House Judiciary Committee Chairman Chair Democrat Nadler said it first….
House Speaker Democrat Pelosi echo’s it….
Nancy Pelosi
Leader McConnell’s plan for a dark of night impeachment trial confirms what the American people have seen since Day One: the Senate GOP Leader has chosen a cover-up for the President, rather than honor his oath to the Constitution.
Pelosi Statement on McConnell Cover-Up Resolution
Leader McConnell’s plan for a dark of night impeachment trial confirms what the American people have seen since Day One: the Senate GOP Leader has chosen a cover-up for the President, rather than…
Despite the Democratic noise about witnesses McConnell has let it be known that his party people will support HIS version of the rules for the trial so far…..
Make no mistake.…
Donald Trump the accused OWNS THE JURY
And he has from the beginning.
What’s new?
Trump wants an immediate dismissal. That’s not going to happen. The votes are not there.
We will see what happens with witnesses after opening statements. The longer goes on, this is worse for Trump (and theoretically the Democrat Senators running for President too). But Democrats are going to need to be consistent and let them call witnesses too. It will help drag it out.
At the end of the day?
Trump is going to be acquitted.
Hurt him?
There’s no evidence that it has so far ?Indeed, Trumps defense essentially is,”Yeh I did it ,so what?
Not at the end of this day, he won’t.
I think polling data has shown this has hurt his chances of reelection, But you guys cannot rely on that alone. You have to nominate a person who can win.
I agree impeachment hasn’t helped him. Nor did the Iran adventure.
Also agree that we as Democrats need to motivate our voters and get the votes of those who really want to remove Trump from office. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to be on the sidelines this time around.
I don’t consider people like me on the sidelines. I think we are right there in the middle of the action throwing yellow penalty flags against both tribes when they deserve them because the institution and integrity of the “game” is more important than any single outcome.
So in your mind?
Defeating a psychopath is secondary to the ”integrity “ of the process?
I’m not going to vote for the psycopath. I would assume that there would be more than enough of you to do so.
I refuse to take part in something that I know will lead to incredibly dangerous results for the country. I prefer to have a clean conscience. As I have said for weeks now though, I imagine I would vote for Bloomberg reluctantly against Trump.
If you guys care about the votes of people like me (or even think you need them), you will get off the “sidelines” and start acting now to effect your party’s nomination process.
Except for some vague reference to “maybe” supporting Bloomberg, you have essentially stated your opposition to every other viable Democratic candidate.
Putting aside what state I vote in, you don’t think you can beat Donald Trump without a person with a Level Five Republican voting history like me?
The other day CG said I just “want to complain”.
Pot meet kettle.
He seems to think that because he won’t be voting for Trump we need to heed his every “warning” and Democratic nominees should jump through hoops to *maybe* get his reluctant support.
He can vote for Bloomberg, he can vote for Charlie Brown. It’s his right. He admits Democrats can win this without getting “Level Five Republicans” like himself, yet he wants to complain if any Democrat does not meet the standards to get his vote.
No, you should support whom you want. Just know that I do not think Bernie Sanders can be elected and deep down I think you agree with me. The ball is in your court on that. I have said how I will do my part.
The only think I am “complaining” about is that somehow I am not a “Loyal American” for standing by my conscience.
If Bloomberg gets the nomination I will happily vote for him. At this time that looks pretty unlikely. He will however support the eventual nominee and plans to spend to defeat Senate Republicans as well as DJT.
So *if* Bloomberg is nominated we will be supporting the same candidate for President, even if you do so reluctantly. It’s still a vote to remove Trump.
To be honest I don’t care about your “clean conscience” though. Any heroics you think you deserve for being so pure are within your own mind.
Don’t be so sure he would back Sanders or Warren.
Just sayin’.
Bloomberg said he would back Sanders, so I’m sure he would back Warren.
I have my doubts Bloomberg actually means it.
If they are nominated, he will declare that they cannot win and will just focus on backing Congressional candidates. That way he can say he kept his “promise.”
You have your “doubts” because you hate Warren and Sanders and think Bloomberg should too.
Pretty transparent.
I don’t.
Like me (and most of you whether you admit it or not) ,he knows that Sanders can’t get any of shat he’s talking about passed.
Bloomberg figures we could put up,better with Bernies moralistic hectoring than four more years of an emboldened Trump.
“hate” is not a word I used.
If Nancy Pelosi can push back on that when the word is ascribed to her, I can too. I don’t “hate” them.
Well, if Bloomberg wants to make sure Bernie or Warren can’t get their promises past, then he needs to back Republicans for Congress as a safeguard.. Otherwise, they will get passed.
And did you catch AOC today saying she doesn’t really like being a Democrat because Democrats are a “center conservative” party but she feels like she has no choice?
No they won’t.
Nothing gets done in the Senate without 60 votes.
No one believes the Democrats are going to get that.
Anyway a lot of Democrats won’t vote for a lot of his stuff .
You’re grabbing at straws.
Good let her leave.
I grew tired of her awhile ago.
She won’t though.
Just running her mouth for the press.
It worked too!
Why take the chance?
Who knows what kind of Executive Orders they might attempt, especially using Trump as a template.
I care most about the role of President as Commander in Chief, where as President has tremendous power. A Soviet apologist like Sanders has no business commanding our military and being in charge of defending America.
You think Sanders is more “dangerous “ than Trump,whom you have labeled a “psychopath?”
How have you made amends for your Perot and Nader votes?
Whom have you sought forgiveness from?
What do I need to make “amends” for?
There was no Trump in the 1992 and 2000 races. If there were not a chance I would have voted third party.
So, you and only you get to make that determination when it’s ok to vote third party and when it’s not. What a tremendous sense of entitlement you seem to have!
There were also no Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren in the ’92 and ’00 races either.
Democrats have come a long, long way toward socialism since then.
And you lived in a swing state back then too.
Vote third party all you want. It’s your right. But I have the right to call it stupid to do so when you admit there is a “psychopath” in the Oval Office.
If you had to have a surgery or fly on an airplane and your two choices of surgeons or pilots were a psychopath or someone you determined was completely inept at executing the task at hand and capable of great danger, I think I know what you would do.
You would bolt for a different hospital or get the hell off that plane.
I will say I do regret my vote for Nader in 2000. Though his vote did not make the difference in Missouri.
Perot was the most significant third party effort in my lifetime.
It’s clear there will be no third party or independent candidate of note in 2020.
What data?
All I’ve seen is data that shows that those favoring conviction and acquittal are roughly the same as his approval/disapproval ratings.
And he’s going to be acquitted because members of your party in the Senate are going to vote, almost unanimously to do so.
His approval ratings are a higher than his acquittal ratings. Go figure. This signifies that people know he did something very wrong, but like the economy or fear the Democrats more.
Still, heading into a reelection year, his ratings are low. You guys should be smart enough to take advantage of that, but that remains to be seen.
Those numbers are well within the MOE.
My point remains,roughly speaking?
Those who “approve” of Trump and those who favor acquittal are roughly the same and his approval numbers are roughly within the range they’ve been over the past couple of years.
Impeachment has shown no real change.
MSN Daily tracking continually shows about a 44-54 approval/dissaproval and a 51/37 in favor of removal. That’s a bit beyond the MOE. And they show consistently a 51-42-10 (for others) split in the generic Presidential ballot in favor of Democrats.
CNN poll out today shows 51% want him removed. Trump being acquitted, when a majority of the American people disagree, should be something that Democrats salivate about, not fear.
When did I join the Senate? How do I even “have a party” in the Senate? All news to me.
Let’s once again point out the historical fact that no Senator of the political party of a President (both Democrats until now) has ever voted to convict in an impeachment trial.
Let’s see if history is made and we can thus note it.
You’re not a Republican Today?
I don’t know what “makes me a Republican.” I don’t live in a state with party registration. I have expressed my intent this spring to vote in a Democrat primary. Yes, I certainly agree more with Republicans than Democrats on issues and I would like to see the Republican Party restore itself to what I was once proud of and feel like if I can play a small part in that, I will, etc. etc.
But you also know I have taken very direct, concrete steps to distance myself from the Republican Party since 2016, from resigning as a long-serving Precinct Captain to spending seemingly futile amounts of time trying to get RNC entities to remove me from their lists, etc etc.
So you are now an “independent “ who always votes Republican.(by your own admission you have never voted for aDemocrat in a partisan election)
I know lots of those people.
I call them Republicans
But if you want to call yourself that?Fine with me.I think all of us here know what party you adhere to., your personal picque with that party presently, notwithstanding.
I’ve never said that impeachment has “helped” Trump.
As far as his reelection chances?
I haven’t seen any effect.
Through this whole saga his numbers have remained remarkably stable as far as approval /disapproval of his performance in office.
If nothing else, he sure seems to be taking a lot about impeachment and in doing so is not talking about the economy or how he has apparently turned a new leaf in fighting the War on Terror, etc. etc.
So, all that contributes to his persistent low ratings.
But as I have said before, Impeachment is more about history than the present. As Nancy Pelosi says, he is “impeached forever.”
Once again his “ratings” are roughly where they’ve always been .
And they’ve always been “low.”
And yet you guys are (rightfully so) scared to death of him beating you again.
What does that say? People have to be willing to delve into these questions before its too late.
You should be “scared to death” too.
After all you’ve labeled him a “psychopath .”
I’m “scared to death” on a daily basis already. It’s partially cultural.
Already today, the “rules” have changed because some Republican Senators pushed back against McConnell and forced him to retreat.
3 days of statements instead of 2. Trump will not be happy.
We will all have to see what happens next.
Yes , we will see that he will be acquitted by the almost unanimous vote of the Republican Senators.
“Almost” will still be historical.
And a non-unanimous vote will of course make a great talking point for your party. You don’t seem interested in that though.
No I’m not.
It’s irrelevant to me that one or two Republicans will vote to convict him.
He’s still acquitted.
For some reason you seem very interested in it though.
Since you’re no longer a Republican, why do you care so much!
Because I care about the children.
My view is that the only vote you care about is that of Mitt Romney.
I care about 100 votes. I have predicted three GOP votes for conviction. We will see. However any Senator votes, I will not declare that someone is not a “Loyal American” just as I did not when Senators of both parties voted to acquit Bill Clinton.
So since you now concede by the above statement that there exists no chance of Trumps conviction(like there’s ever been any doubt),why the pretension that this is anything other than a “show?”
That’s all it is.
Get the show over with and let’s get on with the main event.Even if one believes it has “hurt” Trump?The facts are already known.Hell, he admits them!Nothing new is coming out.
I think there remains a chance he gets convicted, but greater odds against it.
Anybody who wants Trump to lose (and I count myself in that) should want this “show” to end. The longer the show goes on, the more unpredictable for him it gets. All the Parnas stuff last week was new. Who knows what might happen (and yes, there is a chance Hunter Biden has to testify too and that will be personally painful to his father but highly unlikely to indicate either Biden in anything criminal)
Beyond any of that though, for the sake of the Constitution and all that will await America in our future, the trial should proceed properly.
Mitch McConnell isn’t going to let anything proceed “properly.”
He already caved on two things today.
If your party’s job to make sure he does let it proceed properly or to call him on it. Stop running away from this challenge.It’s the best thing you have going.
The Republicans in the Senate are going to acquit Trump, you know it and all this gobbledygook you’re spreading this afternoon is irrelevant .
You like these little shows though.
Have a ball!
I care just as much about what Republicans think of Trump and this matter 10-20 years from now
No chance Trump is convicted.
None, Zero Zilch.
It would destroy the Republican Party.
So that means you would lose your bete noir (sp?) of the last 50 years..
I see why you are against it.
Against what?
I simply stated what’s going to happen.
You know it too ,but for some reason want to “act” as if this is a real “trial” rather than a prearranged “show.”
I always like when you get all worked up and start lashing out though
Yeah it’s all about me and my “bete noir”
I’m having fun with this. You ought to be too. I don’t know why this impeachment has you so jittery. Take it for what it is and make lemonade out of if and any other cliche you can think of.
Is this some-kind of Nixon era PTSD since you voted for Nixon? All I have is speculation. A Democrat like you ought to be glad that Trump has been impeached and is being tried and might piss off your base even more by his actions and responses.
“Jittery?”what a laugh.
I’m the one telling you how it all ends ,while you pretend that there is really some chance that twenty or so Republican Senators might vote to acquit Trump.
That’s a laugh and you know it.
Like I said earlier,
Enjoy the show !
If you are a novel reader, do you read the last chapter first? It seems like you might.
How does it end?
We don’t know. Trump might get defeated. He might get reelected. This is going to play a role.
Focus on the *big* picture.
I agree with Jack less something crazy happening…
But i have changed my mind and i am happy the Democrats are doing this…
This REALLY has to do with the American Congress, Media and people being adverse to stopping a President from doing ANYTHING they set their minds to do…
The process has been going on for quite a while ….
We haven’t had things get this bad because Trump was not a politician and didn’t know the ‘norms and rules’
He was elected to do EXACTLY what IS DOING…
Electing Bernie Sanders would have things go in the same way…180 degrees different politically ….
Hence the worry from establishment Dem’s and Republican’s praying for a Sanders nomination…
Sounds like you are saying james that you could never vote for Sanders either.
You, me, and Hillary can all hang out together on Election Night.
“This REALLY has to do with the American Congress, Media and people being adverse to stopping a President from doing ANYTHING they set their minds to do…”
I could have told you that 20 plus years ago.
The United States Senate adjourned at 1:50 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Wednesday, twelve hours and fifty minutes after convening at 1 p,m. Tuesday.
I was a little punch-drunk watching most of the last two hours. Basically Chuck Schumer put forth a series of amendments to Mitch McConnell’s trial-organizing resolution, which would be briefly debated between the House Managers of impeachment and the President’s lawyers before Sen. McConnell moved to table the amendment. Each motion to table was passed in a separate roll call by 53 votes to 47, except for one that passed 52-48. (I wasn’t able to follow each roll call separately, but I would hardly be astonished or astounded if the ayes were all Republicans and the nays all Democrats and independents.)
The Senate Majority Leader then moved the resolution itself. I don’t know if it had been previously debated, but there was no further debate before that, too, passed 53 to 47.
[When, over 40 years ago, I covered some marathon all-night meetings of the Berkeley City Council in the early 1970’s. But I was a night-owl in my early 20’s then and better able to stay relatively alert and able to write & file a story at 6 a.m. Now that I’m 70, I no longer have quite that stamina.]