…from Axios….

In most of the 10 states that will likely lose a House seat due to reapportionment beginning in 2022, current demographic trends are poised to shift political power from rural counties to metropolitan counties, according to an analysis by The Hill’s Reid Wilson.
Why it matters: Census counts are crucial for determining political representation in the House, and minor changes in population can alter a state’s power in Congress for a decade.
The Illinois suburbs of St. Louis are split between three districts–all currently held by Republicans but two of them only narrowly (GOP candidates won by 2-3% in 2018).
If those 800,000 or so suburban residents are put into two districts instead of three if there is a contraction of seats in Illinois it’s likely a Democrat will win at least one of them.
The plan is to put all three House members in the same district.
Parts of the suburban St Louis area districts will start in the Democrat areas and stretch all the way up to Chicago.
Madigan and Illinois Democrats will take gerrymandering to a new level.
Gerrymandering to a new level by Illinois standards. Dems in Illinois will take Gerrymandering to the same level that Republicans took it in other states.
I think you will find what was already done last time in Illinois by the Democrats set a new standard.
Per this article that model was Tom DeLay’s in Texas.
Tom DeLay, Republican Presidents ready to go to war. All CG needs to be back in rhe good ole days is mention of yet another tax cut for the rich!
and a photo of Katherine Harris on a horse!
Whatever floats your boat!
Exactly! Think North Carolina where thanks to the court Democrats are poised to pick up three seats after years of gerrymandering.
California does it right, a nonpartisan commission that follows natural population and community lines. As a result, the Republicans, led by Kevin McCarthy and Nunes caucus in a phone booth when they can find.