It’s Joe Biden’s World….
Yesterday was HIS….
The establishment Democratic Party CAN breath….
He owes a LOT of people and things for his BIG WIN putting him on the road to the nomination…
Joe Biden saw the earth turn on an endorsement of Democratic Congressional House whip Jim Clyburn….
The drop outs of Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg moved the earth even more…
And Joe Biden went inside of himself and got noisy in front of the camera’s…
Bernie Sanders helped out also by talking about just himself coming out of South Carolina…
Biden reached back for other Democrats showing a kinder and gentler side Bernie Sanders does not have…
And above all?
The Biden win MADE the media showcase HIM against their pre-South Carolina leans…
In addition?
Bernie Sanders doubled down on something that has turned off older blacks, and suburban white’s in addition to middle class Democrats…
His INSISTENCE on trying to sell himself to young voters as the ‘Robin Hood’ that would give them ‘free stuff’ that everyone else would pay for with higher taxes…
Oh, and the polls for Sanders after South Carolina where worthless….
Just like the current polls are after yesterday’s Biden’s wins…
Make no mistake…
For ALL intents and purposes?
The Democratic nomination race IS OVER….
Mike Bloomberg just joined the walk to the exits like the other’s…
Elizabeth Warren is talking to her people about moving on as I type this
He WILL have his vast campaign organisation begin to work for the Biden campaign.
The next contests coming on Tuesday feature delegate rich states that Sanders has few chances to win…
Oh, and the Stock market went up with Sanders stalling…
In the end?
Super Tuesday made Iowa and New Hampshire irrelevant as they should be…
The Democrat party isn’t Bernie Sanders young voters who don’t show up and vote…
Sanders isn’t gonna give up for now….
It is blacks , browns and yellows who are hard working and do NOT want their taxes going up…
Who are smart enough not to go for someone who makes promises they can’t keep for ‘free stuff’…
Who want to steal a party he isn’t even a member of…
Bernie Sanders tried to primary Barack Obama in 2012
Obama and Biden have to be smiling….
So does Hillary Clinton ….
Now Joe Biden has the job of trying to get those Sanders voters to come back into the fold…
He needs them for the November election to beat Donald Trump…
There are few commodities more valuable in political campaigns than momentum, and, right now, Biden is blessed with it in abundance for the first time in his campaign. Biden had a noticeable deficit in money and organization in the Super Tuesday states, compared with the well-resourced and well-organized Sanders.
The rapid consolidation around Biden’s candidacy has given him what Sanders’s money and ground game could not produce, and the results Tuesday put the former vice president in position to compete on at least an even basis with the senator from Vermont for supremacy in the contest to become the party’s nominee.
For the foreseeable future, the calendar will not get easier for Sanders. In coming weeks, the states holding contests, with some exceptions, were ones that he lost to Hillary Clinton four years ago. In some of the states he won in 2016, the shift from caucuses to primaries could hold down his delegate totals even if he were to win again.
The prospect of Sanders emerging with a sizable lead in delegates after Tuesday’s voting, something that had sparked fears among establishment Democrats that he could be on an unstoppable march to the nomination, began to melt away as the returns came in Tuesday night, with a growing possibility that Biden would be more than competitive by the time all votes were counted…..
top image…CNN.Com
bottom image NY Daily News
We can be certain that Sanders is not going to drop out.
I still do not see how the math would add up for Biden to get to 1991 before the convention. However, he may very well have the lead going into the convention. Sanders is on record saying the person in the lead should be the nominee and Biden and the rest are on record in saying, “no, it’s not over then.” Nobody expected this result.
james really needs to not be too cocky about this. Kudos to him for his loyalty to Biden, but he basically just stood by a position stubbornly (as he always, always does) and this one time, it worked out for him. That’s luck, not skill.
RCP Polling sidebar’s have been updated….
They have Biden back as the lead over Democratic field and Trump….
Also the Democratic Delegate count via AP….
Yes, Biden ran very well with Southern blacks. They are not a good group for Sanders. The same happened four years ago though too when Hillary easily won them. The major difference seems to be that moderate white suburbanites entered the Dem primary, perhaps for their first time, and wound up voting for Biden, in order to stop Sanders (and in line with what they did in the 2018 midterms.) Also, Sanders has failed to generate large turnout of young voters.
I definitely salute the Democrats for getting it to a much larger extent than Republicans did in 2016 (though Trump won when we all thought he couldn’t, so his fans had the last laugh), but it is way to premature to declare this over. It is also should be kept in mind that older, more conservative black voters in the south are not the same as the younger, more urban black voters in other parts of the country. Sanders won Michigan last time, as a surprise, which “revived” his campaign, and he will be counting on doing so again. I also think Illinois could go either way. Who will have the edge in New York between Biden and Sanders?
Black southern voters are definitely pragmatic and smart enough to want to stop Sanders, but the difference last night seemed to be because of white-collar white suburbanites.
Perhaps it should be “hug a former Republican” Day.
Amen CG….
Props on ur 11:33 comment…
I don’t think Sanders will fold anytime soon….
But so far I’m doing pretty damn good on the calls…
Warren out sooner rather than later…
I’m NOT being cocky…
As I HAVE sniffed the Super Tuesday results?
Just look at the states coming up…
More Southern states and Michigan…
Biden was ahead In most BEFORE yesterday …
It’s a lock for wins in most…
You and Trump are NOT gonna get Sanders….
Bernie isn’t a Democrat….
He don’t belong as the nominee…
In the next two weeks CG?
Biden wins will make it evident that he’s got the nomination…
Look for the media herding to turn AGAINST Sanders …
Sorry, but I’m not giving you too much credit on the “calls.” You just stake out a position and stick to it no matter what and usually you are wrong (Democrats will keep the majority in 2010 and then in 2014, plus many others) and then you deny you had the position or say you are glad the other thing happened.
This time, you got lucky! I told you that you should have gone to the online gambling sites and made a lot of money on Biden. You definitely could have!
CG I think you told James that the only state Biden would win on Super Tuesday would be Alabama.
I think James has earned a bit of cockiness. But I agree there are still a lot of primaries.
Sanders seems to have hit a ceiling though. He does better in caucuses and it appears a lot of his support in 2016 was because he was the only non-Hillary candidate.
I certainly don’t count him out in Michigan and Wisconsin coming up–though last poll in Michigan showed Biden up by 6.
He’ll be killed in Georgia, Florida, Missouri.
I was hardly the only one to count out Biden. james was still insisting that Biden would win California (just like he did IA, NH, NV, etc) and would have it all wrapped up after today.
The thing that turned it around for Biden was Sanders speaking his mind and the cases that a variety of candidates made, including Bloomberg and Buttigieg about how dangerous it would be for the party to nominate Sanders.
Thanks Scott…
Of caurse the race isn’t over…
Bernie may win one of tow more states…
His batting average ain’t good though…
Bernie is going to win way more than just 2 more states and if Warren exits, as expected, he will benefit from that (though Biden will gain votes from her supporters too)
Look at the map….
Joe had 10 wins across the country…
Bernie had what?
Not even a clean win in California…
It’s certainly a clean win in California for Sanders. Biden would have done better if not for all those early voters.
Mail-in voting (i.e all early) is the reason Sanders won big in Colorado.
The kids didn’t come out yesterday
They defiantly ain’t gonna get excited anymore
Bloomberg’s support is gonna be YUGE for Biden….
This may motivate them more now. The Sanders kids were raised to believe that they will never lose and always win a trophy.
Sanders is certainly going to take states like Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, maybe Wisconsin and Arizona.
How will Biden’s trade record come into play in industrial states like MI, OH, and PA? Sanders will try to make hay there with voters Biden needs.
I also think New York and Illinois should be considered major high-delegate battlegrounds.
“The Sanders kids were raised to believe that they will never lose and always win a trophy”
You mean like all the Southern Republicans supporting Confederate statues?
Give Stephen Colbert his hat tip..
Sanders will win more states, but considering he only got 51% in his home state of Vermont he can’t clean up on delegates if that holds. Even in states he’ll likely win-Oregon, WA state, NM–he won’t rack up huge margins like he did in 2016.
Honestly what position would you rather have today and looking to the next several weeks of contests–Biden or Sanders?
Biden looks like he is going to head into the convention in first, but considering the proportional distribution of delegates, it still looks very iffy for him to get to 1991.
Now, in 2016, Cruz and Kasich stepped aside, even when Trump did not have enough to clinch, and that was that.
Bernie is not going to do so. It’s just hilarious that he was the only one at the debate saying “the person in first should be chosen.”
So today who would you rather be. Biden or Sanders?
I’d prefer to be neither and keep my hair, but in terms of positioning, clearly Biden.
You’ll be alright CG….
Biden needs to reach out for the Democratic progressives in the end….
Sanders just isn’t gonna win in fight against his adopted party…
Harry Enten
The path to a contested convention is closing faster than Caldor’s locations in the late 90s.
A fear among liberal skeptics of Joe Biden is that his pragmatism represents a retreat from the party’s leftward momentum.
But he’d still be the most progressive Democratic nominee in history if he won.
@lkmcgann makes the case for Joe Biden:
“But he’d still be the most progressive Democratic nominee in history if he won.”
And if he loses to Trump, this will be the reason why.
I’ll take the lucky!
See new Tweets
Chuck Todd and 7 others follow
Jason Johnson
Sanders 2016 2020
MN 61% 30%
AK 29% 20.8%
OK 51.9% 25.1%
VA 35.2% 23.1%
TN 32.4% 24,5%
CO 59% 36%
Across the board, Sanders has performed below his primary polls in 2016. #Supertuesday
He only had one opponent that time. That sort of matters.
How can the clear preference that Latino voters seem to have for Sanders over Biden be explained?
Are they more accepting of the concept of totally free government health care and other things? Is there a backlash against Biden for the Obama Administration deportation of illegal immigrants contrasted with Sanders coming out in favor of totally open borders and the elimination of ICE?
These will be issues moving forward. Hopefully, Biden does not feel the need to try to move even further left. Right now, Sanders is starting to run ads accusing Biden of having a long record of wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare and comparing him to a Republican. I do not believe Sanders even ran one negative ad against Hillary last time. Biden is going to have to start running his own ads.
Bernie offering ‘free stuff’?
I do agree with CG that former Republicans definitely boosted Biden–along with African-Americans.
And I salute them. For all the talk of “Operation Chaos” the Republicans who voted Tuesday honestly think Biden is a better choice for President than Trump and most look to be making the adult choice of doing the same in November.
If james can convince me that Biden has the nomination wrapped up and he doesn’t need my primary vote, I will write in Theo Epstein.
Joe Biden NEEDS EVERY vote he can earn from now to November….
We ARE talking about Donald Trump a snake oil salesman …
EVERY little bit helps…
Hillary Clinton says Bernie Sanders never had a “real job” until he was 41 and became Mayor.
She must not think much of preschool teachers, writers, carpenters, welfare office workers.
Or because she has a Jewish son-in law, she thinks she can say this because Bernie never became a doctor or lawyer!
Hillary , like Obama, I’d think ain’t happy about the interloper that gave them a bit of a hard time…
Including Tulsi Gabbard (and not excluding Michael Bloomberg), Joe Biden is now the only non-divorced person running for President in either party.
Last month, I brought up the Pat Buchanan campaign of 1996 a few times and how he won NH, before the party established decided it had to rally around Bob Dole in order to prevent a potential disaster.
After his big win in NH, Buchanan stayed himself, and that is exactly what happened to Sanders over the past couple of weeks, and what seems to be the same result.
Buchanan never won though again after NH, while Sanders has won states and is likely to continue to win some more
As an update on the protestors who interrupted Biden on stage last night, after Jill Biden started to fight them off, they were dragged off the stage by Biden spokesperson Symone Sanders. She looks pretty intense in the photos of the incident.
I will refrain from making a Rosie Grier statement..
I was also struck by how Jill Biden told Joe, “you’re ok, you’re ok” right after they were taken off stage, which is exactly what a Secret Service person would have said.
I remember when this incident happened to former President Reagan in 1992
The Gipper’s first words when returning to the microphone, “Was he a Democrat, by chance?” I think his mind was still pretty good then.
Congress is moving to get protection for Biden and Sanders
Protection for Elizabeth Warren will be provided by off-duty officers at the nearest Indian casino and Tulsi Gabbard will be guarded by the KGB.
Montana Governor and former Democratic Presidential candidate Steve Bullock looks set to challenge Steve Daines for his Senate seat.
Barack Obama gets credit for this, and a bunch of us here have already agreed to raise money for Bullock. I think the Biden surge convinced him to make the race. In fact I cannot think of any Democratic challenger that wants to run with Bernie.
As far as the California election returns are concerned, there are easily over a million late deciding ballots that remain to be counted here. The Republicans traditionally vote early by mail and take the early lead in the jungle primary, but when late ballots arrive it can change the balance in the race (that happened in 2018 in Orange County). I don’t expect, with Trump at the top of the Republican ballot, for any incumbent California Democrat to lose their House race this November.
Just like Sanders wasn’t going to win the State by double digits, the Republicans won’t be winning any of those seats in Orange County. The Democrats have taken the registration lead there and the Republicans are in third place statewide behind Independents.
Delving into the California jungle primary results for Congress and there are some surprisingly strong showings for Republicans in the districts the Democrats took from them in 2018.
Considering Democrats flipped 7 seats in 2018 it wouldn’t surprise me if Republicans were able to be quite competitive in at least a couple of those this year.
That IS why establishment Dem’s do NOT want to carry Bernie Sanders in their backs come the fall….
Warren is off the campaign trying to figure out when to quit….
She ain’t gonna win….
How long will she stretch things out?
Democratic Delegate Count Updated…
Biden ahead by 65 Delegates
Dem vote totals
Biden +916,198