Roger Stone was convicted of multiple crimes….
A Justice Dept. lawyer told the judge the government wanted the guy to do 7-9 years in jail…
That night?
President Trump tweeted that he was unhappy with the time….
Next thing you know?
The GOVERNMENT hiccups and suddenly the Stone jail time call is pulled back…
Remember ?
The Justice lawyers boss IS Bill Barr ….
When Donald Trump is annoyed?
Barr tends to change things…
Even if that involves crooked and convicted old Trump running buddies …
The Department of Justice is backing away from its sentencing recommendation of between seven to nine years in prison for Trump confidant Roger Stone, a department official told the AP.
The official says there had been no contact with the White House over the decision, though President Donald Trump tweeted early Tuesday calling it “a very horrible and unfair situation” after the recommendation was made in a court filing Monday evening.
The official said the recommendation was extreme and excessive, and disproportionate to Stone’s offenses. The official was not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.
The Justice Department plans to refile the recommendation later Tuesday, the official said. It wasn’t clear how much prison time it would seek….
In the end?
It will be the judge that sets the time….
One attorney outright quit the DOJ
The other 3 quit the case,..
Two of the Justice Dept. prosecutors handling the River Stone case have quit after the orders from the top to water down the time asked for Stone….
At one was on the Mueller team….
It’s Barr and Trump’s way at Justice ….
It’s not about the law as week see with Rudy contacts…
I don’t understand why Barr felt he had to interfere.
There’s been a lot of talk about Trump granting pardons.
Stone was literally Trumps contact with the political world for many years.Theres little doubt in my mind that Trump will pardon him, whatever the sentence , after the election ,win or lose.
Stones lawyers can probably keep things tied up until then.
I wouldn’t bet on Trump pardoning anyone that cannot help him anymore. Trump is about Trump. Everyone else can be tossed aside. This Tweet was perhaps the extent to which he was willing to get involved and of course the Justice Department looks horrible now by how quickly they reacted to it.
I disagree as regards Stone in particular.
If he loses reelection it’s almost a certainty.
Why wouldn’t he?
because he just doesn’t give a damn.
Besides, if there is a dude who might enjoy being in prison, it’s probably Roger Stone. For a variety of reasons. He can get a G. Gordon Liddy tattoo under his Nixon one.
Nah if he loses the election?
He will probably grant lots of pardons.
People forget that the whole thing between him and James Comey was over Trump trying to help Michael Flynn.
So he does sometimes try to help people that have been loyal to him and no one has been more loyal than Stone.
Speaking of Mike Flynn…
That will probably be ANOTHER case of the US President helping a convicted felon that he ran with getting a pass on his jail sentence….
Maybe Barr will just issue a memo telling the troops that ANYONE that hung out with the a President CANNOT be charged with a crime?
Cohn and Mamfort got screwed….
‘Locality’ I’d guess Jack..?
It would be an issue with some DOJ lawyers working with Mueller…
Trump and by extension Barr IS. gonna keep cleaning house ….
The SDNY could be next if they don’t get the message one would assume to back off the Rudy probes ….
Trump and Barr don’t care about the optics as other politicians would…
It’s Trump’s world ….
Fuck Justice
it’s ‘ just US”…
A THIRD career Justice Dept prosecutor has quit due to what seems is a protest against the Barr level interference in a criminal case that is being directed at Trump’s request…..
That after an impeachment where Trump owned the jury of the US Senate…
Will there be more?
Holly Shit!
It’s up to FOUR quitting Barr’s Justice Dept!
New Hampshire just dropped off the front pages
Robert Reich
Barr has turned the DOJ into Trump’s stooge.
McConnell has turned the Senate into Trump’s rubber stamp.
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have turned the Supreme Court into Trump’s doormat.
The GOP has turned itself into a Trump cult.
At what point do we call this a dictatorship?
The Justice Dept. now has no recommendations on how much time Roger Stone should serve ..,
The four lawyers handling the case our off the case ….
It’s up to the judge who now knows about the DOJ internal situation
I fought the law and the law lost ….
Am I’m strutting about it🤪‼️