And raise Upper AND Middle class Americans taxes to pay the bill….
While the new spending programs Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed in his presidential campaign would at least double federal spending over the next decade, he has faced almost no questions from other candidates or the media — on the eve of the last debate before primary voting begins — about how he would implement or finance such a massive increase.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday conceded he would raise taxes on middle class families to pay for universal health care under his administration.
“Yes, they will pay more in taxes, but less in health care than what they pay now,” said the 2020 hopeful during the second night of Democratic debates.
Sanders made the revelation early on in the evening after citing other ambitious programs he claimed would lower the financial burdens of working Americans, including free college, student debt forgiveness and universal health care.
“We have a new vision for America,” continued the senator, “under that system, by the way, the vast majority of the people in this country will be paying less than the do right now.”
Sanders has long advocated raising taxes across the board to pay for universal health care. During the 2016 election, the candidate told TIME magazine that attacks on his push to raise taxes were a “distortion of reality….
Reality Check….
As we all know,Nine of this has a ghost in Hells chance of passing the Senate.
Having said that there deserves to be a continuing conversation on many of the issues Sanders raises.
… which is why I have a soft spot for Amy Klobuchar, who takes these issues seriously enough to address them directly and specifically.
Larry Summers, although he was correct in telling Barack Obama to present a more-ambitious plan to reverse the Financial and Mortgage crisis of 2007-2009, is not someone whose advocacy or analysis I’d accept just on faith or on his authority.
I’d be more likely to initially accept the analysis and prognosis of someone like Janet Yellen (knowledgeable and objective though leaning slightly to the left) or Ben Bernanke (knowledgeable and objective though leaning slightly to the right).
Regarding Klobuchar, I haven’t yet met a Democrat who dislikes her!
Try not to run into her former staffers! Many are not fond (and have done quite a bit of off the record speaking to reporters)
What do Joe Walsh’s ex wives have to say about him?
He just has one ex-wife. He has been married to his current wife for a long time now, I just know that he and the ex resolved their money issue several years ago. The kids are adults.
I suppose the New York Times might be “fake news!”
I was admittedly being snarky bringing up Walsh. The Klobuchar staffer story is old need. Though I see how it fits in eith your “analysis” of the Democratic field.
Old news
It was a widely reported story about her when she entered the race. I didn’t say anything analytical.
I like the idea though of a President being a good person, on and off camera, and who treats people with respect, even at low moments. I know nobody is perfect.
Well I hope whatever phantom you write in for President meets those expectations
I can always write in myself.
I don’t even eat salads.
Bloomberg had his female employees sign NDAs
So who knows what kind of boss he might have been.
As you said, No one is perfect
Like Trump …..
Money Mike is a businessman….
ND’s would normal SOP…..
Certainly fair game about Bloomberg in a Presidential campaign, just as it is about Klobuchar, Trump, and all the rest.
The only reason I brought it up is because there seemed to be a narrative on here of even though she is struggling in the polls, “Everyone Loves Amy.”
No, they don’t.
And yes, a part of the full picture is that someone should be a firm boss too. We wouldn’t want a Michael Scott like person to be President. Obviously, there is a line that divides good leaders from bad leaders.
What “narrative.”
Zreebs said it.I guess it was his own experience.
Unfortunately, most of the people I know don’t know much about her or even whom she is.
I said awhile back she was potentially a strong candidate if she could get some traction.
However, without a good showing in either Iowa or New Hampshire or a total collapse by Biden, her time is probably up.
However, if the fact that some of her staff doesn’t like her is a major issue?
She’s got nothing on Trump.The way his White House leaks with negative stories ,apparently related by his staffers, their “dislike” for him seems to know no boundaries.
I bet Yang would be a fun boss.
I can picture him like sending everyone home at 1 pm from time to time. Maybe he walks around giving everyone $1000 bonuses.
Yeah this was a story briefly when Klobuchar announced. Were she a man the story probably would have been briefer.
To me this stuff matters about as much as whether I’d want to have a beer with the President.
I’m not going to have a beer with the President, and the President isn’t going to be my boss.
How he or she presents themselves to the hundreds of millions of us that will never know personally is more important to me. Klobuchar passes that test, as does Bloomberg. Trump does not.
I’m gonna disagree slightly Scott….
Good bosses can relate to EVERYONE….
Public and the staff mostly….
Mean bosses are NOR. good ones in my view and experience…
If you move to Illinois, you can smoke weed with the Lt. Governor.
She made a big deal about how she is looking forward to doing so.
although for many state government employees, it remains illegal.
The big narrative about Bloomberg as a “boss” is that he sits out on the floor at a desk among his employees. No special office, etc.
He says he will do the same as President.
Probably not the best idea.
The open office thing for a President is pure BULL SHIT….
It’s simply impractical ….
A political and security nightmare
Klobuchar could yet have a “moment”.
Amy has no ‘swag’….
She IS. knowledgeable and would make a good VP choice….
Comes off serious ….
What is “swag?”
Maybe that is what people would want in contrast to Trump. Maybe people want a President who will be a bit on the boring side. That could work to her advantage. Biden might remind people too much of being like Trump with all the many words to say simple things and bragging about how he is smarter than everyone else and insulting voters at Town Hall meetings and making fun of them.
Ahem. I guess that swag is an abbreviation of “swagger”.
Swag by itself is what nominees, winners and sometimes even guests take home from award shows like the Oscars.
I literally know what “swag” is being by far the youngest poster here, but how is it defined politically?
Does Joe “No Mularkey” Biden have “swag?”
Speaking of which, would anyone like to donate to my Republicans Against Trump committee? (aka RAT PAC)
Sorry, that’s “Malarkey.”
It has nothing to do with the ex-NFL coach.
I know that some people get triggered by any reference to “pantsuits” but I think there is a strong probability that among every candidate to take the debate stage thus far this cycle, Klobuchar has been the only one to not wear pants. (I believe she has worn a skirt every debate.. and in other tv appearances) while the other female candidates wore pantsuits.
This is also a reminder that it is a good thing that Anthony Weiner did not run for President.
I have no comment on pants vs skirt/dress
we have no women here that might not like the dress code thing…
Harris and Klobuchar should on the top of Biden’s VP list….
Beto would have worn a dress to get into the next debate…
A month ago james, you were saying that Warren should be Biden’s VP pick.
I was WRONG….
She now would have credibility problem..
It’s Biden’s call….
She WOULD BE good at undoing vast parts of the 2017 GOP tax give away…
No M[ul]arkey will no doubt be the theme of Joe Kennedy’s Senate campaign this year.
“by far the youngest”
I think you’re all of six years younger than me.
Ur crew over at HHR know about this?
Know what?
And I don’t have a crew there, unless you mean a crew that wants to come after me with pitchforks.
the staff story just confirms my feelings about her….
‘good’ bosses have ‘good’ things said about them….
Agreed on the non passage….
First my comment was that I hadn’t met any Democrat who doesn’t like Klobuchar. I didn’t say all Democrats like her and it is not as if I have discussed her with dozens of Democrats. I certainly didn’t say nor do I believe “Everyone lives Amy”. Someone watches Fox too often where they distort what people say and then comment why the statement that wasn’t said was wrong.
On a different topic, if someone wants to see how a CEO is viewed by the employees, They should go to You will see that Bloomberg is viewed very favorably.
disclosure agreements are both common and appropriate in my industry. I certainly have signed them. And I think they are a good practice.