AP, ABC And NBC call for Joe Biden at 7:01 OM EST 1 min after the polls close…
The polls got it right….
Joe Biden gets a strong win in South Carolina Primary today….
It is his first in four contests so far in his quest for the Democratic Presidential nomination…
The media narrative has been Bernie Sanders taking on the Democrat party up to now with younger voters…
But true to form?
Black voters have come out to support Biden, who was Barack Obama’s Vice President for 8 years…
For Biden?
A chance to smile for a minute after his early gaffs and a media rah, rahhing the more n noisy Bernie Sanders….
Biden IS hoping to get a ‘bounce’ out of his win in South Carolina that would help in the Super Tuesday primary contests…
More to come…
Lot of pundits rooting for Bernie gonna have to bite their hats tonight…Maybe they can go vacation till Tuesday?
Nate Cohen
Two things I’m watching at this point in the night:
–Can Biden win by the 30 delegates needed to take the overall delegate lead? Tough, but not impossible if Sanders misses 15.
–Can Biden win by the 86k votes needed to take the popular vote lead? If the exit is right, probably.
56% of SC Blacks who liked Clyburn endorsement voted for Joe Biden in SC…
Will this leak over to other Majority Bkack Democrat voter state’s canceling Sanders young Dem advantage?
Jim Clyburn is ,of course the, major Black politician in SC.
However,I see no reason to believe his support would have a major influence in other states
Undoubtedly though, his support can account for Bidens margin in SC.
I have the view that Joe Biden COULD AND SHOULD get a bounce out of ur state…
Quite obviously “Operation Chaos ,” the Trumpers effort to sway S.C. to Sanders ,
Didn’t work.
And i guess the GOPer’s stayed home or went shopping, eh?
17% in
NBC does not know if Sanders will hit 15%
Sanders would get NO delegates
They give Biden 20 delegates ALREADY…
The NBC people ask does Sanders have an ability to grow his base?
THIS IS. a come around to Biden’s base
Sanders talking
he sounds tired..
Speech aimed at young voters
He is NOT talking to older Dem’s
He is trying get more younger voters who do NOT pay the bills Sanders want’s to make with ‘free stuff’…
30% in
Sanders …18%
48,000 vote difference
Delegate update
Sanders 48
Biden 37
NBC switches to Clyburn
Crowd behind him is darker than Sanders’
Clyburn is going at
( Steyer NOT projected to make 15% threats hold which will give Biden more delegates …)
‘we have a candidate that is a rigid man…You do not have to be bombastic …tell false hoods…we have candidate that know what’s it like to be an American…Weare blessed with a candidate that can restore the goodness in America….’
I introduce a good man…fairness ..,goodness …my good friend who knows us….
37% in
Biden. 52%
Sanders 18%
Biden my buddy Jim Clyburn brought me back Biden…charged up ‘this is your campaign the heart of the Democratic Party has just won..
asked for help on soon to SuperTuesday
Biden is wired up
Mentions Obama several times
Join us
And if the Democrats want nominee that Is a Democrat
A Obama Democrat (cheers go thru the roof)
Americans want results not a promise
41% in
Biden 51%
Sanders 19%
We need more change right now
not a battle for the soul of the Dem party
A battle for the soul of America
This is NOT THE Joe Biden we saw on the campaign trail…
This is a guy on some kinda JUICE!
Biden is talking to his base of Black voters
He is talking about compassion
Sanders takes about young people promises
The days of Donald Trump’s defense defensiveness will soon be over
We must focus on our goodness
We see aV see a selfish selfish president
The Bidens love you guys
The Biden’s thank all of you
Get up and get up and take back our country God bless you all
Sanders 48
Biden 38
Biden passes Buttigieg in delegate ‘s
Biden sharpens his message
Joe Has shown ‘heart’ that even Sanders doesn’t have
53% in
80,000 vote margin for Biden above Sanders
Biden also talkies about things that would help down ballot Democrats , something Sanders did NOT …..
A BIG part of this is how the media covers. Biden in the next 48 hours
Tom Stryker drops out…
There will be more in the next few days..
This is good for Biden….
Steyer (not Stryker.. a name which…. nevermind..), had invested everything in SC.
Gabbard of course is irrelevant, but I don’t see anybody dropping out now. They all have to hope to have delegates to control for the convention. The only thing that might possibly happen is that if Super Tuesday goes very badly for Bloomberg, he would get out, as to help Biden try to stop Sanders.
I guess I will know next Wednesday if I need to go vote for Michael Bloomberg in a primary with a surgical mask on or for Joe Biden in a full hazmat suit.
Warren, Klobuchar and Yes Buttigieg should be exiting within the next week….
I hope they don’t and neither should you.
There is now ample evidence ,and I have made this point before, that many supporters of these candidates ,who you seem so eager to see “drop out” ,have Bernie Sanders as their second choice.
It would be better for Biden ,at this point ,for them to stay in ,rather than have their supporters go to Sanders as a second choice.
In essence they can serve to actually draw votes away from Bernie.
I hope Warren does well in Massachusetts and that Klobuchar actually wins in Minnesota.I sure wish Kamala Harris was still on the ballot in California.
There is little chance that Biden can win the nomination on a first ballot.Accordingly the object now is to stop Sanders from doing so.
Apparently you don’t understand this.
I got South Carolina right….
I see the three simply running out of money…
By this time next week I’ll saying at least one if all will be dropping out…
Biden HAS to overproduce against the pre-SC polls…
US Politics Poll
Likely state wins on Super Tuesday by candidate, FiveThirtyEight:
American Samoa
North Carolina
I think the list is pretty good…
The trick for Biden is to win Texas and close on Sanders in California …
You notice that if the list is right?
Only Klobuchar could get win outside the two guys….
There would be NO REASON for Warren, Buttigieg and Klobuchar to continue …
Bloomberg is the only guy that has the money to continue …
Nor do I believe ALL the supporters of the little three will move to Sanders…
I could be wrong on all this but i do Not believe so…
Hey Jack?
I should sign u up for the Joe Biden can’t make club?…
Dave Wasserman
What’s really happening here (that polls/media have been underestimating): there’s a big pool of Dem primary voters who have been waiting for something to clarify who the main alternative to Sanders is. SC was likely that event.
I think that Joe Biden WIIL get surprise and get a overproduction vote in Texas and California ….Biden’s win shoukd counter the steady ‘Sanders has this’ media narrative
Why would you sign me up?
I voted for him.
We all knew Biden was going to win SC early last week.
Nonetheless, let the record reflect that james’ willingness to gloat on Biden winning SC is about 20 times the extent I chose to gloat on being right about Mitt Romney voting to convict.
You are welcome.
No problem CG….
I gotta get a little good news on the guy…
I will repeat that “early voting” is a huge problem for Biden to overcome in these states,
Democrats LOVE early voting and want even more of it and ironically early voting in their own primaries could be the one reason Trump wins a second term.
Maybe on the early voting….
Sanders was pandering fro MORE young voters last night…
THAT don’t like a guy who is confident he’s gonna swamp Biden in 2 days
Biden is BOUND to get some sort of bounce,,,,
James, I was unable to find the link where 538 was saying that Biden is now favored to win Texas. Please share. Thanks.
Election Update: South Carolina — And A Bunch Of New Polls — Are Showing A Close Super Tuesday Race
More @ 538….
Ok – but that projection does not have Biden winning Texas. It is within the margin of error for sure, but you have to either say 538 has them “tied” or say that that 538 projects that Sanders has the best chance to win. Being honest is important.
The twitter post HAS California in the Biden column…
I ‘m hoping Biden outperforms in Texas….
I said Biden would win too!
Gee aren’t we something?
I’ll leave the “prediction “ sweepstakes to you and CG.
I don’t give a damn what you are “right” about.
If they all drop out,such is going to hurt Joe Biden. I want him to win.Apparently bragging what you get uh “right” is more important!
Jack, since you’ve long been in the Palmetto State, perhaps you could give us some understanding of the county-by-county variations in the S.C. primary:
Yea Jack….
Anything to add?
Biden ran best in the majority Black rural counties where Sanders was held to single digits.Most of those counties are in Clyburns congressional district .His endorsement probably accounted for the huge margins .Steyer did a lot of work there ,enlisted several prominent Black politicos;however, none had the stature of Clyburn and that showed in the end.
In the urban areas like Charleston,Richland(Columbia, , Greenville-Spartanburg, and York(essentially a suburb of Charlotte) ,Bidens margin while still large was somewhat offset by Sanders running around 20% +.
Thank You Jack….
Was any substantial white vote in the voting and did Biden grab any of it?
Steyer HAD. to be VERY disappointed…
I understand why he quit….
Yes it looks as if Biden actually won a plurality if not a slight majority of the White vote.
A footnote:While much is made of Bidens SC connections with not only Clyburn but former US Senator Fritz Hollings and former Gov.Dick Riley.
There’s also a Republican connection.The legendary Strom Thurmond regarded Biden as his best friend in the Senate and specifically asked that Biden deliver ondvof the three eulogies at his funeral.Thurmonds family remains close to Biden till this day.
james gets to brag! For one night at least.
After all the delegates are allocated next Tuesday and Sanders is well ahead, the panic will re-emerge. Will Biden be the one to benefit? Or will he be out of money and favorable states, and Bloomberg be the only viable anti-Sanders option left?
Of course, if it gets to a convention with multiple ballots, there will be many options as to where everything could wind up.
Things WILL depend on the media hype FOR BIDEN…..
The media HAS been riding the Sanders narrative
But Biden’s win WILL be more impressive then Sanders Nevada win…
The contest is now gonna be about California and Texas ….
If Biden grabs almost all of the Southern States with majority Black vote also?
Things ARE gonna change…
Steyer dropping again helps Biden
Klobuchar dropping out will help Biden
But the party IS probably gonna lean on Bloomberg quietly in the next week…
81% in
Delegate count
Sanders. 52
Biden. 44
Biden has passed Buttigieg and is now in second place in the count for delegates
Pete is @8%
He won’t get any delegates tonight
86% in
Sanders …20%
delegate update
Sanders …55
The Biden campaign announces they are receiving TONS OF campaign money ….
Establishment Democrats are breathing a sigh of relief…
Warren people talking a good show…
She has not won a delegate in a while …
Buttigieg campaign quietly acknowledges they have little chance of getting a nomination with his trouble with minority voters
There will be pressure for him to drop out to help Biden….
Sanders is only 10 delegates ahead of Biden…
Tonight Sanders & Co thought they could increase their base from the young Democrats…
But that did NOT happen…
For the Super Tuesday voting?
Sanders needs new young voters…
Biden HAS the older moderate and black voters…
Super Tuesday
Remember, people have been early voting in Super Tuesday states for WEEKS now, long before the “Biden comeback.” He will miss out on a ton of votes he might otherwise now get.
All the Democrat advocates of massive levels of Early Voting should really think about things like this.
Oh please. I am very happy with this result. I want anything to happen to keep Sanders away from the WH/nomination. Maybe you will decide on a candidate eventually. I will vote for Biden in a primary if I have to try to stop Sanders.
This is the best SC Primary Night I have had in 20 years. Believe me.
Delegate update
Sanders. 56
Biden. 47
CG is obviously miserable tonight. He wants a Sanders nomination so he can hold his head up high and proclaim pox on both houses. As if anyone gave a shit.
Well he ain’t getting much comfort tonight …
He like Sanders & Co. will have to suffer like Biden has for the next few days…
Bernie was they the same thing 4 years ago…
Biden has NIT Caught up to Bernie in delegates …
But he’s gonna finish tight to Danders…
It IS NOW. a race between the two as some of us thought it would be…
But repeating myself?
The others needs to drop out..
If they REALLY want Trump gone as the greater good ….
Especially Bloomberg…
Nate Cohen
It seems safe to say that when all of the votes are counted, that Biden will have won the most votes across the four early contests
And you are buying this b.s. from Scott, james?
I have been saying nothing but how much I want to see Sanders lose.
I specifically said on here that I hoped SC voters went for Biden (and then Bloomberg in the later states).
2000 was the last time the person I wanted to win SC won. Why would I be miserable?
This result was due to a few factors, but mainly fear about Sanders. Biden was the only other one with the chance to beat Sanders in this state. People who were for Biden before then cooled from him, went back to him out of desperation. Will they stay with him now?
That seems to be the case with Clyburn, who gave the last minute endorsement and definitely proved his worth in the primary as an influencer. If Biden is nominated because of this, Clyburn has a place in history.
Biden has to capitalize and capitalize quick or this will all be for naught and SC will be seen as a political aberration.
If Biden clearly does better than Bloomberg everywhere next Tuesday, that should be a message to Bloomberg, That is far from given though and ironically, at least for a week, Bloomberg will be hurting Biden.
If Biden can’t survive that, then Bloomberg has to stay in as the most viable option to stop Sanders, That would take it to the convention, where anything can happen including a political resurrection for Buttigieg or Klobuchar.
With 96% of S.C. in, CNN reports:
248,181 48.6%
102,312 20.0%
57,930 11.4%
40,857 8.0%
36,010 7.1%
15,546 3.0%
6,415 1.3%
est. 96% in
With an estimated 99% in:
254,426 48.6%
103,583 19.8%
– 150,843
59,486 11.4%
– 194,940
42,836 8.2%
– 211,590
36,924 7.1%
– 217,502
16,468 3.1%
– 237,958
6,606 1.3%
– 247,820
There’s no question that this is a huge (if not unexpected) victory for Biden, but I’m sure that he and his supporters wish he’d won just a few more votes to win an absolute majority over 50%.
Bernie Sanders will win by monstrous numbers in Vermont next Tuesday, but he might also carry Elizabeth Warren’s Massachusetts, too.
This afternoon, Bernie Sanders was not in South Carolina, but addressing a huge crowd on Boston Common.
I’ve seen no Warren commercials yet (perhaps she’s relying on familiarity to home-state voters, although Sanders must be just as familiar), but plenty of ads for Sanders. While Bloomberg’s ads begin with Barack Obama (so much so that many voters wrongly think that Obama has endorsed either Biden or Bloomberg), Sanders’ most recent ad begins with JFK announcing that he does things like shooting for the moon “not because they are easy, but because they are hard”.
99% in…
Biden….48.4%. 36 Delegates
Sanders..19.9%. 11 Delegates
Steyer…11.3%. 0 Delegates…Steyer has dropped out
Buttigeig 8.2%. 0 Delegates
Warren….7.1% 0 Delegates
Delegate count….
Biden ….51
I will be doing an after action report in the morning when the dust settles …
Joe Biden done good today
Biden FINALLY gets some good media…
Liked Biden’s Debate Performance this week, loved his victory speech last night…maybe getting his ass handed to him the first three states was a good thing, i didn’t see the same sleepy Joe we have been seeing all campaign long..he was fired up and energized…I think that win and if he gets some money to advertise in the states for Tuesday may help him…Sanders may still win super Tuesday, but I don’t think he is going to dominate like I did ten days ago…He will still be the front runner and Biden will need to pick up the pace to catch him…
It more and more looks like it will be a brokered convention cause neither guy I think will make it over the necessary hump…someone floated the idea that Obama could come out before super tuesday and endorse Biden…That would be huge…they indicated it would be like the Kennedy endorsement he got in 2008…I know he has said he will let the process run its course, but maybe seeing a divided party will force him to unify the party so that it can go out and accomplish the mission of getting trump out…
Bout Time!…..
Now can he get a ‘bbounce’ in Cal and Tex?
A few thoughts:
1) Very impressive win by Biden in SC. Clyburn was supposedly leaning to endorsing Bloomberg, but chose not to after two horrible debates. But if that is true, you wouldn’t know it given Clyburn’s very powerful endorsement of Biden. Once I saw a clip of that endorsement, I knew that Biden would win by double digits. But I don’t want to understate the victory. It was very impressive.
2) Biden did up his performance. He didn’t really stand out in the debate, but he said nothing to embarrass himself. And the debate participants beat up on Sanders and Bloomberg, and Biden didn’t have to answer any tough questions. Although I probably won’t vote for Biden in the primary, I was pleased to see him up his game – as I continue to root for all of the Democrats to perform well. The more articulate the candidates are, the more obvious it is that Trump needs to be replaced.
3) CG needs to give James some slack for correctly predicting a win in SC. James doesn’t do too well at predictions, so you have to understand his willingness to gloat when he finally gets something right. For example, he predicted a win for Biden in Iowa and he came in fourth.
4) SC has a recent history of landslide victories in the Democratic primary. I’m pretty sure that Hillary was leading SC until after the IA primary and Obama won there in a landslide. And Hillary got something like 73% of the vote four years ago. And
5) As of today, it looks like a two-man race, but never underestimate things to change suddenly in politics.
Thanks Z….
But if you check back?
I called Biden second in Nevada in the end….
yes – you changed your opinion, but only after polls showed Sanders lead was growing and he would likely win big there
Just Like BIG Boys do….
Ok – brag as much as you want.
I will try to tone things down guys…
Tuesday COULD be Great for Biden….
But it might NOT….
One Southern state (S.C.) down, seven more on SuperTuesday:
North Carolina
[subtoral 8]
Two more a week later, on March 10th:
[subtoral 10]
Then the Gulf Coast states of:
Florida on Tuesday, March 17
Georgia on Tuesday, March 24
Louisiana on Saturday, April 4
[subtoral 13]
Then these states from the Eastern & Middle Border:
Maryland on Tuesday, April 28
Delaware on Tuesday, April 28
West Virginia on Tuesday, May 12
Kentucky on Tuesday, May 19
[subtoral 17]
followed by the
District of Columbia on Tuesday, June 2
And Biden SHOULD DO GOOD in most of them which have a good amount of black voters…
Somebody on twitter said Biden owns the Red Democratic states and Sanders owns the Blue ones….
Yeah, Donald Trump…lol