The vast majority of black voters will vote against Donald Trump come November 3rd….
While some younger one will vote for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren…
The majority of them will vote for Joe Biden…
The findings come from a Washington Post-Ipsos poll of African Americans nationwide, which reveals fears about whether their children will have a fair shot to succeed and a belief that white Americans don’t fully appreciate the discrimination that black people experience.
While personally optimistic about their own lives, black Americans today offer a bleaker view about their community as a whole. They also express determination to try to limit Trump to a single term in office.
More than 8 in 10 black Americans say they believe Trump is a racist and that he has made racism a bigger problem in the country. Nine in 10 disapprove of his job performance overall.
The pessimism goes well beyond assessments of the president. A 65 percent majority of African Americans say it is a “bad time” to be a black person in America. That view is widely shared by clear majorities of black adults across income, generational and political lines. By contrast, 77 percent of black Americans say it is a “good time” to be a white person, with a wide majority saying white people don’t understand the discrimination faced by black Americans….
Majority in a general election or primary?
Biden seems unlikely to win a “majority” but we know in the past that james has some trouble with the definition of “majority.”
CNN had a focus group this morning with black Democrats from SC. Only one said they were leaning towards Biden. There were three for Warren, one for Sanders, one leaning towards Steyer. It was interesting to hear. A lady said she was very insulted that Buttigieg showed up at an event with a marching band from an HBC. Others said Mayor Pete just needed more experience first.
One participant said she thought Kamala Harris was very “abrasive” and acted like she deserved to have the black vote sewn up.
Remembering more from the segment now, a lady commented that Biden angered her when he said (which was reported as a gaffe) that “poor children are just as smart as white children.” She said she was insulted that he was implying that all black children were poor.
From the same CNN piece you are referring to….
‘A recent Washington Post-Ipsos poll showed former Vice President Joe Biden with a double digit lead among black Democratic voters, and the six panelists acknowledged Biden’s foreign policy experience, electability, and tenure in the Obama administration’….
Maybe I misheard who had the marching band problem. I thought it was Buttigieg, but according to the write-up of the panel, it might have been Steyer.
Biden HAS a Black voter cushion in EVERY state after the two first 95% white ones….
Sanders does better with Hispanics and Asian’s in the remaining states were Biden leads by much smaller margin’s…
Biden will win the Black vote in S.C. .
with a plurality far more likely than a majority.
What will the state of the Biden campaign be by the time SC votes though?
He may hover near 50% or a little over would be my guess.
Republicans can only dream of getting the share of the black vote Biden will easily get.
So it’s no surprise CG is trying to poke holes wherever he can.
Are we assuming Biden is the nominee? Or are we talking about primaries?
Only I assume he’s gonna be the nominee here?
Black voters I think will be among the most pragmatic.
If the first two states point to Biden as “damaged goods”, they are going to be thinking about that more than rescuing him. He may still win SC, but at that point, the field could be more wide open than ever. The first four states could produce four different winners.
In fact, with Iowa Democrats setting new rules this time, there may be multiple people who will have claimed to have won Iowa.
But keep trying to sell it….
I think he is the odds on favorite, but anything can happen.
The black vote will be key to nominating Biden. If he holds on to it as he has he will be the nominee.
That has been the case Scott and what i base my feelings on him leading…
Biden has a significant lead over his rivals in endorsements from the influential Congressional Black Caucus, reflecting his support from African American voters. Sewell said she and Biden have talked a lot about the importance of having diversity on the Democratic ticket. The current front-runners for the nomination are all white, and the only black candidate remaining is former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, whose late bid has struggled to gain any traction…..
Plenty of white voters see Trump as a racist too.
I see him more as pure demagogue who has no principles to speak of.
I don’t see him as aKlansman brimming with hate,more just a cynic who probably shares equal contempt for almost everyone, even his own supporters in many cases,
Well sure, but he is certainly willing to “play a racist on television” for political purposes.
There have long been rumors about “The Apprentice Tapes” and him saying some very bad words but nobody has seen them yet and likely never will.
It is also true that on several occasions going back many years he has spoken about having superior genes because of his German background.
The left spent so many decades trying to paint all Republicans as racist and personally trying to put that label on Reagan, the Bushes, McCain, Romney, etc, that all sorts of people became desensitized to the label or feel that it is just all political.
Yes. I recall how Bush accused McCain in South Carolina for fathering an illegitimate black child. But that accusation did not hurt McCain because “the left” had previously desensitized the country to unfounded charges.
I wonder why I deliberately used an attack on a Republican as an example?
meant to say that the accusation did not hurt Bush. It obviously hurt McCain.
I don’t think it hurt McCain that much, and again, it was a fringe group that had been upset at McCain for years over his work to normalize relations with Vietnam. Sure, they probably voted for GWB in the primary, but that doesn’t mean he was behind this attack or approved in any way.
SC was a closed primary state and McCain did far worse in those as compared to GWB than he did in states where Independents or Democrats could vote.
S.C. is not now ,nor has ever been ,a”closed” primary state.
The rule is you can only “participate “ in the nominating process in one party.
In simple terms, one can only vote in one primary.
SC doesn’t have registration by party so it wouldn’t even be possible to have a”closed “ primary.
So people in 2000 could have picked and chosen which primary vote in?
In any event, the SC GOP electorate was a good deal more conservative than that of NH, which had a lot of Independents voting for McCain. The only other big win for McCain that cycle was Michigan, where there was an active effort on behalf of Democrats to vote for McCain in order to harm the GOP frontunner GWB.
GWB was always in good shape in SC though that cycle.
Interestingly ,since the Republicans are not holding a presidential primary this year,self described Republicans could vote in the Democratic Primary this year, so long as they didn’t participate in Republican precinct meetings or county and district conventions.
However all this is on the honor system more or less anyway.
A significant number of Northeastern Democrats temporarily re-registering as independents or Republicans in order to vote for McCain hurt Barack Obama in Democratic primaries such as New Hampshire.
[Or, being fallible with a very imperfect memory, perhaps I was thinking of 2000 when McCain also ran and Bill Bradley lost those primaries to Al Gore.]
¶ As for the rumour or canard that John McCain has an illegitimate Negro (or black or African American) child, that sounds like projection from Gov. & Sen. Strom Thurmond (D > R, S.C.), who did have such a child out of wedlock, whom eventually Thurmond admitted.
2000 saw a McCain/Bradley voter split in NH and yes 2008 saw a McCain/Obama voter split. I think Democrats assumed Obama had the state in the bag and went to try to help McCain, which worked there, but then saw Hillary win on the other side.
Whether it hurt” McCain is debatable and if it did, how much?
McCain thought it did and was rather vocal about it at the time.
Much of the Republican hierarchy in the State was behind Bush.McCain had the support of then Congressmen Lindsay Graham and Mark Sanford and had just won a big victory in Nee Hampshire..
My view is that it “hurt” him ,but that he likely would have lost,maybe by a more slender margin , even if it had never happened.
Nobody was ever able to produce audio of what was apparently said. Audio was produced of other outside group anti-McCain robo calls though. Did it really happen as claimed?
The story itself did not even seem to make any sense as a slur on McCain and his daughter does not look remotely biracial or part African-American. The actual story of how the McCains came to adopt Bridget is of course a wonderful positive for them.
Whatever one thinks of Karl Rove, was he dumb enough to get involved in that? It seems very unlikely.
McCain believed it happened and was quite vocal about it.
In my view it actually helped McCain in the coastal areas where he ended up doing fairly well.
I don’t know who was responsible for it but it was a big issue right toward the end of the campaign.
GWB had nothing to do with that and his campaign would not have done something that foolish. McCain had some crazy people opposed to him already.
CG, have you run these numbers by your friends at RRH who think Trump will get 40% of the African-American vote?
I think you mean HHR.
I’m not commenting there today, but someone did cite this same story and expressed belief that Trump will only get around 10 percent of the black vote. They all don’t agree with the assertion.
artin Luther King Jr.’s daughter says U.S. voter suppression is alive and well
Rich McKay
ATLANTA (Reuters) – The center that honors slain U.S. civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. will devote the holiday celebrating his legacy on Monday to voter education and registration, his youngest daughter said in a recent interview.
Bernice King, 56, said she believes her father would have been disappointed with efforts playing out in some U.S. states to purge voter rolls of people who have not recently cast ballots or to impose strict ID requirements.
“You can’t take away someone’s right to vote just because they haven’t decided to exercise it,” said King, who serves as chief executive of the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta. “When you take people off the voter rolls because they haven’t chosen to exercise their rights, to me, is suppression.”
Advocates of revoking the registration of inactive voters say that doing so reduces the risk of people fraudulently casting multiple ballots or voting in multiple places, though studies show that voter fraud is exceptionally rare in the United States.
Political observers note that purges disproportionately affect poor and minority voters, who are more likely to support Democratic candidates.
The King Center aims to register as many new voters as possible in a drive culminating on Monday at the Ebenezer Baptist church where King preached. Monday is the federal holiday celebrating King, who was shot dead by an assassin in 1968 at age 39.
“Change never happens just because,” Bernice King said. “There has to be a force behind that effort and people need to be involved.”
Last month, a federal judge allowed Georgia officials to purge voter rolls of about 300,000 voters who have not voted since 2012, have died or moved from the state. Opponents said that more than 120,000 people should have been left on the rolls, especially in a heavily contested presidential election year.
On Tuesday, a Wisconsin appeals court intervened to stop as many as 209,000 names from being scrubbed from the state’s voter registration rolls, in a case voting rights advocates say could impact also access to the polls in a key battleground 2020 election state.
In North Carolina, the question of new, stricter voter ID rules is still being fought in the courts. In early January, the state’s attorney general vowed to fight a recent court ruling that blocked that state’s new voter ID law.
Reporting by Rich McKay in Atlanta; Editing by Scott Malone and Cynthia Osterman
And some GOPer’s are proud of it….
Trump losing WILL generate rants of voter fraud from him and others….