Donald Trump may NOT be prepared to be able to deal with something like this …
The virus is increasing turning g up around the planet and in America as Trump down plays its reach…
The American stock market has dropped due to virus concerns and its effects world wide for 2 days in row…The market is down 400- points as I type this after dropping 1,000+ yesterday….
This is NOT just going away…
President Donald Trump has lots and lots of thoughts about the novel coronavirus that has crippled China and has been spreading worldwide. Unfortunately, most of those thoughts are either wrong or factually questionable.
President Donald Trump attempted to slow global market fears about the worldwide spread of COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus on Tuesday in a press conference from India.
“I think it’s going to be under control and it’s going to work out fine,” Trump said.
Trump’s comments came after the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost more than 1,000 points in trading on Monday, as quarantines around the world slowed trading in China, South Korea, Japan and Italy.
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries,” Trump tweeted after close of business Monday. “CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
For the U.S., it’s not if but when, the C.D.C. says.
Americans should brace for the likelihood that the coronavirus will spread to communities in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Tuesday.
“It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country any more but a question of when this will happen,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
She said that public health officials have no idea whether spread of the disease to the United States would be mild or severe, but that Americans should be ready for a significant disruption to their daily lives.
“We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad,” Dr. Messonnier said.
China’s battle to contain the deadly coronavirus epidemic showed new signs of success, with a plunge in the rate of new infections. But that news was overshadowed by the unbridled expansion in Iran, South Korea and Italy, underlining the threat of a global pandemic racing out of control.
The World Health Organization said that the pace of confirmed new cases in China, which exceeded 2,000 a day a month ago, had dropped steadily, to a low of 508 on Monday. It said the severe measures imposed by the Chinese authorities to isolate patients and the hardest-hit areas had likely prevented hundreds of thousands of additional infections.
But W.H.O. officials have also warned that the world is unprepared for a leap in infections, which could overwhelm medical resources in many countries. They also cautioned that new cases could suddenly resurge in China, as the government struggles to get people back to work…..
According to Rush Limbaugh coronavirus is just being “weaponized” by us damned libruls to go after dearest Donnie Trump.
He says it’s just a common cold.
And why wouldn’t you take medical advice from a POS who was addicted to Oxycotin who still called Kurt Cobain and Jerry Garcia “dead dopers” and who smoked himself to stage 4 lung cancer despite oh 50 years of Surgeon General’s warnings?
I don’t think Trump is good handling BIG assed issue that do NOT involve HIM…
I do not think any of us are on Rush Limbaugh’s medical team or can speak exactly to why he got lung cancer. Sometimes, non-smokers get lung cancer too.
Limbaugh, who did often talk about his fondness for cigars, claimed on his show for years that he quit smoking cigarettes around the late 1970s.
If former smoker Barack Obama were to ever develop lung cancer, I don’t think it would be a reason to mock him.
Obama has never been a fraction of the hateful SOB that Rush has been.
So, if you don’t like Rush Limbaugh (and I am not a fan myself) for either ideological or personal reasons, just keep it to that, perhaps.
Leave the cancer out of it. Just an idea.
As to the back and forth over coronavirus, Democrats were also complaining in 2014 when Republicans were talking about Ebola dangers on the campaign trail, and saying it was being overhyped for political reasons, etc.
And as long as El Rushbo thinks he is a medical expert on Coronavirus his apparent failure to follow actual medical experts is fair criticism.
You may be listening to his show. I am not. Is he saying the people who are getting Coronavirus are at fault?
You can Google what he said. He said it’s the “common cold” and is being weaponized by Democrats to go after Trump.
Good to see your inner Republican is still there defending this POS.
I don’t think it is the “common cold” or is being used unfairly against Trump but none of this has anything to do with his lung cancer.
I also think Republicans were right to take Ebola cases seriously back when that was in the news.
Again, maybe Rush should just hold off giving faulty medical advice.
If somebody is looking to Rush Limbaugh or any radio host for medical advice, they have other problems.
I always try to find the original transcript or document rather than rely on (often incompatible) sccond-hand summaries in various media. So I was able to find one on Rush Limbaugh’s own site.
Some of his points are not unreasonable, e.g. that common influenza kills far more people every year than the coronavirus is likely to do any time soon (a point also made in the Mainstream Media and on PBS), but his diversion into fentanyl (given his personal history) is rather bizarre. The transcript begins:
RUSH: Folks, this coronavirus thing, I want to try to put this in perspective for you. It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. (interruption) You think I’m wrong about this? You think I’m missing it by saying that’s… (interruption) Yeah, I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.
The Drive-By Media hype of this thing as a pandemic, as the Andromeda strain, as, “Oh, my God, if you get it, you’re dead.” Do you know what the — I think the survival rate is 98%. Ninety-eight percent of people get the coronavirus survive. It’s a respiratory system virus. It probably is a ChiCom laboratory experiment that is in the process of being weaponized. All superpower nations weaponize bioweapons. They experiment with them. The Russians, for example, have weaponized fentanyl. Now, fentanyl is also not what it is represented to be.
If you watch cop shows, then you probably… Stick with me on this. If you watch cop shows, you probably believe that just the dust from a package of fentanyl can kill you if you’re in the same room with it. Not true. Not true. Even the cheap kind of fentanyl coming from China that’s used to spike heroin… They use fentanyl ’cause it’s cheap. It gives a quick hit, doesn’t last very long, which is really cool if you’re trying to addict people.
But it doesn’t kill people the way it’s projected on TV. It can if you OD on it. But inhaling a little fentanyl dust is not going to cause you to lose consciousness and stop breathing as they depict on cop shows. It’s dangerous. Don’t misunderstand. But it isn’t the way it’s portrayed in popular criminal TV shows, cop shows, and so forth and so on. The coronavirus is the same. It’s really being hyped as a deadly Andromeda Strain or Ebola pandemic that, “Oh, my God, is going to wipe out the nation. It’s going to wipe out the population of the world.”
The stock market’s down like 900 points right now. The survival rate of this is 98%! You have to read very deeply to find that number, that 2% of the people get the coronavirus die. That’s less than the flu, folks. That is a far lower death statistic than any form of influenza, which is an annual thing that everybody gets shots for. There’s nothing unusual about the coronavirus. In fact, coronavirus is not something new. There are all kinds of viruses that have that name. Now, do not misunderstand. I’m not trying to get you to let your guard down.
Nobody wants to get any of this stuff. I mean, you never… I hate getting the common cold. You don’t want to get the flu. It’s miserable. But we’re not talking about something here that’s gonna wipe out your town or your city if it finds its way there. This is a classic illustration of how media coverage works. Even if this media coverage isn’t stacked, even if this is just the way media normally does things, this is a hyped, panic-filled version. It’s exactly how the media deals with these things to create audience, readership, interest, clicks, what have you….
…continued here
Overhyped Coronavirus Weaponized Against Trump
Feb 24, 2020
First White House pushback against the ‘experts’ at the CDC?
Larry Kudlow is breaking with the CDC on the threat of a domestic coronavirus outbreak: “We have contained this, I won’t say airtight but pretty close to airtight”