell people what they can and should do at an individual level to help those who are at greatest risk….
The White House physician said in a letter that President Trump’s test for coronavirus came back negative.
He’d had contact with several people who later tested positive….
As for the Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams?
Definitely not ready for prime time.
Efforts to tamp down the media driven hysteria are are few and far between…
But I ALREADY am hearing people grumpy inn the stores today, which have been wiped out….
“Media driven hysteria?”
Once again , sounding very Trump like as usual.
Now “doc” tell us Exactly,that is be specific, what the media is reporting that they shouldn’t.
From the man himself…
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Anthony Fauci on Sunday said it could be weeks or months before life in the U.S. goes “back to normal” but that the worst-case scenario projections of coronavirus infections and deaths are unlikely to materialize….
The media, as usual, showcases the WORST CASE situation…
There ARE 330 million Americans…
A LOT ARE gonna get the virus and a LOT have already had it common sense would think…
Fauci says the point should be to do prudent things….
The media , like for a snow storm, and in politics tend to go off the deep end to sell paper’s and get social media hits…
Report the stories like I have here about simply washing your hands with SOAP….
Report that the actual numbers of deaths are minute compared to the general public….
That’s what should be done…
‘It Has All Gone to Hell’: Businesses, Workers Bled Dry by Coronavirus
Screening causes massive bottlenecks at U.S. airports
Washington Post…
Life in US in practical standstill, as retailers, schools, churches close amid pandemic fears
Fox News…
Good Trump like response.
Ain’t no big thing right?
Funny you quoting Fauci who said today that it might be be necessary to lock down the whole country.
Unlike you?He knows what he’s talking about.
And yes aren’t we fortunate to have you telling us to wash our hands!
You ,Trump ,his cult?Its the damn media’s fault!
And the final hilarity to this dumb anti media blast of yours?
Your whole site is based on reports from?
Yes, the “media.”
No shit!
But i’ve tried to post some of the common sense stuff…