The 2020 Iowa Caucus was a hot mess….
While the results are kinda known and Pete Buttigieg seems to have collected the most delegates …
AP never called the contestant the actual results have NOT been released…
Who takes the blame?
Troy Price resigned his position as chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party on Wednesday as the organization grapples with the fallout of a botched caucus process that has left the party and state reeling.
In an interview Wednesday evening with the Des Moines Register, he said there was a lot for Iowa Democrats to be proud of, but that the failures on caucus night were “heartbreaking.”
“I believed that we were in a good spot,” he said when asked whether there were warning signs that should have been heeded. “(I believed that) we were prepared. And we had worked closely with our partners — not just us, but with the DNC and with our tech partners — to make sure we were in a good spot. And I felt that we were.”
Price said he will call for an emergency meeting of that committee for 1 p.m. Saturday to elect an interim chair.
He told Iowa Democratic Party’s State Central Committee in a letter that his presence as chair made it more difficult for the party to “begin looking forward.”…
More than a week after the party’s Feb. 3 caucuses, final results from the night are still not available. Results from Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary have already been called, and Democratic presidential campaigns have moved on to focus their campaigns’ efforts on Nevada and South Carolina….
and they are still figuring out what happened to the other shoe….