There has NOT been one Democratic primary….
There has been one busted caucus in a state , Iowa , with less people then 37 states….
And 4% minority ……
But you would think the guy polling ahead of the field in national polling was done….
Tomorrow will be the first actual primary voting….
It will be a state , New Hampshire, that has less population then Iowa….
Pete Buttigieg looks like he walk away with more delegates in Iowa….
Bernie Sanders is sure to win in New Hampshire tomorrow…
The race will move on to more diverse and LARGER states primaries….
Those are polling strongly for Joe Biden, the guy who the political media seem to have written off ALREADY….
Hang on people….
The race is just beginning….
Some political pundits just COULD look stupid….AGAIN….
image…NY Times.Com
….For almost a year, Biden’s opponents waited patiently for his widely predicted collapse. It never came. The majority of them — Gillibrand, Hickenlooper, Swalwell, Inslee, de Blasio, O’Rourke, Bullock, Harris, Castro, Booker, Delaney — gave up or ran out of money waiting.
And then in Iowa it seemed to happen in a flash. New Hampshire seems poised to ratify that judgment today.
And yet, just as Biden’s stock was over-inflated before Iowa, it could be undervalued after a New Hampshire drubbing. The same dynamic that led to his underwhelming showing is starting to define the race: Democrats don’t have an obvious candidate who they can rally around. Indecision is the most common theme I encountered among voters at more than a dozen events in New Hampshire since Friday. (Perhaps this should have been more obvious when even The New York Times editorial board couldn’t pick a single candidate.) There’s no reason to think the choice will get easier after Tuesday…..