You read THAT right….
MORE money for the rich guys and corporations…
Could it be that Bernie Sanders want to RAISE rich and middle class Americans taxes to pay for all his ‘free stuff’ promises?
That even as the economies of this country and abroad slips backward and money TO BE TAXED is disappearing?
Makes sense, eh?
Keep skimming money off the top for ur rich people…
Poor Republicans will go along….
They’ll smile while the guy is going thru their pockets…
No decisions at the White House have been reached on these options, and officials stressed conversations remained preliminary and extremely fluid.
Vice President Pence’s office is involved in the discussion of possible responses, two people said.
These ideas would not be designed to stop the spread of the coronavirus, but they would seek to arrest the economic fears spreading through the economy. And some of the ideas would need cooperation from Congress or the Fed, as the White House has limited powers to unilaterally rewrite tax policy or direct the central bank to act.
Asked about potential options for tax cuts, one senior administration official said numerous ideas are being discussed and that the talks were “very preliminary.”
The people spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal planning. White House officials are expected to present President Trump a menu of options at a later point.
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, a member of the coronavirus task force assembled by the White House, told reporters Friday there were many internal meetings but that no “precipitous” actions are imminent…..
You act as if Trump is “leading” the Republicans into doing this.
In fact cutting taxes for the wealthy has been standard Republican dogma since Reagan’s time.
Oh and the last thing any sane person should worry about are tye Uh
“Poor Republicans.”
They are totally complicit in Trumps actions.They know about them and they lustily cheer them own.
After four long years of Republican duplicity in Trumpism you still act as if these Republicans are being reluctantly drawn along, rather than quite willing participants in the greatest con game in our history ,led by a carnival barking dullard who yells and screams and lies on a daily basis to their thunderous applause.
Trump is the con men and they are knowingly supporting the con.They are more contemptible than him.