The guy has more money than Trump, Steyer and BOTH parties combined..
It isn’t getting him enough votes to get the Democratic nomination so far…
If he keeps pouring his money into Democratic efforts to have Trump do just a year more in office?
Good Deal….
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s massive campaign apparatus and an army of some 500 staffers will march on through the general election in November even if he loses the Democratic nomination, campaign officials tell NBC News, shifting their efforts toward working to elect whomever the party selects to face President Donald Trump.
Bloomberg’s vast tech operation will also be redirected to help the eventual nominee, as Democrats struggle to compete with the vaunted digital operation built by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale. Hawkfish, a digital company started by Bloomberg that’s carrying out his $100 million online ad campaign, will be retained through Election Day to help defeat Trump, the officials said.
Awaiting the eventual nominee would be a shadow field operation across the country that’s currently unparalleled in size by any of the other candidates in the presidential race. The roughly 500 staff members Bloomberg has committed to paying through November include those in battleground states like Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, as well as in Arizona.
“Mike Bloomberg is either going to be the nominee or the most important person supporting the Democratic nominee for president,” said Kevin Sheekey, Bloomberg’s campaign manager. “He is dedicated to getting Trump out of the White House.”
The unusual move illustrates how Bloomberg, who made a late entrance into the race in November, is working to cast himself as a team player for Democrats who are more interested in seeing Trump defeated than his White House ambitions…
Mike Bloomberg used to give money to the Grand ole’ Party as the Republican mayor of New York City…
It’s the Democrats chance this time…
A. They should get him to commit to this in writing, because while it may make him sound good to Democrats for him to say this now, if the nominee winds up being Sanders or Warren, he might “change his mind” where it comes to his wallet and focus on down-ballot races.
B. If Keith has decided to support Bloomberg, I may need to reconsider now.
We do Not what the future brings…
We can only give educated guesses….
But Warren is NOT gonna be the nominee I’d say….
Sanders/Warren IS 180 degrees from the establishment for sure…
I’d think if for some reason Biden. doesn’t have this by March 4th?
Bloomberg HAS to help Joe…
Yeah, if Biden doesn’t have it wrapped up after the first four states, Bloomberg will “help” him transition to full-time retirement with millions of dollars in negative ads is my guess.