This was a noisy, direct, over talking and messy debate…
Andrew Yang is a commentator on CNN….
He calls the debate FOR Joe Biden..
Axelrod…calls for Biden weakly…..
Borger….Call for Biden…
Knocks moderators…
Everybody thinks Sanders and Bloomberg did NOT do good…
Warren gets props for going after Sanders …
Bloomberg better..
Disappointed with Sanders socialism answer….
They ALL feel the same…
Sanders was below par….
They say he STILL has NOT formulated an answer on how he pays for his ‘free stuff’…..
They point to the Sanders technique of NOT changing his answer to a question, even if the answer digs himself on the hole…He just repeats the same thing over and OVER …The same thing….
The pundits point to Sanders being unable change his views…
They do joint to fact that Warren was trying to separate from Sanders because she CAN give specifics ….
Warren also went hard after Bloomberg…
Yang points out…
The next debate will half the people on the stage…
Buttigieg drowned out?
Bernie Sanders got a taste of being the frontrunner. Mike Bloomberg was once again in the hot seat. Joe Biden slid under the radar without too much trouble.
The 10th Democratic presidential debate wrapped up Tuesday in South Carolina with a series of fiery exchanges that probably didn’t do much to change the race, which could be good news for Sanders and Biden.
Sanders, who won the most votes in the first three early states, has established himself as the one to beat — and the candidate that the others needed to stop, but they didn’t.
Biden is staking his candidacy on a win in South Carolina in its Saturday primary, and judging by the applause in the audience, he’s still the favorite in the Palmetto State.
Bloomberg was the odd man out. The billionaire media mogul essentially bought his way onstage and took heavy criticism from Elizabeth Warren, repeating her performance from last week’s debate in which she delighted in skewering him at every turn.
Here are the debate highlights
Rivals pile on Sanders
Sanders’ rivals wasted little time going after the frontrunner.
In their opening comments, Bloomberg told Sanders that “Russia is helping you get elected;” Warren insisted that “I would make a better president than Bernie;” Steyer said that while Sanders has the right analysis of what’s wrong with the economy, “I don’t like his solutions;” and Biden invoked the nearby African American church where nine worshipers were killed by a white supremacist before highlighting Sanders’ repeated votes against the so-called Brady Bill gun control legislation.
“I’m hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight,” Sanders said. “I wonder why.”
image…Win McNames/Getty
Warren got criticized for *not* going after Sanders. She did not do so at all. Apparently, she thinks the best she can get out of this is the VP slot of a Cabinet position.
The pundits I saw DID say she went after him…
But stopped and did NOT go for the political kill…
Big thing for Biden is NOT hurting himself while Sanders was under attack and gave his stock rebuttals …
The morning usually has a different direction fro the first feedback…
The bottom line even mentioned here by all , except for Bernie people IS Biden IS expected to easily win South Carolina….
Of course the condition for media boosting for Biden is his MARGIN….
If he just squeaks by?
Thumbs down….
If Biden wins by I’d think about 7 to 10 or more?
He’s gonna be the comeback kid…
Bloomberg not being on the SC ballot is obviously the greatest benefit for Biden along with of course the bigotry that many of Biden’s voters hold against Mayor Pete.
That will not be in play anywhere else as Bloomberg will be on the ballots and the black vote will be more socially liberal.
This convention in Milwaukee may be must-watch tv.
“of course the bigotry that many of Biden’s voters hold against Mayor Pete”
My guess is CG will be an old Republican who has by then supported many Presidential candidates who backed Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 before the GOP has a serious gay presidential candidate.
Hell they still haven’t had serious women or black candidates!
And I think you know enough about me to admit that if I ever believe the best person to be President of the United States, is black, a woman, or gay, or any combination thereof, then I would wholeheartedly support them.
If only more Americans, in both parties, were willing to feel the same..
Yes but when will the Republican Party see it that way?
Democratic primaries and caucuses have now been won by African American, female and gay candidates. No Asian candidates have won either party’s contests and Latino candidates did win GOP contests in 2016.
Who won and lost in the latest debate?The Hill….
Who won...Chris Cillizza
Who Won…WashPost
If Biden does win SC and is seen as mounting a “comeback” his opponents are going to fire back with Biden having basically lied this week about having once been arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela in prison.
The Washington Post gave that Biden claim “Four Pinocchios.”
Joe Biden’s mission is to win enough in the next two weeks to tie or lead Bernie Sanders enough to get the Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Warren to drop out….
With their support thrown mostly to him ?
He’d be where Hillary was 4 years ago….
It WILL come down to SC and the Southern States black voters , the older ones….
Biden HAS been over performing ….
Sanders HAS been under performing…
Biden has underperformed three for three. Not even a question, no matter what you might be thinking.
Sanders has matched expectations in Iowa, fell short of them in New Hampshire, and more than exceeded them in Nevada.
If he loses SC but comes close, he will have exceeded expectations.
The only one who has “overperformed” in all three states thus far has been Buttigieg.
But he may have a very bad result in SC and it’s tough to start moving backwards as things ramp up.
Pete is simply NOT gonna be the nominee
U need to put THAT to rest…
Buttigieg just cancelled out his Florida campaign stoops for tomorrow….
catch in the morning …
i disagree wit u….
Biden under performed i Iowa
where Sanders underperformed …
Sanders under performed against in N.H.
Sanders over performed in Nevada and Biden did also….
So far ?
SC polls 3 days out have Biden with a win of from 5 to 7 percent…
AS I SAID before….
Biden over performing in SC WILL put him with an inch of Sanders ahead of Buttieg…
A 10 margin for Biden?
He’s ahead again and should give him a bounce into Super Tuesday…
It won’t happen
But a SC loss for Biden WILL doom his campaign
Bloomberg looks worse every debate even with his boat load of money..
James, If you genuinely believe that Biden “overperformed” in Nevada then why were you continuously predicting he would win there until about three days before the election? Were you just lying when you were saying Biden would win there? He lost by 25 points. I don’t think anyone saw Biden losing in Nevada by that much Biden even lost the non-white vote there. So the best</ you can say is that Biden met expectations in Nevada.
And to suggest that Sanders underperformed in both Iowa and NH is ignoring the fact that of course team Sanders would have been happy prior to the first ballots being cast with getting the most votes in the first two contests. Recall how he was stuck in Washington during impeachment while both Buttigieg and Biden were able to blanket the state with critical campaigning. Winning both Iowa and NH was not overly impressive, but the reality is that it is hard to call it a disappointment in any way.
That’s not how it works. Whomever might drop out would see some of their support go to Sanders. He is the frontrunner. That’s just how it works. If someone was not for Biden to begin with, there is a reason. It is doubtful Biden is many people’s second choice.
They are probably all going to stay in (Gabbard and Steyer are irrelevant) because they are all thinking about having chips to play for the 2nd ballot in Milwaukee and beyond.
In some ways, this is very similar to where Republicans found themselves four years ago. I said at the time that Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were dumb to drop out when they did (though Rubio losing FL in a landslide was a stunning rebuke). They could have fought Trump to the end and on the convention floor. Instead, they just resigned themselves to thinking Trump would lose the election and they didn’t want to piss too many people off before they ran again 2020.
I’m not sure all the major candidates will stay in;however,if they wish to stop Sanders they should.
I agree with your analysis of the Republicans in 2016.I think there was a chance they could have stopped Trump on the convention floor.
The problem here is that if Sanders continues to appear the strongest candidate against Trump and still is by convention time then the cry will be,why try to “stop “him?
If at the time of the convention Sanders has a small delegate lead, but not enough to get the nomination, then he can be denied at the convention – and that would be appropriate.
But if Sanders has a big delegate lead, but not enough to get the nomination, then giving the nomination to someone else would not be received well by a lot of Bernie’s supporters – and who can blame them? How would Hillary supporters have reacted if at the convention, the superdelegates suddenly supported Sanders in large numbers to deny Hillary because they felt Hillary’s emails would be an issue? Democrats won’t win if there is a prevailing perception that the election was unfair.
The reality is that if one candidate has a large lead heading into the convention, it would be counter-productive to try to give the nomination to someone else.
The History HAS been that Super Delegates confirm the delegate count….
We’ll see how things develop….
She said she would be a better nominee, but that’s it. She said nothing else about him the whole night, but returned to pile on Bloomberg time and time again.
It seems like she is just very bitter that Bloomberg donated to Scott Brown against her years ago and takes it personally. She says there is no room for anyone who was once not a partisan Democrat and who might have supported (moderate or pro-gun control) Republicans financially. Doesn’t she talk about her Republican brothers? Why the double standard?
I would have given anything for Bloomberg to have thrown back at her with her having lied about being Native American in order to benefit financially. He probably wanted to as well but was warned not to bother.
Warren is JUST as into her visions as Bernie….
Probably MORE and she CAN explain how she would do it…
She IS passionate..
But her mistakes count…
So far ?
Up to this week?
Sanders has NIT been seriously questioned…
Tonight he was…
Sanders STILL didn’t deal with questions…