It was my feeling that despite the media outrage ….
Donald Trump would get support form a good amount of Americans…
Military action by American President’s always get support initially.…
Same thing happened for Bush I….
He only got one term…
Americans by a small margin support President Trump’s decision to take out Iran’s top military commander, Qassem Soleimani, in a drone strike, but a majority believe the attack makes further conflict between Washington and Tehran likely, a poll released Monday found.
Forty-three percent approved of the strike on the Quds Force leader, while 38 percent disapproved, and another 19 percent were unsure, a HuffPost/YouGov survey conducted over the weekend showed.
But 57 percent of those surveyed said the killing of Soleimani makes it more likely than before that the US and Iran will be involved in a military conflict, 8 percent said the action would serve as a deterrent to Tehran, and the remainder said it wouldn’t have any effect either way.
Republicans overwhelmingly — 84 percent — back Trump’s ordering the airstrike, as do 14 percent of Democrats.
Eight percent of Republicans and 71 percent of Democrats disapprove.
Asked if he should have asked Congress for authorization before carrying out the killing of Soleimani last Thursday, 44 percent of Americans said he should have, 34 percent said no and 22 percent were not sure….
Actually, approval of Trumps action runs roughly with the same number as his overall approval rating.
I’m surprised it wasn’t higher.
Usually in these kind of foreign crisis, there is fairly overwhelming support initially which then begins a slow decline the longer it goes on.
If you believe 43% is a” good amount” of support ,then you must believe that a “good amount” support Trump as President.
You don’t.
Just another example of your many contradictions.
Jack and Dave are right, 43 percent isn’t what “W” had out of the box when he invaded Iraq. It’s a lousy number that is likely to go down.
But Trump got what he wanted, he changed the subject.
To me it doesn’t matter so much that Trump is clearly a racist dictator wannabe, it matters more that he will do anything to get re-elected and avoid jail. He’s very dangerous and people here are still making backhanded excuses for him,
For NOW?
43% in my mind IS what Bush I had….
Heck, I don’t think he thinks that far Keith…
And ur right…
He’s dangerous and what’s worst is he’s set himself up with a cast of ‘yes’ men…
Both Bushes had much higher numbers when their wars started and you know it. You play such silly games as if anyone of the five people here believe Trump has majority support for what he is doing.
Please read what Jack wrote and stop waving that flag.
Bush I’s approval went from around 50% to 70% at the start of the Iraq invasion….
It dropped like a stone after several years to the mid 30’s
Right NOW?
I see 43% for Trump as in the same place at 70% back then…
NOBODY could get 70% of ANYTHING in the present political atmosphere …
Trump’s numbers for HIS people ARE of course in the same actual numbers as Bush I….
They are higher…
That’s one of the most pathetic attempts to explain an erroneous conclusion I’ve ever see.
Consider the source though?
Not surprising.
43% is far lower approval than what either Bush had following mideast bombings/invasions.
From what I am seeing Republicans who supported Trump the isolationist are still supporting Trump the war monger.
He didn’t get the support of independents promising to be a sabre rattling Republican though.
And while it may cause our resident Republican in exile to defend him it doesn’t seem to be doing Trump any political favors
Jack….You didn’t see the number against Trump being lower , eh?
Irrelevant to my comment.
Compare this with the domestic reaction in Iran, where the general’s killing has emotionally united fierce loyalists and fierce opponents of the theocracy, rather in the way that 9/11/01 did for Americans.