Saying things like this tends to0 get people who work for Donald Trump annoyed and fired…
This just hit the media…
Barr seems to be trying to resurrect some sort tie to the people working under him in the Justice Dept. who have been publicly mad with Barr’s unrestricted. actions to facilitate his bosses political coverups…
Barr’s action have been widely seen as a Trump takeover of the nation’s federal law enforcement process for his own political gain…
As expected…
Robert Muller’s report and Impeachment where just some of the self inflicted political wounds for Donald Trump, that will continue…
Barr said he was prepared to accept the consequences of speaking out against the president.
“I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me,” the attorney general said.
Barr has faced growing scrutiny since Tuesday, when four prosecutors handling the case of President Trump’s longtime friend Roger Stone withdrew from the proceedings amid a dispute over how long he should spend in prison.
In a Monday court filing, the four prosecutors had recommended a prison sentence of seven to nine years, following extensive debate beforehand with their supervisors in the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Trump reacted angrily, tweeting Tuesday: “This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!”
A senior Justice Department official claimed department leadership was “shocked” at the first recommendation and felt a need to correct it. LaterTuesday, more senior Justice Department officials called the recommendation of seven to nine years excessive, and a new filing was made to the court suggesting it would be more fair to give Stone three to four years in prison….
Atty. Gen .Barr has accepted a summons to appear before the House Judiciary committee next week to explain the actions by his office concerning the Roger Stone sentencing changes recommendations …
Barr’s has been catching a lot of flack for shilling for Trump.
So he issues this statement to “prove” his “independence.”
Meaningless babble
So you think it’s just the old okey-doke?
I don’t think Trump is secure enough to let him do that.
Not really.
You’re such a sucker for garbage like this.
Mitch McConnell says he agrees with Barr.
Of course both Barr and McConnell will be back to shilling for Trump within a week.
Most people recognize this as a sop to Justice Dept, employees.
Bill giving Mitch cover fire?
I don’t think Trump will do anything besides maybe issue some kind of veiled threat.
That should be enough to whip Barr back into line.
Trump IS gonna do SOMETHING
What’s he gonna do?
When is Trump going to “do something “ about Barr’s comment?
He reaffirmed that HE feels he CAN interfere with ANYTHING he wants to as KING….
No, that wasn’t your initial question.
Clearly you implied that Trump would take punitive action.
You don’t understand that this interview was a set up.
I agree with Jack.
Hope springs eternal here that some Republican somewhere would take a stand against Trump. They won’t other than Mitt who has now returned to his Mormon Convent in Utah to contemplate how he can make amends for his impeachment vote.
Barr has a major revolt on his hands and he needed to calm the rank & file at Justice.
Barr will continue to interfere in cases where he has been instructed, in plain Twitter site, by Trump, and punish Trump’s opponents.
And, Trump will never “do something” to his Roy Cohen.
Whoa. Is he asking to be fired?
No story today about the John Kelly comments and how Trump fired back against him?
If he really wanted to be fired?
He could simply have not done anything during the impeachment and with Stone.
Then he would have gotten the Sessions treatment and probably resigned .
This will depend on how it plays in the media over the next 24-48 hours….
If the story has legs and Barr sticks to his story?
Trump IS gonna get pissed…
If Barr is REALLY ANNOYED and don’t back up?
Trump WILL replace him for Sure…
And THAT will lead to a pissed ex-AG that CAN write a ANOTHER insider Book…
The John Kelly story was the biggest news of the morning.
The former CoS spoke to a reporter and said that Vindman did absolutely the right thing because he heard the President issue an “illegal order” and that he followed his military training perfectly.
Trump of course fired back with a series of insults against General Kelly on Twitter. Said he had a “military and legal obligation” to shut his mouth.
Both of those things are easily untrue on the surface… (Kelly is retired from the military and of course has free speech rights), but again the mafia theme of “don’t be a rat even though I am doing all these really bad things..”
Military people swear allegiance to their country ….
Trump could NOT care less …..
Sen Joe Manchin (D-WV) who voted to remove Donald Trump from office is saying it is still possible he will endorse his reelection.
Real profile in courage there..
Politics IS LOCAL CG…
I wouldn’t be surprised if Barr cleared this with Trump before he sent it. It gives the impression that Barr is independent – which is in Trump’s interest for people to have that perception.
The real story is that prosecutors resigned – giving up their jobs, but Republican Senators were willing to do defend and encourage corruption because they perceived that they needed to do it to keep theirs.
If Barr goes to Trump and tells him, “I’m going to just pretend that I think you did something that wasn’t perfect…”, I don’t think Trump is able to go along with that.
Trump wants people to think that everyone is beholden to him.
Trump has already said that he essentially has no problems with what Barr said
someone told him to say that yesterday. By today, he is already showing his irritation with what Barr said. The more he watches cable news, the angrier he will get.
I agree with Jack and Zreebs.
Barr put on a show to essentially stop more Departmental employees from heading for the door.
Trump just said he has the absolute right to interfere in legal cases.
Susan Collins said she was “concerned.”