The number is for as I type this at 9:45AM EST
The US Stock Market has dropped 3,500 points THIS WEEK….
The dropping is also been across financial markets around the planet…
But the best remedy for the coronavirus — which has sickened more than 83,000 people worldwide and killed nearly 3,000 — could lie beyond Washington’s immediate powers.
“Central banks don’t make vaccines,” said David Kotok, chairman of Cumberland Advisors.
Nonetheless, the Fed is facing calls to rescue the economy from an unforeseen shock….
More during the day….
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · February 28, 10:04 AM EST
▼ 1,077.32 (4.18%)
▼ 4,317.44 (14.88%) since closing bell last Friday 21 February
Thanks DSD…
The market ($$$$ BILLIONS IN VALUE) IS going in the toilet in REAL time…
2:00 PM EST….
-902 points
2 hours out from the close for the weekend…
Breaking records….
The theory that Trump is setting up Pence to blame for this as an excuse to drop him in favor of Nikki Haley is pretty savage.
Trump is savage.
As to whether Trump is purposefully setting Pence up?While it sounds unlikely, we know Trump is always looking for scapegoats.
He probably thinks that all this “could” be a problem and he needs someone to blame it all on.He and Pence don’t appear to be that close.
So, plausible?Definitely.
If things go so sideways with the coronavirus that Trump needs to blame it on Pence and dump him from the ticket he’s likely already lost then anyway.
Putting Nikki Haley on the ticket in that circumstance would be a Hail Mary
Haley is showing herself to be a pretty astute politician who ,while dutifully supporting Trump ,is also keeping some distance.
For instance Trump is in Charleston for a hatefest tonight.
Nikki is here too for some women’s conference, but has announced she won’t be at Trumps event.
Hedging her bets?
Yeah, one wonders in such a circumstance if Haley would even want to join the ticket.
Probably have “family reasons” not to.
Trump is incapable of handling anything like the virus and certainly NOT a possible recession
Like the true Republican he is Trump has an idea to address the economic waters muddied by Coronavirus–cutting the corporate tax rate.
How that could have any effect on supply chain issues and shortages I don’t know.
But there’s nothing Republicans won’t throw an upper class tax cut at to see if it works
The Republican cure to any disease–a tax cut!
post coming on ur tax comment Scott
Mild 200-point recovery (not a rally) over the afternoon:
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · February 28, 3:58 PM EST
▼ 501.95 (1.95%)
▼ 3742.07 (12.90%) since close of trading last Friday the 21st
Your $40,000 DJI-indexed fund last week lost $5,160 since last Friday and is now worth $34,840.
Small afternoon recovery continues:
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · February 28, 4:20 PM EST
▼ 357.28 (1.39%)