Donald Trump is boasting that he WILL save the existing healthcare laws pre-existing conditions policy …
That policy came to being in the Obama era Affordable Healthcare Act…
The Republicans have NO replacement for the countries ten year old healthcare law which brought in the very popular policy….
With a judge sitting possibly on undoing a healthcare program that MILLIONS of Americans use?
Oh, Polling has more American’s wanting to KEEP their current insurance then getting something the Republicans don’t even know what thy replace it with…
Trump and the Republicans are out on a limb….
President Trump, who is backing a court challenge to the Affordable Care Act that would overturn the law and eliminate its protections for people with pre-existing conditions, is now tweeting about how he saved those protections.
In an election year where Democrats are vowing to focus on health care, Trump’s tweets suggest he is recognizing the political danger posed by his support for the GOP-led lawsuit.
Trump’s efforts have been undercut not only by the court challenge but also his repeated vows to repeal the 2010 law, including support for a House Republican bill in 2017 that would have allowed for weakening protections for pre-existing conditions.
“I was the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions in your Healthcare, you have it now, while at the same time winning the fight to rid you of the expensive, unfair and very unpopular Individual Mandate,” Trump tweetedlast week.
“And, if Republicans win in court and take back the House of Represenatives, your healthcare, that I have now brought to the best place in many years, will become the best ever, by far,” he added. “I will always protect your Pre-Existing Conditions, the Dems will not!”
Pre-existing conditions protections were included in the Affordable Care Act, which was passed by Democrats in Congress on a party-line vote. Republicans have attempted to weaken or repeal the law dozens of times over the years.
Trump’s tweets appear to have been sparked in part by ads from Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, who foreshadowed a likely line of attack from Democrats as November draws closer.
“A broken promise. Trump repeatedly tried to undermine coverage for 134 million Americans with pre-existing conditions,” states one ad from Bloomberg….
Almost no one positively likes the individual mandate, but it’s nearly impossible to cover pre-existing conditions without broadening the base of contributors to include healthy people, too. In fact, the mandate was basically the Heritage Foundation’s alternative to a universal insurance system (like Social Security & Medicare).
But (as almost all of us here have said) you can’t cover pre-existing conditions on a less-than-universal base of premium payers, just as a Social Security system that started FICA taxes at age 50 wouldn’t work.
The Republicans have NO replacement for Obamacare….
I’d say that MOST GOPer’s do NOT want a repeal of Obamacare….
They where happy to run on in past…NOT NOW…