A Sanders staffer that shit canned Biden on his black connections NOW says her boss would never support ‘trashing another candidate?’???
New reports has Elizabeth Warren feeling she been knocked by Sanders …..
What’s ACTUALLY going on?
Democrats want to get rid of Donald Trump…
They do NOT want infighting among people running to take on Trump…
A top official for Sen. Bernie Sanders‘s (I-Vt.) 2020 campaign on Monday responded to reports that the campaign was urging volunteers to “trash” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).
Nina Turner, co-chairwoman Sanders’s presidential campaign, maintained in an interview with Hill.TV that the Vermont senator “would never support the trashing of any candidate,” and that he has “never directed anybody to do such a thing.”
“I was really sad to see that because as Senator Warren laid out that Senator Sanders knows her — she knows him. She knows that he would never do anything like that so when she says he sent out his volunteers, nothing could be further from the truth,” Turner said.
However, Turner suggested that if the campaign would go so far as to lay out what they characterize as the facts about a rival’s record, then there would be nothing wrong with such a move.
“But the comparison of records and lying out the facts about the demographics that each candidate — the same could be said about former mayor Pete Buttigieg that his supporters tend to trend more affluent, more educated. It’s just what it is,” she added.
Turner’s comments come after Warren, who has been a friendly rival to Sanders, said she was “disappointed” that the Sanders campaign had been using a script for its volunteers to tell potential voters that Warren was appealing to mostly “highly-educated, more affluent people” and that she wouldn’t bring in new supporters to the party….
image… Graves Reuters
The demographics, unfortunately in this frighteningly split country, are a relevant issue in general (although not all ways of discussing them are).
The never-to-be-answered in what is, one hopes, a highly idiosyncratic 2016 presidential election, is who might Bernie Sanders have persuaded either to vote Democratic or abstain from voting for Trump — and the obverse question: which constituencies did Hillary Clinton carry that Bernie Sanders could not have, and in which possible constituencies might she have brought out that she (for all kinds of internal & external reasons) failed to bring?
For some very rough examples:
* Would Bernie Sanders have been more useful campaigning (as he wanted to do) in working-class and lower-middle-class parts of the Rust Belt (Pa to Wisc) rather than being confined, through Team Clinton’s wisdom, confined mainly to addressing college and college-town audiences (who needed little convincing not to vote for Trump, but might not have turned so much out for someone they didn’t particularly like) ?
* On the other hand, did the single most memorable Clinton campaign theme, Breaking The Last Glass Ceiling, bring out more votes for her than some other theme that might have had more direct appeal to those men and women who weren’t primarily aspiring to win promotion to male-dominated jobs?
I don’t ask these questions rhetorically (nor am I seeking definite replies) because I don’t have a positive answer, nor do I demand that others do. What-ifs are the staple question that the losing party always asks (did ORCA sink Mitt Romney? was Hillary fatally wounded by her 2002 vote to authorize military force against Iraq? Would Walter Mondale have done better with a different running-mate? did Gerald Ford lose a very tight election in 1976 because he was too moderate, too conservative, insufficiently charismatic, parodied by Chevy Chase, or tied to WIN buttons? did Nixon lose another very close election in 1960 because of how he looked on TV? Would the Democrats have won the 1928 election with a Protestant candidate, with a Dry candidate, or with a small-town candidate rather than with Al Smith? Could Charles Evan Hughes won yet another nail-biter election in 1916 if he’d had a better, less ambiguous, reply to “He Kept Us out of War” ?)