His last straw will be to try get some delegates….
Super Tuesday will probably end the campaigns of Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar…
Buttigieg won’t be far behind…
Joe Biden will be hoping some of their supporters come HIS way…
Despite a brutal Super Tuesday map unlikely to hand him any statewide wins, the former South Bend mayor is looking to reinforce his claim as a Democratic alternative to Bernie Sanders by racking up delegates in individual congressional districts on Super Tuesday. It’s a national version of Buttigieg’s path to first place in Iowa’s state delegate race — crossing the viability threshold everywhere, pending a recount — which Buttigieg hopes to replicate on Tuesday, when 14 states weigh in on the Democratic primary, despite a splintered field and limited resources.
Buttigieg’s campaign said in a memo that its objective on March 3 is to “minimize” Sanders’ margins and maximize “delegate accumulation by [congressional] district, not states.” Anticipating a drawn-out primary process, Buttigieg is looking to survive deeper into the calendar, making it to mid-March contests in the Midwest that might provide more opportunities for him.
Buttigieg is focusing on selected districts in smaller media markets throughout the country to rack up delegates, from Austin, Texas and its suburbs to San Diego, northern Maine, and other locales where Democrats flipped House seats in 2018. But it’s a risky strategy to maintain momentum, and that risk is born out of necessity….
Buttigieg would have been smart to only focus on only two or three Super Tuesday states. I don’t see how you could recover if you don’t win a state.
Ya can’t…
Buttigieg WILL endorse Biden in Texas later today ….
So, if Klobcuhar and Buttigieg both endorse Biden and just to pick a random number, Biden adds 90,000 new voters.
The fact that they get out of the race may add 70,000 new voters to Sanders.
Who winds up in better shape?
What Biden needs more than anything is for Bloomberg, not as much to get out, but to say, “yes I will spend millions of dollars of my money, since you cannot raise it, on ads attacking Bernie Sanders and trying to prop you up and I ask nothing in return.”