We have ANOTHER debate coming our way tonight….
The last on in Nevada was a contentious free for all…
One should expect a replay…
The object of the incoming should be one Bernie Sanders…
Joe Biden should get his first primary win this weekend…
And could come out closely behind Sanders going into next Tuesdays Super lineup of contests….
But Sanders lead will be what the people on stage will be trying to chip away…
Senator Bernie Sanders has emerged as the front-runner, winning the most votes in the first three states while consolidating his base of liberals and young voters. Mr. Sanders carried everyone below 65 in Nevada, according to entrance polls — a decisive showing. Tonight’s South Carolina debate is all about who can slow his momentum in Saturday’s primary there, and then next week on Super Tuesday.
But the anti-Sanders lane is a traffic jam of more moderate candidates: Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who had his best showing in Nevada; the billionaire Michael R. Bloomberg; the former mayor Pete Buttigeg and Senator Amy Klobuchar. Another leading liberal, Senator Elizabeth Warren,is persisting, too. And the debate stage is expanding rather than contracting — Tom Steyer returns after falling short of the qualifications in Nevada…
The other besides ‘the Bern’….
Mike Bloomberg will be trying get more engaged than he was in Nevada debate which showed he may not be ready for prime time ….
Joe Biden will have to keep his energy level up or better then the Nevada debate …
Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Kloibuchar are probably on their last legs of being seriously in the race ….
And Tom Steyer?
He’s got the money to hang in there…
Senator Bernie Sanders has emerged as the front-runner, winning the most votes in the first three states while consolidating his base of liberals and young voters. Mr. Sanders carried everyone below 65 in Nevada, according to entrance polls — a decisive showing. Tonight’s South Carolina debate is all about who can slow his momentum in Saturday’s primary there, and then next week on Super Tuesday.
But the anti-Sanders lane is a traffic jam of more moderate candidates: Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who had his best showing in Nevada; the billionaire Michael R. Bloomberg; the former mayor Pete Buttigeg and Senator Amy Klobuchar. Another leading liberal, Senator Elizabeth Warren,is persisting, too. And the debate stage is expanding rather than contracting — Tom Steyer returns after falling short of the qualifications in Nevada. …
The debate started 1/2 hour ago..
So far?
Sanders has knocked Bloomberg for his China connection
Biden goes afte Sanders for his seemingly lack of Obama support and failure on gun control
Sanders and Bloomberg tussle in the economy
Warren talks about her progressive action vs Bernie’s vague ones
Sanders knocks Sanders fundraising tactics and asks for donations to his campaign
Things double back to how is Sanders gonna pay for his ‘free stuff’…
Bloomberg concedes he didn’t handle his female employee issues corrctly
Both Klobuchar and Stryker go after Sanders again on how will he pay for government free stuff…
More later…
Bernie Sanders IS getting piled on for his ‘free stuff’
he is still vague to evasive on how to pay for it….
This debate thus far has been Donald Trump’s wet dream.
and riveting television.
The fact that Biden had to go nuclear on Steyer says it all about the situation. It looked like Biden and Steyer were seconds away from a physical confrontation,
Warren and Sanders, who seem to have a non-aggression pact, are getting booed for their attacks on Bloomberg, who continues to looks so out of place on the stage.
As the debate is in a commercial break, a Bloomberg ad is running.. hilarious.
They go to another break, and almost every commercial is for Bloomberg!
He should use some of that money to hire a better comedy writer. His jokes suck.
Bloomberg now standing up for the military and America strength. Good to hear on a stage like that.
I still would have loved to see Oprah on a debate stage.
But would CBS have Gayle King on the panel?
Biden has been angry all night (including at the moderators) and it just doesn’t work for him.
I have reached the conclusion that in a one on one debate, the most effective person against Trump would be Buttigieg.
My wife just said the same thing…
But he’s about out of money and he’s simply NOT gonna be factor after next Tuesday I think…
Here’s a good live Blog link....
Too bad there isn’t a candidate with Bloomberg’s financial resources, and Buttigieg’s instinctive political discipline and instincts..
Of course it would also help if that person had any sort of substantial record to be matched with mainstream ideas.
So, the alas the closest thing we had/have is Mitt Romney,,
A Hillary Clinton ad just aired! WTF
The debate should be just about over….
The media narrative will be going in two directions….
Sanders IS the leader….
Sanders had a ‘bad’ debate….
Bloomberg had at least a slightly better debate and yet I feel ickier about voting for him.
I will post some twitter bits…
Joe Biden had been relatively quiet at the beginning of the debate but decided to speak out against a target he never before pursued: Tom Steyer.
Steyer has spent huge sums in South Carolina, threatening Biden’s lock on the state.
Bloomberg and Klobuchar having a side by side conversation after and they ARE both 5 foot 4. She may have had heels on too.
Everyone is talking about Bloomberg’s horribly misguided “Naked Cowboy” joke (which is like thinking that everyone in South Carolina watches Seinfeld too… I knew who Bloomberg was referring to, but most probably had no idea), but he should have talked about the “Naked Emperor” in the White House.
(At the same time, Bloomberg’s campaign released something related to nudity that Sanders wrote in the late ’60s that I think we will be hearing about in a big way pretty soon.)
And when Bloomberg was asked about his efforts to reduce obesity in NYC, he should have said “well, it didn’t work on Trump.”
Bloomberg will probably NEVER be comfortable with the arms and elbows on the national stage…
He’s another rich guy that isn’t used to people throwing down at him…
Bloomberg just has zero charisma. At least when the television cameras are on. The real guy is probably the one who tells too many dirty jokes.
It’s unbelievable he didn’t try to give a stronger answer on Israel and take on Bernie over AIPAC when given the chanec (and none of the others attempted to jump in), I know he doesn’t need the money of Jewish donors, but there are lot of Jewish primary voters to be won.
At very minimum, Bloomberg pointed out we cannot move the embassy back. Sanders was not prepared for that question and said “we will have to look into it” while Warren gave a completely non-sensical answer about it not being up to us where our Embassy is. First of all, who else would it be up to? And secondly, Jerusalem is clearly recognized by Israel as their capital and they aren’t ever going to change their minds on that.
The entire concept of Bernie and Warren’s anti-AIPAC argument is that they dislike Netanyahu. Who knows how long he will even remain in office. The point is that AIPAC is comprised of 18, 000 American members (the vast majority of which are Democrats)
And whether they like it or not, Netanyahu is currently the leader of Israel They are saying they are willing to meet with and deal with various despots around the world but not the elected leader of one of our staunches allies?
Bloomberg’s answer on China, while perhaps technically accurate, was horrible nonetheless.
Obama did NOT like Bibi either….
Trump does…
Yes we agree Money Mike is blasé …
The pundits pointed out that a la’ Trump….
Bernie Sanders Bull Shits his way thru his campaign….
Like Trump his supporters don’t care…
He just makes shit up and they love it…
I could stand only a little bit of Elizabeth Warren; when she started her high-strung machine-gun overtime expressions of outrage, I either yelled at the TV or used the mute button.
She (understandably) tried to hog as much airtime and attention as she could, without regard to time limits, order of speaking, or relevance.
I didn’t catch all of the debate but from what I saw Biden and Buttigieg did the best.
Bernie and Steyer (not that it matters much for him) the worst.
Joe showed he still wants this thing, which is a big chunk of the battle.
Sanders doubling down on his support of revolutionaries from decades ago didn’t go over well. At one point he was actually arguing with the crowd. Not a good look. Pete hit him pretty hard on how focusing on that kind of stuff isn’t where we need to be in 2020.
Oddly enough the beneficiary of that will likely be Biden. At least the stuff he is talking about from decades ago are bills he had a hand in that were all supported by the other candidates.
Bloomberg did OK. Warren’s attacks on him are having diminishing returns and he did a good job of shifting the focus after them,
Klobuchar also did OK, though I’m not sure where she can go from here. Maybe win Minnesota and a couple of smaller upper Midwest states like North and South Dakota.
Republican Reefer Madness continues:
Not sure what debate Marco Rubio was watching that his takeaway was Democrats wanted weed for everyone. Or maybe he was just high.
Yesterday CG said he worries more about the effects of pot than that of Coronavirus.
Maybe he should reach out to Marco before he throws his life away!
Several pundits DID do the weed thing on social media…