He’ll be the first American President to do so….
As we move towards the eve of the vote for Donald Trump’s second term he has accelerated his support for conservative issue’s…
His appearance was announced on the 47th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and as the president’s bond with groups opposing abortion grows stronger. Just a few days ago, the antiabortion group Susan B. Anthony List and its affiliated super PAC announced it would spend $52 million to help the president’s reelection and work to protect the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate, Politico reported.
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrumpSee you on Friday…Big Crowd! https://twitter.com/march_for_life/status/1091025377932263427 …
March for Life✔@March_for_Life
Hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans made their voices heard this month. We are a pro-life generation. Thank you for marching for life!
Join us again at the March for Life on January 24, 2020. #whywemarch
The March for Life began in 1974, the year after the Roe v. Wadedecision, and has grown to include multiple associated events, including Catholic Masses, a national prayer service, a conference and an expo….
At least a quarter of Democrats identify as “Pro-Life.”
Two months from now, it is likely that only one Pro-Life Democrat in Congress (Collin Peterson) will be remaining in office, as Dan Lipinski of IL is likely to be defeated in a primary.
I wonder how many of those Democrats who identify as personally “Pro-Life” do not want the government making personal reproductive choices for women they do not know?
The vast majority I bet.
I think they think the rights of the baby to live should come first.
Yeah we can all “think” what we want about people we don’t know.
At the end of the day the Democratic Party believes that Roe v. Wade should stand and women and their doctors should make these private decisions.
Donald Trump and the Republican Party of which he is the leader support taking those rights away from women.
And the country reminds divided over it.
However, the Democrats’ position of 100 percent abortion on demand (any abortion at any time for any reason, and now with the demand that these be given free paid for by taxpayers) is not something that the American people support. Those who are pro-choice seem to think the choice should be made in the first trimester, and for genuine hardship reasons.
So the debate will continue. For the most part, this is not a winning issue for Democrats. Those who oppose the Democrats increasingly radical positions on this seem to feel the more strongly.
*If* Trump is to be reelected, an issue like this will be a major reason why.
NOTHING will stop them…
Even now?
Women will Gert a plane, b us or train ticket and travel to a place where they can make a decision about their bodies…
I have always said it should NOT be a means of birth control…
But it IS THEIR bodies we are talking about…
Of course it’s asinine to NOT support birth control also….
Gee you think an issue is not a winning one for Democrats.
The truth is Democrats are gainong votes and districts in the suburbs, in part because if extreme bans on women’s choice by the GOP in MO, OH, and GA
It really bugs you that Trump is as committed to anti choice judges and legislation as you are doesn’t it?
It would be so much easier for you if he were some pro choice moderate you could dismiss as a “Secret Democrat” and godless charlatan.
Of course if that were the case he could have never won over the GOP and would not be President.
Some issues work well for Democrats. I keep saying impeachment ought to be one, but jack doesn’t get it.
No, these sort of cultural issues do not tend to work well for Democrats.
I am pleased with Trump’s judicial picks and some of his policy positions in this realm. That doesn’t mean I like or support Trump. I know that is a difficult concept for some. I also do not trust he will actually continue. But for now, he he seems to think he has to please his “base” or he will have nothing politically. He is probably right.
So “these sorts of cultural issues do not work well for Democrats”
Auppoeting same sex marriage seems to have worked out well for Democrats. Our early support of it is one reason young voters are about allergic to Republicans these days.
Not the same issue (and its not even an issue being contested)
People like gay people more than they used to, and I think that is a good thing. People have always liked babies though.
But if you guys started to push that all religions must conduct same sex marriages or lose various benefits, etc, that is something people would revolt against and you would lose.
I mean I know you watch Bill Maher, so you have heard that expressed before.
“Liking babies” has nothing to do with supporting a woman’s right to control her body. Nothing.
Apparently even Will and Grace are having babies to try to save the show’s ratings….
The “control her body” argument is so philosophically lazy.
People cannot use their bodies to harm others. Society has a responsibility to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Other than that, your body your choice.
I am most interested in changing people’s hearts on this matter as the most realistic way to reduce abortion and to value all life.
Even if you disagree with me on Roe v. Wade, I would hope you would want a society with less abortions too.
No CG….
The Supreme’s accepted the concept of ‘women’s bodies’….’women’s right’s’….
Supporting percentages…..
61% legal under certain circumstances..
27% legal most
38% illegal in all
21% illegal in most
70% Do NOT want Roe vs Wade overturned
59% say some state’s make the procedure too difficult …
The Supreme’s will N OT overturn the law itself…
I worry that they could eat away at it by the corners…
In the end?
As in other things ?
The answer is what Keith says…
Bring ur ass out and vote...
In the end this means nothing. If a woman wants to terminate her pregnancy she will. CG won’t be able to a damn thing about it.
It’s. Her. Body. End of story.
Blame God or biology that people don’t lay eggs.
As long as innocent babies are being killed, people will continue to care and will try to find ways to prevent it. You won’t be able to stop that either.
So if you consider a medical procedure as resulting in “innocent babies being killed” you must support murder charges against those who willfully take part in this act no?
And what about miscarriages? Do they warrant investigation as suspicious deaths?
Think of the consequences of your words.
Women will always be able to order drugs from the internet to induce labor or do certain physical exercises to induce labor. Wouldn’t it be better for the woman to be able to discuss the implications of alternate abortion techniques?
I was talking about them going to the places that wulll allow safe procedures….
Not on line pull ones….
People forget their history on this….
My point is that if women can’t get a procedure done, there are alternative options – which may be less humane to the fetus and place the woman at greater health risk.