Vermont Independent US Senator IS the leader of the 2020 Democrat Presidential nomination candidates…
There has only been one primary and two caucuses….
But the leader going in , former Vice President Joe Biden is trailing Sanders, Pete Buttigieg , Elizabeth Warren AND Amy Klobuchar….
He’ll probably be ahead the two Democratic women by mid week, when the Nevada delegates are finally done being announced…
But he’ll have to have a Good sized win in next Tuesdays South Carolina primary to come close to Sanders numbers and past Buttigieg …..
The experienced , establishment , moderate guy holding up the rear?
Joe Biden IS a nice guy….
An old timer who boasts his ability to work WITH Republicans in the past as way to get things done in Washington….A guy who wouldn’t promise voters stuff that can’t be done….
Biden , like Hillary Clinton, does NOT do BIG rallies where the media can show large starts of supporters…Up to now he never broke a sweat as Bernie Sanders does….Biden hair is NEVER all over the place like Bernie or Trump…
Joe Biden has been about calm and can do….
THAT does NOT excite young pissed off Democratic voters….
With Bernie promises to be the 2020 ‘Robin Hood’ taking from the Rich to make EVERYTHING FREE?
Who would stand a chance?
Moderate Democratic voters tend to NOT get excited…..
They tend to see thru false promises ….
They worry that the Sanders Government paid for socialist based free for all WOULD be a easy target for Donald Trump to ride to a second term…
We have Biden struggling…
Ahead of Biden is Pete Buttigieg , the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who talks a good show and has what appears to be a small, but solid group of supporters….
But the mayor has had troubles with black issues back home and his being gay could hurt his chances even in some Democratic contests…
Both Klobuchar and Warren will most likely run out of money by March 4th…The day after Super Tuesday…While they have both shown strong campaigns…Their poll and vote totals show that they have little chance to win against Sanders or Biden…
The two rich guys Steyer and Bloomberg HAVE the money to stay in the race until the convention…
Bloomberg pledges to do so and will hit on sidelines to see if Biden fails as the moderate and the party needs a last ditch candidate to try to derail Sanders…
This brings me to Democratic Party itself….
Bernie Sanders has made it clear the feeling is mutual…
He has been campaigning within the party to weaken it’s rules and drag it to his socialist friendly left, something party members and most polls show would be against where MOST American’s are politically and could be a great help to the Donald Trump reelection campaign…
Added to the dilemma ?
Democrats in the House in Trump districts would NOT be able to join the Sanders campaign if he was the nominee….
They are already worried about Sanders ‘free stuff’ that would cost m middle class taxpayers INCREASED taxes….
Some Democrats find themselves in a bad place right now…
Young votes who LOVE the promises Sanders could hardly keep ARE excited to vote for him…
Older voters who do don’t buy Sanders promises are NOT as excited and might even come out and vote for Sanders if was the n nominee , let alone in a primary….
Democrats have a political civil war continuing , was it has since 2016 and the guy leading the charge against it’s very being IS getting better and stronger as the others fight among themselves…
Sanders’s power to turn out young and blue-collar voters or suburbanites is not fully tested, the ceiling of Trump’s support is poorly defined in a two-way race and the senator from Vermont has not yet been subjected to a negative paid advertising effort.
“Our data shows that all of our potential nominees, including Sanders, have a pathway to victory, but it isn’t guaranteed,” said Guy Cecil, chairman of Priorities USA, a Democratic super PAC that has polled heavily in the key presidential swing states. “This election will be close regardless of who we nominate.”
But there is far less flexibility for candidates in smaller districts. That has prompted Republicans to celebrate as they look to reclaim ground they lost in 2018 when largely affluent suburbs rebelled against the GOP in a protest of Trump.
“The Democrats’ embrace of socialism is going to cost them their majority — I mean, it’s as simple as that,” said Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “Bernie is about as good a contrast as we could have ever hoped for.”
Democrats, particularly those representing swing districts, agree.
“We flipped those seats [in 2018] because of Donald Trump,” said one House Democrat who represents a suburban district, speaking on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal discussions. “And if Democrats want to hand most of those back, put Bernie at the top of the ticket. And that’s how many of us feel.”
The House member added: “Our overarching priority [is] to replace the president, but to do so with someone who is going to be equally divisive does not serve the country’s interests, and I think that’s at the core of what is making so many so uncomfortable.”…
image….The Daily Campus
New Open Thread IS HERE….
Morning People…
In the Dem delegate overall count right now?
1,991 needed for 1st Ballot nomination win
LONG way to go….
Super Tuesday will end up with around 40% of the delegates absent the Super Delegates
Biden ahead of Sanders in Texas poll by less than a percentage point….Last poll out there had Sanders ahead by 2% its
The data suggest a very tight contest between former Vice-President Joe Biden (22.5%) and Senator Bernie Sanders (22.1%), with Senator Elizabeth Warren in third place (18.3%)….
While Sanders is way ahead in California in the polling…
Biden should be able to win in Texas due to the more moderate voters there…
Texas has little more than half the Dem delegates of California…
You say there is a “a long way to go” and then in the next sentence say that 40% of the delegates will be chosen in Eight days.
That’s not very long to me.Right now?Sanders is positioned to win most of them.
Further, daily ,I grow more and more skeptical of him being stopped.He has a great,committed organization,momentum and has totally stolen the former narrative that “he can’t win”ax he runs better against Trump than any of the other candidates.
The only question left ,Is Bloomberg willing to dump millions into at best about a 30% or so chance that Bernie can be stopped?
You join the majority of GOPer’s excited about a short coronation of Bernie Sanders as the Dem nominee…
Let me see ?
35 delegates of 1,991 needed?
Everybody can pack up and go home!
This from one who was telling everyonea couple of months ago that Biden was gonna sweep Super Tuesday and it would all be over.
Now?Well Super Tuesday (where Sanders is leading in most states) is no big deal.Theres a long way to go.
It’s still proportional the rest of the way.
What specifically could occur to prevent Sanders from gaining the most delegates? What is going to stop him from either having 1991 at the end or having more than anyone else going into the convention?
Sanders has had a lot of fans for over 4 years now. He has gained much support proportionally since his run against Hillary. He is getting stronger as this campaign is going on. So, obviously, something is going to have to happen to stop him.
We all saw this four years ago too for Trump.
A lot of people who are “for” one of the other candidates have Sanders as their second choice.
So just the others dropping out leaving ,say ,Bloomberg head to head against Sanders doesn’t mean that he is going to inherit the present non Sanders vote which makes this argument that Bernie is under 50% not as valid as it may seem.
Oh take that rubbish and shove it.
I’m being realistic .
You?Living in some dream world where Biden makes some miraculous comeback.
That’s not gonna happen .Furthermore, you know it !
If Sanders truly can’t be stopped, man, will America wish there was a third option…
America has spoken–in our current winner take all Electoral College system “third options” don’t win.
That wouldn’t change in the Electoral College of course, but as I said, America is going to wish there was another option.
Both major parties are in dire straits as institutions, and perhaps Democrats more critically of the two now.,,, unless Sanders is nominated and actually wins.. then it becomes his party lock stock and barrel, the way Republicans have bowed to Trump.
What I notice is that even the Democrats who are not voting for Sanders still (for now) like him far more than Republicans four years ago who were not voting for Trump in the primaries ever liked Trump.
Stopping him will get be messy. Bloomberg is probably best equipped to do it in the messy way. In theory, Buttigieg (a very talented and aspirational speaker) can try to appeal to people’s minds, hearts, and souls, but it appears that Bernie’s base is just the biggest to start and they do not want anything that reeks of “Republican-Lite.”
Yeah but Betnie hasn’t found “twitter” yet.
As for a third candidate?The last time won any electoral votes by winning any states was 52 years ago.
Not a good look for anyone contemplating it.
Would we ever have had an election in 52 years in which more people would feel left out than Sanders vs. Trump?
The idea that a third party candidate could win seems unthinkable.
So did the nominations of Trump and potentially Sanders.
These are different times.
Not that different.
There are all sorts of reasons this isn’t going to happen.
The logical person to have attempted it would have been Bloomberg and he opted the party route.
You’ve been on this for awhile.
I don’t see it happening
You and others may be able to pretend you like the idea of Bernie Sanders as a nominee and potential President just like many Republicans did and do with Trump, but as I said, it’s leaving a lot of people out, who wish they had a different option.
The parties going to reactionary extremes is not good for democracy
I don’t “like” Sanders as the nominee,
Didn’t vote for him and have consistently supported the anti Sanders people uniting behind a candidate
Don’t attack me just because I said that a serious third candidate wasn’t going to happen.
Maybe Evan McMullin will run again?
Or John Kasich.
Hope springs eternal
You all could have stood down and offered it to Charlie Baker or Larry Hogan, (if Kasich is too conservative) and beaten Trump in a landslide with a “National Unity Ticket.” (The NUT Party perhaps), but it looks like you are willing to roll the dice and gamble that Sanders can win and not drag down all sorts of people with him, because the concept of fighting for (and losing) in Congress over Medicare for All and the Green New Deal and cutting the military drastically is more important than simply beating Donald Trump and re-grouping for another day.
Who are you addressing?
And how do you get 24 Presidential candidates to “stand down” and deny voters choices in the primaries?
Charlie Baker?Larry Hogan?
Being “offered” the Democratic nomination by who exactly?
Now we have slipped into never never land.
24 candidates= shitwhow= DJT 2nd term= ???
Caveat Emptor
Democrats saw it work to their advantage (for one election) not long ago in Alaska in a race for Governor.
Sure, it would be odd, and yes as I said from the beginning, I didn’t blame you folks for not wanting to do it.
But if Trump wins, you would wish it happened. Don’t deny it.
And if we get to multi-ballots in Milwaukee…
You will vote for him in the general? That’s your choice, but I don’t think you will be happy to do so or very optimistic about the outcome. Even if Sanders wins, I do not expect you think he would be good for America or good for your (former?) party.
That’s no different than how Republicans were forced to shut up and swallow Trump.
Others, across ideological spectrums, wish this were not reality. That is my point.
Of course I will vote for Sanders in the general.
I’m an adult. I have to make choices like one.
If you choose not to play that’s on you.
I don’t disagree that a lot of people will be unhappy with aSanders/Trump choice.
I am certainly one of them..
My only point is that aThird candidacy isn’t viable as an option to win and I don’t see any serious candidate moving forward in a fruitless adventure given the inherent problems with launching such an endeavor.
I repeat,I don’t see it happening and, despite your constant raising the issue,I’m not sure you really do either.
More a wish!
Most adults have more than two choices in virtually anything. Consumers certainly demand as such.
If you had a choice to be driven by a drunk bus driver or flown by a drunk pilot, I don’t think making a a choice would be that easy.
But you Scott are genuinely left-wing, so I would not expect Sanders to be too hard for you to swallow. I think you probably fear his electability though.
I didn’t say it was anything more than a “wish” but my point was I am far from alone and will be in wishing for such.
this is all a dream come true for Putin.
Well in US Presidential politics two choices is where we are at.
I mentioned abolishing the Electoral College as at least being a step towards ending the two party monopoly in Presidential politics.
But you demurred. Because supporting the Electoral College is a very Republican thing to do.
The EC argument is not even relevant to the other matter. It’s fine to debate the EC. It’s very realistic that close elections could see it “screw” either party, so its not just a Republican thing, but getting rid of the EC would lead to some very unintended consequences.
And political parties have come and gone before in America with “third options” replacing them, Let’s not pretend it is not Constitutional .
OK. so what else are you doing to help abolish the two party system and see that a third party/independent candidate can win in future years?
What I’m doing is not vote for either option.(Though I said I would vote for Bloomberg)
If it is Sanders vs Trump far more Americans will stay home than should or many more than that will make a choice they feel bad about.
Likely, more for Trump than for Sanders.
Well if not voting was the answer wouldn’t third parties be thriving by now?
If third parties had more relevance there would be less non-voting.
But for a long time, up until recently, people have tended to find the two party system worked.
We are now seeing extreme reactionary results though in both major parties which has the potential to lead to realignment.
I am talking about what is largely an academic theory while both of you are reacting a bit weirdly to this.
All I have said is that if we have Sanders vs. Trump, a lot of people will be dissatisfied with their choices and a lot more than usual.
Do you somehow deny that or disagree?
If the 2020 election does indeed boil down to Trump v. Sanders none of us here have any real idea of what turnout will be. Anyone who says they do is projecting their own thoughts to the American public at large.
In recent Presidential elections the lowest turnout years have been 1996 (49%) and a tie between 1988 and 1992 (50.3%)
1996 was a year that I would have been happy with any 3 of the candidates being elected. Most Americans were not thrilled by the choice.
If Bernie Sanders IS the nominee ?
He won’t track back to the middle
A LOT of us moderates WILL sit the election out for President…
The Trump state Democrats ARE trying not to shit themselves ….
It won’t be as bad as think…
But it could be worst…
Correction. The two elections that tied for 2nd lowest turnout were 1988 and 2000. 1992 actually saw a relatively heavy 55% turnout
Bob Dole was tye Republican candidate Ingrid 2996.
I always liked Dole
My favorite story of his was explaining how he became aRepublican.A group of businessmen approached him about running for County Prosecutor.The young war veteran said that he would but had never been a member of either party.They replied,” well the county votes 2-1 Republican.” Dole replied,” well, I guess I’m a Republican!”
I don’t know who Ingrid is!
It was State Rep for Dole, but yeah, good story.
He was a State Rep for two years before becoming Russell County Attorney.
Question for the Democrats:
Should Biden attack Sanders at tomorrow night’s debate?
Or is the new poll showing Biden 15 points ahead enough to skip doing that?
If you want third parties to have a realistic chance you should support abolishing the Electoral College.
That’s fairly irrelevant. We have 56 individual popular elections of various weight. The odds of having some of those go to the third option would be better than having 1 much larger one go that way. With an EC, there would be far more opportunity for a third choice to try to pick and choose where they can make a stance.
Let’s also not forget the Constitutional process if someone falls short of 270.
It’s very relevant. Our current system is very prohibitive to third parties and independent candidacies. If you truly want them to have a better chance you should support a complete overhaul of our Electoral College system.
There’s no difference between someone needing to win a plurality nationwide or needing to win a plurality of in enough of 56 individual contests in order to get to 270. I am sure a mathematician could explain that better than I. It seems like it would be easier. For example, someone’s home state. The third party candidate may be really popular there and get the plurality only there and then if the election is close, nobody gets 270…
And if someone does not get 270, “nobody wins” until Congress gets involved and that could lead to a more likely scenario to elect a compromise choice, etc.
That factor would make it more likely for a third party candidate to become President than having to win a nationwide plurality.
That the two major parties would agree to abandon their party’s nominees and vote for aThird candidate who caused their candidates to be in this position to begin with?
That doesn’t even make sense.
Yeah I can see Louie Goehmert and Jim Jordan and AOC and Ilhan Omar all voting for say
John Kasich rather than Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders!
Desperate times can lead to desperate measures. I never said I expected this to happen. I am just saying this was always the most fool-proof option to stopping Trump. As mentioned, Alaska Democrats did this, very late in the game, and to some surprise, and it worked, back in 2014.
(the two Governors I mentioned are polling in the 70s in their blue states, so clearly many Democrats like them)
Ideally for you folks, you would find someone in your party to nominate who can beat him (and maybe that will happen) but it’s looking less likely by the day. The guy you nominate we are reminded isn’t really even in your party.
But I guess for some, blowing a second straight election to Trump is not that bad. You may have a strong 2022 midterm followed by an Impeachment Sequel.
However, it goes beyond Trump, With Sanders leading your ticket, you are likely to have party members in marginal areas running away from him like mad and refusing to support him and there could be massive downballot carnage in *certain* parts of the country.
Oh that might very well happen.
Or Sanders might win.
The Constitution states each state delegation in the House has one vote. So, in theory the third choice just needs to be second nationally, not first, and then of course that leads to compromises, It has happened before early in American history.
Denying someone 270 and throwing the election to Congress while coming in second is more statistically realistic than winning a national plurality.
If Sanders wins, will you become an acolyte like the former anti-Trump Republicans or will you stay true to your beliefs about him and what he proposes, etc?
I’ll take Mitt Romney’s position….
I’ll support aPresident Sanders when I think he’s right and oppose him when I think he’s wrong.
You don’t have problem with that position ,
Do you?
Nope, I would do the same.
But he will be almost always wrong.
And I really do not think either one of us actually expects him to be President.
I would rate him as the underdog.
But ,as I said earlier on a different topic and ,as Marco Rubios former campaign manager said earlier…
Political Norms have been totally uprooted in the Age of Trump.
So ,neither a Sanders landslide loss nor a Sanders win would shock me.
In response to this passage from this 3:52 p.m. post by CG,
“There’s no difference between someone needing to win a plurality nationwide or needing to win a plurality of in enough of 56 individual contests in order to get to 270. I am sure a mathematician could explain that better than I. It seems like it would be easier.”
No mathematician (and while I flunked calculus, my father taught applied math at Brown) would ever make that claim because it works only one way and not both.
What truly astonishes me is that CG (perhaps in a flurried moment) seemed to suggest that he has not the vaguest, fuzziest idea of how gerrymandering works (and has worked since long before the days of Elbridge Gerry).
(a) Yes, if you win a plurality in each of 51-57 constituent contests (50 + DC + PR, VI, Samoa, Guam & N, Marianas + Partisans Abroad), then clearly you will also win a plurality in the whole; but
(b) No, the reverse need not necessarily hold: it’s possible to win an overall plurality and still lose most of the seats produced by 51-58 individual contests — particularly where (as in party conventions and the Electoral College) the seats are not equally apportioned among the individual electorates.
[This is, as we have seen, particularly aggravated by the unit rule which is no longer allowed in party conventions but still holds in the Electoral College (save Maine & Neb.)]
Suppose I win 60-40 overall, but my votes are distributed thus:
then I will have won an overall plurality of 60-40 (3-2) but won only a minority of seats (2-3).
It IS Were the votes come from ….
Clinton wins 3 million more
79,000 votes in CERTAIN states and CD’s give Trump the Presidency…
DSD we were talking about the general election, not the primaries.
50 states, DC, 2 districts in ME, 3 in NE
Whether it’s one national contest or 1 out of 57, the same “rules” would apply. Obviously, it is possible that a third option would win. In theory the smaller the electorate, the more possible that can happen.
And if someone wins a few places, preventing someone else from 270, then they are in play for the next phase.
Everyone seems so stuck on “the other party sucks” or “the candidate I like is good” or “I hate the Electoral College” to even understand the concept and I am not sure how else to explain it.
How in the world does “gerrymandering” apply to a state?
President is elected by CD’s
If u redraw CD’s to included JUST one party majorities u could the right amt… but lopsided majorities even thought the state is majority the ORHER party….
BOTH parties do it….
GOPer’s in your face….
No, the President is not elected by CD’s.
There are only two small states that have that system for a total of 5 districts with one vote each. Only two of those are competitive.
So he is?
And one would hardly be able to suggest that either Maine or Nebraska are “gerrymandered.”
Nobody said EVERY state
Interestingly I’m the only person here that I know of who has actually voted in the primaries yet.
My former Governor Jay Nixon has endorsed Mike Bloomberg.
So I’m inspired by CG’s earlier take that Democrats should have “offered” to run Charlie Baker or Larry Hogan on a National Unity ticket.
To stop Bernie Sanders Republicans in the House and Senate should all endorse conservative Democrat Joe Manchin as a “Unity” candidate and talk Trump into stepping aside for the good of the country.
Come on CG. Get to work!
I’d be all for Manchin over Trump or Sanders.
But Trump actually won the last time and against Sanders, many believe he will beat him now.
The Democrats are the challenging party. Maybe they should have been smart enough to nominate Manchin. If so, they would beat Trump.
And many people think Sanders will beatvTrunp.
Why do you think that the Democratic Party can just nominate someone and bypass the voters.
But suggestions that the GOP do it are some how crazy?
Four years ago at this time, I was calling for Trump to be thrown out of the race by the party LaRouche style. They had the right to do it.
And I was certainly for a brokered convention where a nominee could emerege there.
I am entirely consistent. I am happy to say that I would take Manchin over either Trump or Sanders. Will you say the same about Baker, Hogan, or Kasich?
Post on the South Carolina debate in the morning….
If you haven’t noticed?
Going into tonights debate and Saturdays SC primary?
Lots of cold feet is breaking out against Bernie Sanders leading the Democratic race…
Everybody here KNOWS I’m not one of the guys fans….
Should Biden attack Sanders tonight on the debate stage? Absolutely.
They all should, although I expect Steyer will not and Warren will just go after Bloomberg because she wants people to treat her better online.
Sanders should expect more incoming …
He WILL get asked about the Cuba accolades….
Sanders is dead wrong about minimizing the murderous, terrorist regime of Cuba,
But let’s be honest. His rhetoric saying that we should remember their literacy programs, etc, simply echoes what Obama was saying about Fidel Castro as President.
For some Democrats, it’s easier to take on Sanders than it was Obama.
Ghastly régimes often do positive things which of course don’t excuse or cancel out their crimes.
Nazi Germany had an effective campaign against smoking tobacco, besides — as everyone notes —building the (militarily useful) autobahns.
Vichy France established the social-welfare programmes that have continued into democratic republican France.
Mussolini did not (I have read) actually make Italian trains run on time, but he did build some very necessary infrastructure in then-backward Italy.
What I wish Bernie Sanders had said to Anderson Cooper was something like “at the same time that Castro was stifling democracy and putting dissidents in political prisons, he also started a very necessary and effective literacy program. That doesn’t in the least justify the dictatorship that Americans of all parties have always condemned.”
Sanders’ first instinct will always be to defend communist and socialist dictators. This is nothing new. He has been doing it for nearly 50 years.
With 100% of the Nevada results
36 delegates in Nevada
100% precincts reporting
36 Delegates added
14,491 Votes
100% Percent of vote
Bernie Sanders
24 delegates
6,788 votes
46.8% of vote
Joe Biden
20.2% [43%, or 3/7 of Sanders’ vote]
Pete Buttigieg
14.3% [30.5%]
Elizabeth Warren
9.7% [21%]
Tom Steyer
4.7% [10%]
Amy Klobuchar
4.2% [9%]
Tulsi Gabbard
0.03% [0.1%]
Andrew Yang
0.01% [0.01%]
Other candidates
0.05% [0.1%]
0 votes for Michael Bloomberg [not on ballot], Cory Booker, Michael Bennet, John Delaney, Deval Patrick or Marianne Williamson
Biden + Buttigieg + Warren
Steyer + Klobuchar
Gabbard + Yang + all others
Thank DSD as always….
Morning People…..
Next Stop….
The South Carolina Democratic Primary
a moment of Truth for Joe Biden and the Party Civil War🤔
Sidebar polls updated….
Sanders appears to be breaking away in California….
Biden looks good for Super Tuesday in most other state primaries…
Biden moves up slightly on Sanders nomination percentage lead…
Bloomberg sliding DOWN in polls….
Biden South Carolina polls UP…
Stryker also DOWN….
Sanders climbs in California
“House Democrats will be briefed Thursday by the Democratic National Committee on the power of superdelegates — who could play a decisive role if the presidential primary enters a contested convention with no clear nominee in July,” Politico reports.
“Speaker Nancy Pelosi told her caucus about the upcoming briefing on Wednesday as lawmakers returned to the Capitol for their first gathering after a nearly two-week recess.”
Haven’t seen many polls here in MO but one released yesterday tajen after Sanders NV win had
Biden 22%
Bloomberg 17%
Buttigieg 13%
Sanders 11%
Warren 10%
Klobuchar 9%
Steyer 1%
Gabbard 0%
Former Gov Jay Nixon has endorsed Bloomberg. Reps Emmanuel Cleaver and Lacy Clay are backing Biden.
And Cori Bush is for Sanders!
Yes she is. I’ve seen less of her now than I did two years ago when she lost to Clay by 17 pts in the primary.
I may see her tomorrow night at a forum. If I do I intend to tell her any $$ or tine I’d donate will be in the neighboring 2nd District where state sen Jill Schupp has a good shot at knocking off Ann Wagner.
Carpetbagger !
I be by myself….
But i AM of the view that Joe Biden WILL have a Good Saturday and Tuesday coming his way….
Chris Mathews @ MSNBC does NOT LIKE Bernie Sanders
Morning All….
Morning All…..
Joe Biden is rocking the South Carolina polls ….
The Hill is rocking Sanders….
Politico has one piece on Sanders….
Political wire has a more than BOTH….
Any question on who this places are leaning fore?
We’ll find out tomorrow evening, won’t we, James?
He, he, he….
Morning People….
Morning People….
Wonderful Day to start for the ole Dog!
After action post and new open thread going this morning….