He’s been out of things since he went after Biden several debates ago….
If Joe Biden wins?
He’s most likely in line for a cabinet secretary job….
Julián Castro, the former housing secretary who was the only Latino candidate in the Democratic primary, said Thursday he would end his bid for the presidency, capping a yearlong campaign where he struggled in polls but remained a policy pacesetter on immigration and fighting poverty.
Throughout his campaign, Mr. Castro, 45, a native of San Antonio who spent five years as its mayor, portrayed himself as an unapologetic liberal who was shaped by his humble beginnings and had been overlooked by the press. Though he created some memorable moments as he championed progressive policy and challenged his rivals on the campaign trail, Mr. Castro failed to catch on with voters and was unable to break into the upper tier of a crowded primary field. His exit is the latest departure of a candidate of color from a field that began as the most racially diverse ever in a Democratic primary.
“I’ve determined that it simply isn’t our time,” Mr. Castro said in a nearly four-minute video message released by his campaign, which included a montage from his year on the trail, including visits to the border and a homeless encampment in Oakland. “Today it’s with a heavy heart, and profound gratitude, that I will suspend my campaign for president.”…
Marianne Williamson may be next.
Apparently,she has laid off all her staff.
Marianne Williamson is a believer in the Supernatural. There is no way she ever gives up.
Well I guessthe supernatural couldn’t come up with the dough to pay her staffers.
The supernatural just ain’t what it used to be.
I thought she was paying them with magic healing crystals.
Biden just referred to Julian Castro as “Cisneros.”
Yes, that Cabinet slot awaits.
Glad Castro left. I think he would have been the weakest of all the major and second tier candidates – assuming that he is good enough to be considered a second tier candidate.
I liked Castro when he entered the race. But he didn’t make a good case why he should be the nominee, let alone President. He often cane off as petulant. He is correct that we need to stop putting lily white Iowa and New Hampshire first on the primary calendar. I hope he continues his fight to change that.
Castro’s style, though not his substance nor that of his policies, kept reminding me of Sen Marco Rubio in the last go-round on the other side of the aisle.
Of course, given this country’s changing demography, there should be more Latino/Latina candidates in races such as this one. We’re finally seeing more Asian candidates and at least two Muslim[ah]s serve in the House of Representatives.
[By contrast, the Trump cabinet has one Asian woman [long married to the Republican Majority Leader of the Senate], one black man whose achievements, if any, are hard to fathom, and zero (count’em) followers of Islam.